A Methodologic Approach for the Selection of Bio-Resorbable Polymers in the Development of Medical Devices: The Case of Poly(L-lactide-co-e-caprolactone)
Antoine Klaue, et al. A Methodologic Approach for the Selection of Bio-Resorbable Polymers in the Development of Medical Devices: The Case of Poly(L-Lactide-Co-e-Caprolactone). July 2018. EBSCOhost,
Antoine Klaue, Mattia Sponchioni, Giuseppe Perale, Filippo Rossi, Alberto Cingolani, Tommaso Casalini, & Stefano Caimi. (2018). A Methodologic Approach for the Selection of Bio-Resorbable Polymers in the Development of Medical Devices: The Case of Poly(L-lactide-co-e-caprolactone).
Antoine Klaue, Mattia Sponchioni, Giuseppe Perale, Filippo Rossi, Alberto Cingolani, Tommaso Casalini, and Stefano Caimi. 2018. “A Methodologic Approach for the Selection of Bio-Resorbable Polymers in the Development of Medical Devices: The Case of Poly(L-Lactide-Co-e-Caprolactone),” July. doi:10.20944/preprints201807.0022.v1.