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Using urban blue spaces to benefit population health and wellbeing

Authors :
Hall, Kerri L
Garrett, Joanne K
White, Mathew P
Grellier, James
Wuijts, Susanne
Fleming, Lora E
Publisher :


This report presents an overview of the key messages that came out of the research conducted within the BlueHealth project. In particular, it explains what is meant by "BlueHealth" research, what challenges society faces regarding urban "blue spaces", and how the urban environment can exploit blue infrastructure as a health and well-being resource. We show how an evidence base can be built up with primary studies, and then be implemented in practice with different kinds of interventions. This report is useful as a primer for a wide range of decision-makers, including those making policy, designing and planning our cities and towns, and working towards improved public health and environmental quality in the face of 21st century challenges.<br />{"references":["Solomon S. Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization. Harper Collins; 2011","EEA: State of Europe's seas Report No 2. Publications Office of the European Union; 2017","Bell S. 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