On the structure of meso-substituted F-BODIPYs and their assembly in molecular crystals: An experimental-theoretical approach
Elba Xochitiotzi-Flores, et al. “On the Structure of Meso-Substituted F-BODIPYs and Their Assembly in Molecular Crystals: An Experimental-Theoretical Approach.” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, vol. 805, Mar. 2016, pp. 148–57. EBSCOhost,
Elba Xochitiotzi-Flores, Mauricio Maldonado-Domínguez, José Manuel Méndez-Stivalet, Norberto Farfán, Rafael Arcos-Ramos, María del Pilar Carreón-Castro, Alisul A. Islas-Mejía, Rosa Santillan, Margarita Romero-Ávila, & Héctor García-Ortega. (2016). On the structure of meso-substituted F-BODIPYs and their assembly in molecular crystals: An experimental-theoretical approach. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 805, 148–157.
Elba Xochitiotzi-Flores, Mauricio Maldonado-Domínguez, José Manuel Méndez-Stivalet, Norberto Farfán, Rafael Arcos-Ramos, María del Pilar Carreón-Castro, Alisul A. Islas-Mejía, Rosa Santillan, Margarita Romero-Ávila, and Héctor García-Ortega. 2016. “On the Structure of Meso-Substituted F-BODIPYs and Their Assembly in Molecular Crystals: An Experimental-Theoretical Approach.” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 805 (March): 148–57. doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2016.01.021.