Additional file 8 of Genomic variations and epigenomic landscape of the Medaka Inbred Kiyosu-Karlsruhe (MIKK) panel
Leger, Adrien, et al. Additional File 8 of Genomic Variations and Epigenomic Landscape of the Medaka Inbred Kiyosu-Karlsruhe (MIKK) Panel. Jan. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Leger, A., Brettell, I., Monahan, J., Barton, C., Wolf, N., Kusminski, N., Herder, C., Aadepu, N., Becker, C., Gierten, J., Hammouda, O. T., Hasel, E., Lischik, C., Lust, K., Sokolova, N., Suzuki, R., Tavhelidse, T., Thumberger, T., Tsingos, E., … Fitzgerald, T. (2022). Additional file 8 of Genomic variations and epigenomic landscape of the Medaka Inbred Kiyosu-Karlsruhe (MIKK) panel.
Leger, Adrien, Ian Brettell, Jack Monahan, Carl Barton, Nadeshda Wolf, Natalja Kusminski, Cathrin Herder, et al. 2022. “Additional File 8 of Genomic Variations and Epigenomic Landscape of the Medaka Inbred Kiyosu-Karlsruhe (MIKK) Panel,” January. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.19211470.v1.