Successful treatment of intubation-induced severe neurogenic post-extubation dysphagia using Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in a COVID-19 survivor: a case report
Marianna Traugott, et al. Successful Treatment of Intubation-Induced Severe Neurogenic Post-Extubation Dysphagia Using Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in a COVID-19 Survivor: A Case Report. Oct. 2020. EBSCOhost,
Marianna Traugott, Wolfgang Hoepler, Reinhard Kitzberger, Sophie Pavlata, Tamara Seitz, Sebastian Baumgartner, Gudrun Placher-Sorko, Daniela Pirker-Krassnig, Urs Ehehalt, Andreas Grasnek, Alexander Grieb, Michaela Beham-Kacerovsky, Emanuela Friese, Christoph Wenisch, & Stephanie Neuhold. (2020). Successful treatment of intubation-induced severe neurogenic post-extubation dysphagia using Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in a COVID-19 survivor: a case report.
Marianna Traugott, Wolfgang Hoepler, Reinhard Kitzberger, Sophie Pavlata, Tamara Seitz, Sebastian Baumgartner, Gudrun Placher-Sorko, et al. 2020. “Successful Treatment of Intubation-Induced Severe Neurogenic Post-Extubation Dysphagia Using Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in a COVID-19 Survivor: A Case Report,” October. doi:10.21203/