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Strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD

Authors :
Alexandrou, C.
Constantinou, M.
Hadjiyiannakou, K.
Jansen, Karl
Kallidonis, C.
Koutsou, G.
Avilés-Casco, A. Vaquero
Publisher :
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY, Hamburg


Physical review / D 97(9), 094504 (2018). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.094504<br />We evaluate the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors using an ensemble of gauge configurations generated with two degenerate maximally twisted mass clover-improved fermions with mass tuned to approximately reproduce the physical pion mass. In addition, we present results for the disconnected light quark contributions to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. Improved stochastic methods are employed leading to high-precision results. The momentum dependence of the disconnected contributions is fitted using the model-independent z-expansion. We extract the magnetic moment and the electric and magnetic radii of the proton and neutron by including both connected and disconnected contributions. We find that the disconnected light quark contributions to both electric and magnetic form factors are nonzero and at the few percent level as compared to the connected. The strange form factors are also at the percent level but more noisy yielding statistical errors that are typically within one standard deviation from a zero value.<br />Published by APS, Woodbury, NY


Subjects :
3. Good health


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