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Luthela badong Xu & Yu & Liu & Li 2022, sp. nov

Authors :
Xu, Xin
Yu, Li
Liu, Fengxiang
Li, Daiqin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2022.


Luthela badong sp. nov. (Fig. 5A���I) Holotype. Male (XUX-2012-140), Quankou Village, Yanduhe Town, Badong County, Enshi, Hubei Province, China, 31.280��N, 110.318��E, 275 m, collected on 18 August 2012 by F.X. Liu, X.Y. Wang, and X. Xu, CBEE. Paratype. Female (XUX-2012-141), Mashan Village, Yanduhe Town, Badong County, Enshi, Hubei Province, China, 31.286��N, 110.303��E, 450 m, collected on 18 August 2012 by F.X. Liu, X.Y. Wang, and X. Xu, CBEE. Diagnosis. The male of L. badong sp. nov. can be distinguished from that of L. dengfeng sp. nov. by the conductor having two slender shorter spines, and a larger angle between lower spine and conductor (Fig. 5D���G), and the contrategulum with four larger teeth (Fig. 5D); from those of the other Luthela species by the conductor having only two large spines, upper and lower ones (Fig. 5A���G). The female of L. badong sp. nov. differs from those of L. dengfeng sp. nov., L. handan sp. nov., and L. taian sp. nov. by the two pairs of similar-sized receptacular clusters (Fig. 5H); from those of L. schensiensis and L. yiyuan sp. nov. by the middle receptacular clusters with slender stalks (Fig. 5H); from those of L. luotianensis and L. yuncheng sp. nov. by the bases of the middle receptacular clusters being close to each other (Fig. 5H). Description. Male (Holotype). Carapace reddish brown; opisthosoma brown, with brown tergites; sternum narrow, much longer than wide; few long pointed hairs running over ocular mound in longitudinal row; chelicerae robust with promargin of groove with 9 denticles of variable size; legs with strong hairs and spines; opisthosoma with 12 tergites, the second to fifth larger than others and others small; 7 spinnerets. Measurements: BL 12.51, CL 6.32, CW 5.89, OL 6.10, OW 3.90; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; leg I 19.47 (5.45 + 2.55 + 3.92 + 4.90 + 2.65), leg II 19.50 (4.95 + 2.50 + 3.65 + 5.35 + 3.05), leg III 20.36 (5.00 + 2.28 + 3.70 + 6.18 + 3.20), leg IV 26.70 (6.45 + 2.65 + 5.25 + 8.40 + 3.95). Palp: Paracymbium unpigmented and unsclerotized on prolateral side, numerous setae and spines located at tip of paracymbium (Fig. 5A���C). Contrategulum with 4 distinct teeth along the margin (Fig. 5D), and distal one with 3 serrations (Fig. 5F). Marginal apophysis and dorsal extension of terminal apophysis of tegulum serrated, and terminal apophysis of tegulum smooth (Fig. 5E���G). Conductor situated ventro-proximally on embolus, with two large spines, upper one parallel to embolus, lower one slender and short (Fig. 5D���G). Embolus largely sclerotized, with flat opening and several longitudinal ribs distally (Fig. 5B���D). Female (XUX-2012-141). Carapace and opisthosoma similar to male; chelicerae robust with promargin of groove with 10 strong denticles of variable size; legs with strong hairs and spines; opisthosoma with 12 tergites, similar to male; 7 spinnerets. Measurements: BL 16.50, CL 8.35, CW 6.90, OL 7.21, OW 5.25; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; palp 13.25 (4.45 + 2.45 + 2.80 + 3.55), leg I 15.25 (5.05 + 2.75 + 2.75 + 3.15 + 1.55), leg II 15.25 (4.65 + 2.70 + 2.55 + 3.45 + 1.90), leg III 15.87 (4.35 + 2.75 + 2.55 + 4.02 + 2.20), leg IV 24.25 (6.50 + 3.55 + 4.20 + 6.50 + 3.50). Genitalia: Posterior margin of genital sternite incurved (Fig. 5H, 5I), two paired receptacular clusters, middle ones with slender stalks, and bases of middle stalks close to each other, situated at anterior margin of bursa copulatrix, lateral ones situated at dorsolateral position of bursa copulatrix with inconspicuous stalks (Fig. 5H). Etymology. The species epithet, a noun in apposition, refers to the type locality. Distribution. Hubei Province (Badong). Remarks. There is no intraspecific variation between the COI nucleotide sequences of the male and female. The GenBank accession code of the holotype (XUX-2012-140) is KP229863.<br />Published as part of Xu, Xin, Yu, Li, Liu, Fengxiang & Li, Daiqin, 2022, Delimitation of the segmented trapdoor spider genus Luthela gen. nov., with comments on the genus Sinothela from northern China (Araneae, Mesothelae, Liphistiidae), pp. 131-154 in Zootaxa 5091 (1) on pages 137-139, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5091.1.5,


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