sj-pdf-1-jag-10.1177_0733464820987919 – Supplemental material for The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Community-Based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults
Crombie, Kevin M., et al. Sj-Pdf-1-Jag-10.1177_0733464820987919 – Supplemental Material for The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Community-Based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults. Jan. 2021. EBSCOhost,
Crombie, K. M., Leitzelar, B. N., Almassi, N. E., Mahoney, J. E., & Koltyn, K. F. (2021). sj-pdf-1-jag-10.1177_0733464820987919 – Supplemental material for The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Community-Based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults.
Crombie, Kevin M., Brianna N. Leitzelar, Neda E. Almassi, Jane E. Mahoney, and Kelli F. Koltyn. 2021. “Sj-Pdf-1-Jag-10.1177_0733464820987919 – Supplemental Material for The Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Community-Based Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults,” January. doi:10.25384/sage.13709157.