Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580–c. 1620). Günter Schilder. Explokart Studies in the History of Cartography 17. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hes & De Graaf, 2017. 692 pp. $201
Elizabeth Sutton. “Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580–c. 1620). Günter Schilder. Explokart Studies in the History of Cartography 17. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hes & De Graaf, 2017. 692 Pp. $201.” Renaissance Quarterly, vol. 71, Jan. 2018, pp. 1118–20. EBSCOhost,
Elizabeth Sutton. (2018). Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580–c. 1620). Günter Schilder. Explokart Studies in the History of Cartography 17. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hes & De Graaf, 2017. 692 pp. $201. Renaissance Quarterly, 71, 1118–1120.
Elizabeth Sutton. 2018. “Early Dutch Maritime Cartography: The North Holland School of Cartography (c. 1580–c. 1620). Günter Schilder. Explokart Studies in the History of Cartography 17. Leiden: Brill; Boston: Hes & De Graaf, 2017. 692 Pp. $201.” Renaissance Quarterly 71 (January): 1118–20. doi:10.1086/700482.