Production of Z0 bosons in elastic and quasi-elastic ep collisions at HERA
P. Schleper, et al. “Production of Z0 Bosons in Elastic and Quasi-Elastic Ep Collisions at HERA.” Physics Letters B, vol. 718, Jan. 2013, pp. 915–21. EBSCOhost,
P. Schleper, E. Lobodzinska, S. Fang, Sebastian Mergelmeyer, L. M. Shcheglova, R. Yoshida, W. H. Smith, Thomas Schörner-Sadenius, Y. Yamazaki, Mário Costa, A. Galas, Aleksander Filip Żarnecki, Katsuo Tokushuku, V.V. Sosnovtsev, I. I. Katkov, D. Gladkov, Yu. A. Golubkov, E. Paul, Nazar Bartosik, … I. Gialas. (2013). Production of Z0 bosons in elastic and quasi-elastic ep collisions at HERA. Physics Letters B, 718, 915–921.
P. Schleper, E. Lobodzinska, S. Fang, Sebastian Mergelmeyer, L. M. Shcheglova, R. Yoshida, W. H. Smith, et al. 2013. “Production of Z0 Bosons in Elastic and Quasi-Elastic Ep Collisions at HERA.” Physics Letters B 718 (January): 915–21. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2012.11.051.