2204Quality of life and economic outcomes of on-pump and off-pump stable multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting - MASS III trial 5-year follow-up
W Hueb, et al. “2204Quality of Life and Economic Outcomes of On-Pump and off-Pump Stable Multivessel Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - MASS III Trial 5-Year Follow-Up.” European Heart Journal, vol. 38, Aug. 2017. EBSCOhost,
W Hueb, Paulo Cury Rezende, Cibele Larrosa Garzillo, Thiago Luis Scudeler, D F C Azevedo, Eduardo Gomes Lima, Leandro Menezes Alves da Costa, F.T.C. Oikawa, PC De Soárez, Alessandro Gonçalves Campolina, R. Kalil Filho, & J A F Ramires. (2017). 2204Quality of life and economic outcomes of on-pump and off-pump stable multivessel coronary artery bypass grafting - MASS III trial 5-year follow-up. European Heart Journal, 38.
W Hueb, Paulo Cury Rezende, Cibele Larrosa Garzillo, Thiago Luis Scudeler, D F C Azevedo, Eduardo Gomes Lima, Leandro Menezes Alves da Costa, et al. 2017. “2204Quality of Life and Economic Outcomes of On-Pump and off-Pump Stable Multivessel Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - MASS III Trial 5-Year Follow-Up.” European Heart Journal 38 (August). doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehx502.2204.