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Evaluation of MHC Class 2 Alleles in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients and Inactive Hepatitis B Carriers

Authors :
Özlem Kandemir
Bahar Taşdelen
Tuba Sayici
Gürbüz Polat
Özlem Görüroğlu
Source :
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 30:1317-1324
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Turkiye Klinikleri, 2010.


ABS TRACT Ob jec ti ve: We ai med to de ter mi ne MHC Class 2 al le le fre qu en ci es of chro nic he pa ti tis B ca ses (CHB) and inac ti ve he pa ti tis B (IHB) car ri ers in our po pu la ti on, and to as ses the prog no sis of di se a se ac cor ding to MHC Class 2 type in early sta ge. Ma te ri al and Met hods: Forty-eight CHB pa ti ents, 46 IHB car ri ers and 100 nor mal con trol sub jects par ti ci pi a ted in this study. DNAs we re am p li fi ed by PCR using ap prop ri a te oli go nuc le o ti des. Then, the se PCR pro ducts we re disp la yed by aga ro se gel elec trop ho re sis tech ni qu e by using UV tran sul li mi na tor. The poly morp hism of the al le les HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 we re analy zed ba sed on ge noty ping inc lu ding the lengths of the bands disp la yed on the gel. Re sults: The IHB car ri ers had sig ni fi cantly hig her fre qu en ci es of DQB1*01, DRB1*14 and DQB1*05 al le les than the con trol sub jects. When two gro ups of pa ti ents we re com pa red, the fre qu en ci es of HLA-DQB1*01 al le les we re sig ni fi cantly hig her in the CHB pa ti ents than in the IHB car ri ers. The fre qu en ci es of HLA-DRB1*14-*15 and HLA-DQB1*01-*01 ge noty pes we re sig ni fi cantly hig her in the CHB pa ti ents than in the IHB car ri ers. Conc lu si on: It might be ad vi sed to de ter mi ne HLA-DRB1*14 ve HLA-DQB1* 01 al lells and HLA-DRB1*14-*15, HLA-DQB1*01-*01 ge noty pes in the in di vi du als fa cing with he pa ti tis B vi rus, and if the re sults are po si ti ve, the se pa ti ents sho uld be fol lo wed up for chro ni city.


Volume :
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Journal :
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences
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