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Du printemps des éditeurs à l’automne du XXIe siècle

Authors :
Jean Yves Mollier
Source :
Romantisme. :55-63
Publication Year :
Publisher :
CAIRN, 2021.


EnglishThis paper takes a look at the 19th century from the point of view of the following century’s editions or reprints, in particular, from 1960 to 2000. After having noted the importance of collective tomes devoted to Victor Hugo’s greatness or to that of the Grand Dictionnaire universel du xixe siecle (Larousse’s Universal 19th century dictionary), which wanted to mirror it, the author takes a look at the publication of a great number of writers’ correspondences and then at the publishing of socialist thinkers during the 20th century. A main fact to stand out is the late development of a readership for Stendhal and Karl Marx but also for Fourier or Cabet, the nineteenth century having been a period when, before 1880, classicism and catholic religion were at the forefront of media interest. By invoking, briefly, the table of contents of the journal Romantisme, the author highlights the emergence of themes that have renewed our readings of the works. Women, decadence, the people, books and the literature of the people became important research topics before the press and the genetics of writing and publishing added their own particular changes in perspective. In the final analysis, for the first two decades of the 21st century, the main phenomenon in research seems to be its pivoting towards sites dedicated to the writers francaisCet article evoque rapidement le XIXe siecle du point de vue des editions ou des reeditions enregistrees au suivant, et, notamment, dans les annees 1960-2000. Apres avoir note l’importance des volumes collectifs consacres a « la gloire » de Victor Hugo ou a celle du Grand Dictionnaire universel du XIXe siecle qui s’en voulut le miroir, l’auteur s’interesse a la publication des nombreux volumes de correspondances d’ecrivains puis a l’edition des penseurs socialistes au XXe siecle. Il note comme un fait majeur la reception decalee tant de Stendhal que de Karl Marx ou de Fourier et de Cabet, le XIXe siecle ayant ete une epoque ou le classicisme et la religion catholique occupaient, avant 1880, le devant de la scene mediatique. En evoquant, brievement, les sommaires de la revue Romantisme, il souligne l’emergence des thematiques qui ont renouvele l’approche des oeuvres. Les femmes, les decadents, le peuple, le livre et la litterature populaire sont devenus des sujets de recherche majeurs avant que la presse et la genetique editoriale ne viennent s’ajouter a ces changements de perspective. En conclusion, c’est le basculement des recherches vers les sites dedies aux ecrivains qui apparait comme le phenomene majeur de ces deux premieres decennies du XXIe siecle


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