Study of the titanium VT1-0 surface degradation after cyclic loading in different structural states, including ones when coatings are formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation
M V Narykova, et al. “Study of the Titanium VT1-0 Surface Degradation after Cyclic Loading in Different Structural States, Including Ones When Coatings Are Formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2103, Nov. 2021, p. 012115. EBSCOhost,
M V Narykova, A G Kadomtsev, V I Betekhtin, Yu R Kolobov, J Dvorak, & V Sklenicka. (2021). Study of the titanium VT1-0 surface degradation after cyclic loading in different structural states, including ones when coatings are formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2103, 012115.
M V Narykova, A G Kadomtsev, V I Betekhtin, Yu R Kolobov, J Dvorak, and V Sklenicka. 2021. “Study of the Titanium VT1-0 Surface Degradation after Cyclic Loading in Different Structural States, Including Ones When Coatings Are Formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2103 (November): 012115. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2103/1/012115.