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Ceza Hukuku ve Kabahatler Hukuku Perspektifinden Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi (Presidential Decree from the Criminal Law and the Law of Misdemeanors Perspective)
- Source :
- SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Publisher :
- Elsevier BV, 2021.
- Turkish Abstract: Cumhurbaskanligi kararnameleri ne tur bir yasal duzenlemedir, herhangi bir duzenleme biciminin icine dahil edilebilir mi, yoksa tek basina ayri bir tur mudur, daha da onemlisi bu kararnamelerle getirilen kurallarin niteligi nedir? Cumhurbaskani, hangi konularda kararname cikarma suretiyle duzenlemeler getirebilir, belli bir siniri ve kapsami var midir, yoksa istedigi her alanda bu yolla duzenleme yapabilir mi? Cumhurbaskaninin cikardigi kararnamelerin yururluge girmesi icin baska bir organ veya makam tarafindan denetlenmek veya onaylanmak uzere herhangi bir asama ongorulmus mudur, yoksa cumhurbaskaninin cikarmasi ve yayinlamasi bu duzenlemelerin yururluge girerek hukum dogurmasi icin yeterli midir? Cumhurbaskani kararnameleri ile getirilen kurallara mutlak surette uyulmali midir, haklarinin zarar gordugu iddiasinda olanlar veya ilgililer tarafindan yargi yoluna basvurulabilir mi? Son olarak, kararname hukumlerine uymasi gereken kisilerin bu yukumlulugu yerine getirmemesinin herhangi bir yaptirimi var midir? Goruldugu gibi, her ne kadar Anayasa degisikligiyle bu yeni duzenleme turu resmen getirilmis olsa da, esasen bu husus acikliga kavusturulmus degildir; aksine bununla beraber bircok soru isareti, belirsizlik iceren noktalar ve tartisma konulari da getirilmistir. Iste bu makalede Anayasa hukuku esaslarindan yola cikarak cumhurbaskanligi kararnamelerinin niteligi, kapsam ve sinirlari ve bunlara karsi basvurulabilecek hukuki yollarin var olup olmadigina iliskin aciklamalarda bulunmaya calisacagim. Ayrica bizim acimizdan onemli olan bu kararnamelerle ceza hukuku ve ceza muhakemesi hukuku acisindan duzenleme yapilip yapilamayacagi konusunu ele alacagim. Bundan sonra kararname hukumlerine uyulmamasi halinde bunun ceza hukuku ve ceza muhakemesi hukuku acisindan herhangi bir yaptirima tabi olup olamayacagini yanitlamaya calisacagim. English Abstract: What kind of legal regulation are presidential decrees, can they be included in any form of regulation, or are they a separate type alone, more importantly, what is the nature of the rules introduced by these decrees? Can the President make regulations by issuing decrees, does it have a certain limit and scope, or can he make arrangements in every field he wants? Is there any stage for the decree issued by the President to be inspected or approved by another body or authority, or is it sufficient for the president to issue and publish these regulations to come into force and take effect? Should the rules introduced by the decrees of the President be obeyed in absolute terms, can those who claim that their rights are harmed or be resorted to by those concerned? Finally, are there any sanctions for those who must comply with the provisions of the decree for not fulfilling this obligation? As can be seen, although this new type of regulation has been officially introduced with the Constitutional amendment, this issue has not been clarified; On the contrary, many question marks, ambiguity points and discussion topics have also been introduced. Here in this article, I will try to explain the nature, scope and limits of presidential decrees based on the principles of constitutional law and whether there are legal remedies to be applied against them. I will also discuss the issue of whether regulations can be made in terms of criminal law and criminal procedure law with these decrees, which are important to us. From now on, I will try to answer whether it is subject to any sanctions in terms of criminal law and criminal procedure law if the provisions of the decree are not followed.
- ISSN :
- 15565068
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- SSRN Electronic Journal
- Accession number :
- edsair.doi...........fa3c4668d8fbdc3691b16ca031c4407c