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SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination

Authors :
Felicity Liew
Shubha Talwar
Andy Cross
Brian J. Willett
Sam Scott
Nicola Logan
Matthew K. Siggins
Dawid Swieboda
Jasmin K. Sidhu
Claudia Efstathiou
Shona C. Moore
Chris Davis
Noura Mohamed
Jose Nunag
Clara King
A.A. Roger Thompson
Sarah L. Rowland-Jones
Annemarie B. Docherty
James D. Chalmers
Ling-Pei Ho
Alexander Horsley
Betty Raman
Krisnah Poinasamy
Michael Marks
Onn Min Kon
Luke Howard
Daniel G. Wootton
Susanna Dunachie
Jennifer K. Quint
Rachael A. Evans
Louise V. Wain
Sara Fontanella
Thushan I. de Silva
Antonia Ho
Ewen Harrison
J. Kenneth Baillie
Malcolm G. Semple
Christopher Brightling
Ryan S. Thwaites
Lance Turtle
Peter J.M. Openshaw
Beatrice Alex
Petros Andrikopoulos
Benjamin Bach
Wendy S. Barclay
Debby Bogaert
Meera Chand
Kanta Chechi
Graham S. Cooke
Ana da Silva Filipe
Thushan de Silva
Gonçalo dos Santos Correia
Marc-Emmanuel Dumas
Jake Dunning
Tom Fletcher
Christopher A. Green
William Greenhalf
Julian Griffin
Rishi K. Gupta
Ewen M. Harrison
Antonia Y.W. Ho
Karl Holden
Peter W. Horby
Samreen Ijaz
Say Khoo
Paul Klenerman
Andrew Law
Matthew Lewis
Sonia Liggi
Wei Shen Lim
Lynn Maslen
Alexander J. Mentzer
Laura Merson
Alison M Meynert
Mahdad Noursadeghi
Michael Olanipekun
Anthonia Osagie
Massimo Palmarini
Carlo Palmieri
William A. Paxton
Georgios Pollakis
Nicholas Price
Andrew Rambaut
David L Robertson
Clark D. Russell
Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu
Caroline Sands
Janet T. Scott
Louise Sigfrid
Tom Solomon
Shiranee Sriskandan
David Stuart
Charlotte Summers
Olivia V. Swann
Zoltan Takats
Panteleimon Takis
Richard S. Tedder
Emma C. Thomson
Lance C.W. Turtle
Maria Zambon
Thomas M. Drake
Cameron J. Fairfield
Stephen R. Knight
Kenneth A. Mclean
Derek Murphy
Lisa Norman
Riinu Pius
Catherine A. Shaw
Marie Connor
Jo Dalton
Carrol Gamble
Michelle Girvan
Sophie Halpin
Janet Harrison
Clare Jackson
James Lee
Laura Marsh
Daniel Plotkin
Stephanie Roberts
Egle Saviciute
Sara Clohisey
Ross Hendry
Susan Knight
Eva Lahnsteiner
Gary Leeming
Lucy Norris
James Scott-Brown
Sarah Tait
Murray Wham
Richard Clark
Audrey Coutts
Lorna Donelly
Angie Fawkes
Tammy Gilchrist
Katarzyna Hafezi
Louise MacGillivray
Alan Maclean
Sarah McCafferty
Kirstie Morrice
Lee Murphy
Nicola Wrobel
Gail Carson
Kayode Adeniji
Daniel Agranoff
Ken Agwuh
Dhiraj Ail
Erin L. Aldera
Ana Alegria
Sam Allen
Brian Angus
Abdul Ashish
Dougal Atkinson
Shahedal Bari
Gavin Barlow
Stella Barnass
Nicholas Barrett
Christopher Bassford
Sneha Basude
David Baxter
Michael Beadsworth
Jolanta Bernatoniene
John Berridge
Colin Berry
Nicola Best
Pieter Bothma
Robin Brittain-Long
Naomi Bulteel
Tom Burden
Andrew Burtenshaw
Vikki Caruth
David Chadwick
Duncan Chambler
Nigel Chee
Jenny Child
Srikanth Chukkambotla
Tom Clark
Paul Collini
Catherine Cosgrove
Jason Cupitt
Maria-Teresa Cutino-Moguel
Paul Dark
Chris Dawson
Samir Dervisevic
Phil Donnison
Sam Douthwaite
Andrew Drummond
Ingrid DuRand
Ahilanadan Dushianthan
Tristan Dyer
Cariad Evans
Chi Eziefula
Chrisopher Fegan
Adam Finn
Duncan Fullerton
Sanjeev Garg
Atul Garg
Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas
Jo Godden
Arthur Goldsmith
Clive Graham
Tassos Grammatikopoulos
Elaine Hardy
Stuart Hartshorn
Daniel Harvey
Peter Havalda
Daniel B. Hawcutt
Maria Hobrok
Luke Hodgson
Anil Hormis
Joanne Howard
Michael Jacobs
Susan Jain
Paul Jennings
Agilan Kaliappan
Vidya Kasipandian
Stephen Kegg
Michael Kelsey
Jason Kendall
Caroline Kerrison
Ian Kerslake
Oliver Koch
Gouri Koduri
George Koshy
Shondipon Laha
Steven Laird
Susan Larkin
Tamas Leiner
Patrick Lillie
James Limb
Vanessa Linnett
Jeff Little
Mark Lyttle
Michael MacMahon
Emily MacNaughton
Ravish Mankregod
Huw Masson
Elijah Matovu
Katherine McCullough
Ruth McEwen
Manjula Meda
Gary Mills
Jane Minton
Kavya Mohandas
Quen Mok
James Moon
Elinoor Moore
Patrick Morgan
Craig Morris
Katherine Mortimore
Samuel Moses
Mbiye Mpenge
Rohinton Mulla
Michael Murphy
Thapas Nagarajan
Megan Nagel
Mark Nelson
Lillian Norris
Matthew K. O'Shea
Marlies Ostermann
Igor Otahal
Mark Pais
Selva Panchatsharam
Danai Papakonstantinou
Padmasayee Papineni
Hassan Paraiso
Brij Patel
Natalie Pattison
Justin Pepperell
Mark Peters
Mandeep Phull
Stefania Pintus
Tim Planche
Frank Post
David Price
Rachel Prout
Nikolas Rae
Henrik Reschreiter
Tim Reynolds
Neil Richardson
Mark Roberts
Devender Roberts
Alistair Rose
Guy Rousseau
Bobby Ruge
Brendan Ryan
Taranprit Saluja
Sarah Sarah
Matthias Schmid
Aarti Shah
Manu Shankar-Hari
Prad Shanmuga
Anil Sharma
Anna Shawcross
Jagtur Singh Pooni
Jeremy Sizer
Richard Smith
Catherine Snelson
Nick Spittle
Nikki Staines
Tom Stambach
Richard Stewart
Pradeep Subudhi
Tamas Szakmany
Kate Tatham
Jo Thomas
Chris Thompson
Robert Thompson
Ascanio Tridente
Darell Tupper-Carey
Mary Twagira
Nick Vallotton
Rama Vancheeswaran
Rachel Vincent
Lisa Vincent-Smith
Shico Visuvanathan
Alan Vuylsteke
Sam Waddy
Rachel Wake
Andrew Walden
Ingeborg Welters
Tony Whitehouse
Paul Whittaker
Ashley Whittington
Meme Wijesinghe
Martin Williams
Lawrence Wilson
Stephen Winchester
Martin Wiselka
Adam Wolverson
Daniel G Wootton
Andrew Workman
Bryan Yates
Peter Young
Sarah E. McDonald
Victoria Shaw
Katie A. Ahmed
Jane A. Armstrong
Milton Ashworth
Innocent G. Asiimwe
Siddharth Bakshi
Samantha L Barlow
Laura Booth
Benjamin Brennan
Katie Bullock
Nicola Carlucci
Emily Cass
Benjamin W.A. Catterall
Jordan J. Clark
Emily A. Clarke
Sarah Cole
Louise Cooper
Helen Cox
Christopher Davis
Oslem Dincarslan
Alejandra Doce Carracedo
Chris Dunn
Philip Dyer
Angela Elliott
Anthony Evans
Lorna Finch
Lewis W.S. Fisher
Lisa Flaherty
Terry Foster
Isabel Garcia-Dorival
Philip Gunning
Catherine Hartley
Anthony Holmes
Rebecca L. Jensen
Christopher B. Jones
Trevor R. Jones
Shadia Khandaker
Katharine King
Robyn T. Kiy
Chrysa Koukorava
Annette Lake
Suzannah Lant
Diane Latawiec
Lara Lavelle-Langham
Daniella Lefteri
Lauren Lett
Lucia A Livoti
Maria Mancini
Hannah Massey
Nicole Maziere
Sarah McDonald
Laurence McEvoy
John McLauchlan
Soeren Metelmann
Nahida S. Miah
Joanna Middleton
Joyce Mitchell
Ellen G Murphy
Rebekah Penrice-Randal
Jack Pilgrim
Tessa Prince
Will Reynolds
P. Matthew Ridley
Debby Sales
Victoria E. Shaw
Rebecca K. Shears
Benjamin Small
Krishanthi S. Subramaniam
Agnieska Szemiel
Aislynn Taggart
Jolanta Tanianis-Hughes
Jordan Thomas
Erwan Trochu
Libby van Tonder
Eve Wilcock
J. Eunice Zhang
Seán Keating
Cara Donegan
Rebecca G. Spencer
Chloe Donohue
Fiona Griffiths
Hayley Hardwick
Wilna Oosthuyzen
K. Abel
H. Adamali
D. Adeloye
O. Adeyemi
R. Adrego
L.A. Aguilar Jimenez
S. Ahmad
N. Ahmad Haider
R. Ahmed
N. Ahwireng
M. Ainsworth
B. Al-Sheklly
A. Alamoudi
M. Ali
M. Aljaroof
A.M. All
L. Allan
R.J. Allen
L. Allerton
L. Allsop
P. Almeida
D. Altmann
M. Alvarez Corral
S. Amoils
D. Anderson
C. Antoniades
G. Arbane
A. Arias
C. Armour
L. Armstrong
N. Armstrong
D. Arnold
H. Arnold
A. Ashish
A. Ashworth
M. Ashworth
S. Aslani
H. Assefa-Kebede
C. Atkin
P. Atkin
R. Aul
H. Aung
L. Austin
C. Avram
A. Ayoub
M. Babores
R. Baggott
J. Bagshaw
D. Baguley
L. Bailey
J.K. Baillie
S. Bain
M. Bakali
M. Bakau
E. Baldry
D. Baldwin
M. Baldwin
C. Ballard
A. Banerjee
B. Bang
R.E. Barker
L. Barman
S. Barratt
F. Barrett
D. Basire
N. Basu
M. Bates
A. Bates
R. Batterham
H. Baxendale
H. Bayes
M. Beadsworth
P. Beckett
M. Beggs
M. Begum
P. Beirne
D. Bell
R. Bell
K. Bennett
E. Beranova
A. Bermperi
A. Berridge
C. Berry
S. Betts
E. Bevan
K. Bhui
M. Bingham
K. Birchall
L. Bishop
K. Bisnauthsing
J. Blaikely
A. Bloss
A. Bolger
C.E. Bolton
J. Bonnington
A. Botkai
C. Bourne
M. Bourne
K. Bramham
L. Brear
G. Breen
J. Breeze
A. Briggs
E. Bright
C.E. Brightling
S. Brill
K. Brindle
L. Broad
A. Broadley
C. Brookes
M. Broome
A. Brown
J. Brown
J.S. Brown
M. Brown
V. Brown
T. Brugha
N. Brunskill
M. Buch
P. Buckley
A. Bularga
E. Bullmore
L. Burden
T. Burdett
D. Burn
G. Burns
A. Burns
J. Busby
R. Butcher
A. Butt
S. Byrne
P. Cairns
P.C. Calder
E. Calvelo
H. Carborn
B. Card
C. Carr
L. Carr
G. Carson
P. Carter
A. Casey
M. Cassar
J. Cavanagh
M. Chablani
T. Chalder
J.D. Chalmers
R.C. Chambers
F. Chan
K.M. Channon
K. Chapman
A. Charalambou
N. Chaudhuri
A. Checkley
J. Chen
Y. Cheng
L. Chetham
C. Childs
E.R. Chilvers
H. Chinoy
A. Chiribiri
K. Chong-James
G. Choudhury
N. Choudhury
P. Chowienczyk
C. Christie
M. Chrystal
D. Clark
C. Clark
J. Clarke
S. Clohisey
G. Coakley
Z. Coburn
S. Coetzee
J. Cole
C. Coleman
F. Conneh
D. Connell
B. Connolly
L. Connor
A. Cook
B. Cooper
J. Cooper
S. Cooper
D. Copeland
T. Cosier
M. Coulding
C. Coupland
E. Cox
T. Craig
P. Crisp
D. Cristiano
M.G. Crooks
A. Cross
I. Cruz
P. Cullinan
D. Cuthbertson
L. Daines
M. Dalton
P. Daly
A. Daniels
P. Dark
J. Dasgin
A. David
C. David
E. Davies
F. Davies
G. Davies
G.A. Davies
K. Davies
M.J. Davies
J. Dawson
E. Daynes
A. De Soyza
B. Deakin
A. Deans
C. Deas
J. Deery
S. Defres
A. Dell
K. Dempsey
E. Denneny
J. Dennis
A. Dewar
R. Dharmagunawardena
N. Diar-Bakerly
C. Dickens
A. Dipper
S. Diver
S.N. Diwanji
M. Dixon
R. Djukanovic
H. Dobson
S.L. Dobson
A.B. Docherty
A. Donaldson
T. Dong
N. Dormand
A. Dougherty
R. Dowling
S. Drain
K. Draxlbauer
K. Drury
P. Dulawan
A. Dunleavy
S. Dunn
C. Dupont
J. Earley
N. Easom
C. Echevarria
S. Edwards
C. Edwardson
H. El-Taweel
A. Elliott
K. Elliott
Y. Ellis
A. Elmer
O. Elneima
D. Evans
H. Evans
J. Evans
R. Evans
R.A. Evans
R.I. Evans
T. Evans
C. Evenden
L. Evison
L. Fabbri
S. Fairbairn
A. Fairman
K. Fallon
D. Faluyi
C. Favager
T. Fayzan
J. Featherstone
T. Felton
J. Finch
S. Finney
J. Finnigan
L. Finnigan
H. Fisher
S. Fletcher
R. Flockton
M. Flynn
H. Foot
D. Foote
A. Ford
D. Forton
E. Fraile
C. Francis
R. Francis
S. Francis
A. Frankel
E. Fraser
R. Free
N. French
X. Fu
J. Fuld
J. Furniss
L. Garner
N. Gautam
J.R. Geddes
J. George
P. George
M. Gibbons
M. Gill
L. Gilmour
F. Gleeson
J. Glossop
S. Glover
N. Goodman
C. Goodwin
B. Gooptu
H. Gordon
T. Gorsuch
M. Greatorex
P.L. Greenhaff
W. Greenhalf
A. Greenhalgh
N.J. Greening
J. Greenwood
H. Gregory
R. Gregory
D. Grieve
D. Griffin
L. Griffiths
A-M. Guerdette
B. Guillen Guio
M. Gummadi
A. Gupta
S. Gurram
E. Guthrie
Z. Guy
H. H Henson
K. Hadley
A. Haggar
K. Hainey
B. Hairsine
P. Haldar
I. Hall
L. Hall
M. Halling-Brown
R. Hamil
A. Hancock
K. Hancock
N.A. Hanley
S. Haq
H.E. Hardwick
E. Hardy
T. Hardy
B. Hargadon
K. Harrington
E. Harris
V.C. Harris
E.M. Harrison
P. Harrison
N. Hart
A. Harvey
M. Harvey
M. Harvie
L. Haslam
M. Havinden-Williams
J. Hawkes
N. Hawkings
J. Haworth
A. Hayday
M. Haynes
J. Hazeldine
T. Hazelton
L.G. Heaney
C. Heeley
J.L. Heeney
M. Heightman
S. Heller
M. Henderson
L. Hesselden
M. Hewitt
V. Highett
T. Hillman
T. Hiwot
L.P. Ho
A. Hoare
M. Hoare
J. Hockridge
P. Hogarth
A. Holbourn
S. Holden
L. Holdsworth
D. Holgate
M. Holland
L. Holloway
K. Holmes
M. Holmes
B. Holroyd-Hind
L. Holt
A. Hormis
A. Horsley
A. Hosseini
M. Hotopf
L. Houchen-Wolloff
K. Howard
L.S. Howard
A. Howell
E. Hufton
A.D. Hughes
J. Hughes
R. Hughes
A. Humphries
N. Huneke
E. Hurditch
J. Hurst
M. Husain
T. Hussell
J. Hutchinson
W. Ibrahim
F. Ilyas
J. Ingham
L. Ingram
D. Ionita
K. Isaacs
K. Ismail
T. Jackson
J. Jacob
W.Y. James
W. Jang
C. Jarman
I. Jarrold
H. Jarvis
R. Jastrub
B. Jayaraman
R.G. Jenkins
P. Jezzard
K. Jiwa
C. Johnson
S. Johnson
D. Johnston
C.J. Jolley
D. Jones
G. Jones
H. Jones
I. Jones
L. Jones
M.G. Jones
S. Jones
S. Jose
T. Kabir
G. Kaltsakas
V. Kamwa
N. Kanellakis
s. Kaprowska
Z. Kausar
N. Keenan
S. Kelly
G. Kemp
S. Kerr
H. Kerslake
A.L. Key
F. Khan
K. Khunti
S. Kilroy
B. King
C. King
L. Kingham
J. Kirk
P. Kitterick
P. Klenerman
L. Knibbs
S. Knight
A. Knighton
O. Kon
S. Kon
S.S. Kon
S. Koprowska
A. Korszun
I. Koychev
C. Kurasz
P. Kurupati
C. Laing
H. Lamlum
G. Landers
C. Langenberg
D. Lasserson
L. Lavelle-Langham
A. Lawrie
C. Lawson
A. Layton
A. Lea
O.C. Leavy
D. Lee
J-H. Lee
E. Lee
K. Leitch
R. Lenagh
D. Lewis
J. Lewis
K.E. Lewis
V. Lewis
N. Lewis-Burke
X. Li
T. Light
L. Lightstone
W. Lilaonitkul
L. Lim
S. Linford
A. Lingford-Hughes
M. Lipman
K. Liyanage
A. Lloyd
S. Logan
D. Lomas
N.I. Lone
R. Loosley
J.M. Lord
H. Lota
W. Lovegrove
A. Lucey
E. Lukaschuk
A. Lye
C. Lynch
S. MacDonald
G. MacGowan
I. Macharia
J. Mackie
L. Macliver
S. Madathil
G. Madzamba
N. Magee
M.M. Magtoto
N. Mairs
N. Majeed
E. Major
F. Malein
M. Malim
G. Mallison
W.D.-C. Man
S. Mandal
K. Mangion
C. Manisty
R. Manley
K. March
S. Marciniak
P. Marino
M. Mariveles
M. Marks
E. Marouzet
S. Marsh
B. Marshall
M. Marshall
J. Martin
A. Martineau
L.M. Martinez
N. Maskell
D. Matila
W. Matimba-Mupaya
L. Matthews
A. Mbuyisa
S. McAdoo
H. McAllister-Williams
A. McArdle
P. McArdle
D. McAulay
G.P. McCann
H.J.C. drury
J. McCormick
W. McCormick
P. McCourt
L. McGarvey
C. McGee
K. Mcgee
J. McGinness
K. McGlynn
A. McGovern
H. McGuinness
I.B. McInnes
J. McIntosh
E. McIvor
K. McIvor
L. McLeavey
A. McMahon
M.J. McMahon
L. McMorrow
T. Mcnally
M. McNarry
J. McNeill
A. McQueen
H. McShane
C. Mears
C. Megson
S. Megson
P. Mehta
J. Meiring
L. Melling
M. Mencias
D. Menzies
M. Merida Morillas
A. Michael
C. Miller
L. Milligan
C. Mills
N.L. Mills
L. Milner
S. Misra
J. Mitchell
A. Mohamed
N. Mohamed
S. Mohammed
P.L. Molyneaux
W. Monteiro
S. Moriera
A. Morley
L. Morrison
R. Morriss
A. Morrow
A.J. Moss
P. Moss
K. Motohashi
N. Msimanga
E. Mukaetova-Ladinska
U. Munawar
J. Murira
U. Nanda
H. Nassa
M. Nasseri
A. Neal
R. Needham
P. Neill
S. Neubauer
D.E. Newby
H. Newell
T. Newman
A. Newton-Cox
T. Nicholson
D. Nicoll
A. Nikolaidis
C.M. Nolan
M.J. Noonan
C. Norman
P. Novotny
J. Nunag
L. Nwafor
U. Nwanguma
J. Nyaboko
C. O'Brien
K. O'Donnell
D. O'Regan
L. O'Brien
N. Odell
G. Ogg
O. Olaosebikan
C. Oliver
Z. Omar
P.J.M. Openshaw
L. Orriss-Dib
L. Osborne
R. Osbourne
M. Ostermann
C. Overton
J. Owen
J. Oxton
J. Pack
E. Pacpaco
S. Paddick
S. Painter
A. Pakzad
S. Palmer
P. Papineni
K. Paques
K. Paradowski
M. Pareek
D. Parekh
H. Parfrey
C. Pariante
S. Parker
M. Parkes
J. Parmar
S. Patale
B. Patel
M. Patel
S. Patel
D. Pattenadk
M. Pavlides
S. Payne
L. Pearce
J.E. Pearl
D. Peckham
J. Pendlebury
Y. Peng
C. Pennington
I. Peralta
E. Perkins
Z. Peterkin
T. Peto
N. Petousi
J. Petrie
P. Pfeffer
J. Phipps
J. Pimm
K. Piper Hanley
R. Pius
H. Plant
S. Plein
T. Plekhanova
M. Plowright
K. Poinasamy
O. Polgar
L. Poll
J.C. Porter
J. Porter
S. Portukhay
N. Powell
A. Prabhu
J. Pratt
A. Price
C. Price
D. Price
L. Price
A. Prickett
J. Propescu
S. Prosper
S. Pugmire
S. Quaid
J. Quigley
J. Quint
H. Qureshi
I.N. Qureshi
K. Radhakrishnan
N.M. Rahman
M. Ralser
B. Raman
A. Ramos
H. Ramos
J. Rangeley
B. Rangelov
L. Ratcliffe
P. Ravencroft
A. Reddington
R. Reddy
H. Redfearn
D. Redwood
A. Reed
M. Rees
T. Rees
K. Regan
W. Reynolds
C. Ribeiro
A. Richards
E. Richardson
M. Richardson
P. Rivera-Ortega
K. Roberts
E. Robertson
E. Robinson
L. Robinson
L. Roche
C. Roddis
J. Rodger
A. Ross
G. Ross
J. Rossdale
A. Rostron
A. Rowe
A. Rowland
J. Rowland
M.J. Rowland
S.L. Rowland-Jones
K. Roy
M. Roy
I. Rudan
R. Russell
E. Russell
G. Saalmink
R. Sabit
E.K. Sage
T. Samakomva
N. Samani
C. Sampson
K. Samuel
R. Samuel
A. Sanderson
E. Sapey
D. Saralaya
J. Sargant
C. Sarginson
T. Sass
N. Sattar
K. Saunders
R.M. Saunders
P. Saunders
L.C. Saunders
H. Savill
W. Saxon
A. Sayer
J. Schronce
W. Schwaeble
J.T. Scott
K. Scott
N. Selby
M.G. Semple
M. Sereno
T.A. Sewell
A. Shah
K. Shah
P. Shah
M. Shankar-Hari
M. Sharma
C. Sharpe
M. Sharpe
S. Shashaa
A. Shaw
K. Shaw
V. Shaw
A. Sheikh
S. Shelton
L. Shenton
K. Shevket
A. Shikotra
J. Short
S. Siddique
S. Siddiqui
J. Sidebottom
L. Sigfrid
G. Simons
J. Simpson
N. Simpson
A. Singapuri
C. Singh
S. Singh
S.J. Singh
D. Sissons
J. Skeemer
K. Slack
A. Smith
D. Smith
S. Smith
J. Smith
L. Smith
M. Soares
T.S. Solano
R. Solly
A.R. Solstice
T. Soulsby
D. Southern
D. Sowter
M. Spears
L.G. Spencer
F. Speranza
L. Stadon
S. Stanel
N. Steele
M. Steiner
D. Stensel
G. Stephens
L. Stephenson
M. Stern
I. Stewart
R. Stimpson
S. Stockdale
J. Stockley
W. Stoker
R. Stone
W. Storrar
A. Storrie
K. Storton
E. Stringer
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C. Subbe
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Z. Suleiman
C. Summers
C. Summersgill
D. Sutherland
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R. Sykes
N. Talbot
A.L. Tan
L. Tarusan
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A. Te
H. Tedd
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H. Tench
S. Terry
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D. Thickett
C. Thomas
D.C. Thomas
S. Thomas
A.K. Thomas
T. Thomas-Woods
T. Thompson
A.A.R. Thompson
T. Thornton
M. Thorpe
R.S. Thwaites
J. Tilley
N. Tinker
G.F. Tiongson
M. Tobin
J. Tomlinson
C. Tong
M. Toshner
R. Touyz
K.A. Tripp
E. Tunnicliffe
A. Turnbull
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S. Turner
V. Turner
K. Turner
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L. Turtle
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R. Ugwuoke
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J. Vere
C. Vickers
B. Vinson
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P. Wade
L.V. Wain
T. Wainwright
L.O. Wajero
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T. Wallis
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S. Walsh
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N. Williams
J. Williams
S.A. Williams-Howard
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G. Willis
J. Willoughby
A. Wilson
D. Wilson
I. Wilson
N. Window
M. Witham
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C. Wood
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L. Wright
S. Wright
J. Wyles
I. Wynter
M. Xu
N. Yasmin
S. Yasmin
T. Yates
K.P. Yip
B. Young
S. Young
A. Young
A.J. Yousuf
A. Zawia
L. Zeidan
B. Zhao
B. Zheng
O. Zongo
Investigators, ISARIC4C
group, PHOSP-COVID collaborative
Sigfrid, L
ISARIC4C Investigators
PHOSP-COVID collaborative group
Source :
2022, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, pp. 104402 ., Liew, F, Talwar, S, Cross, A, Willett, B J, Scott, S, Logan, N, Siggins, M K, Swieboda, D, Sidhu, J K, Efstathiou, C, Moore, S C, Davis, C, Mohamed, N, Nunag, J, King, C, Thompson, A A R, Rowland-Jones, S L, Docherty, A B, Chalmers, J D, Ho, L-P, Horsley, A, Raman, B, Poinasamy, K, Marks, M, Kon, O M, Howard, L, Wootton, D G, Dunachie, S, Quint, J K, Evans, R A, Wain, L V, Fontanella, S, de Silva, T I, Ho, A, Harrison, E, Baillie, J K, Semple, M G, Brightling, C, Thwaites, R S, Turtle, L, Openshaw, P J M, ISARIC4C Investigators, Armour, C, Carson, G, Busby, J, Connolly, B, Cooper, J, Drain, S, Grieve, D, Hart, N, Harvey, M, Heaney, L G, Hughes, J, Jones, M G, Magee, N, McArdle, A, McGarvey, L, Mills, C, Mitchell, J, Peto, T, Powell, N, Rowland, M, Sharma, M & Siddiqui, S 2023, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, vol. 87, 104402 ., Horsley, A, Dark, P, Felton, T, et al, ISARIC4C Investigators & PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group 2023, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, vol. 87, 104402 .
Publication Year :


Data sharing statement This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license The ISARIC4C protocol, data sharing and publication policy are available at ISARIC4C's Independent Data and Material Access Committee welcomes applications for access to data and materials ( The PHOSP-COVID protocol, consent form, definition and derivation of clinical characteristics and outcomes, training materials, regulatory documents, information about requests for data access, and other relevant study materials are available online: Access to these materials can be granted by contacting and All data used in this study is available within ODAP and accessible under reasonable request. Data access criteria and information about how to request access is available online: If criteria are met and a request is made, access can be gained by signing the eDRIS user agreement. Supplementary data are available online at . Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Background: Most studies of immunity to SARS-CoV-2 focus on circulating antibody, giving limited insights into mucosal defences that prevent viral replication and onward transmission. We studied nasal and plasma antibody responses one year after hospitalisation for COVID-19, including a period when SARS-CoV-2 vaccination was introduced. Methods: In this follow up study, plasma and nasosorption samples were prospectively collected from 446 adults hospitalised for COVID-19 between February 2020 and March 2021 via the ISARIC4C and PHOSP-COVID consortia. IgA and IgG responses to NP and S of ancestral SARS-CoV-2, Delta and Omicron (BA.1) variants were measured by electrochemiluminescence and compared with plasma neutralisation data. Findings: Strong and consistent nasal anti-NP and anti-S IgA responses were demonstrated, which remained elevated for nine months (p < 0.0001). Nasal and plasma anti-S IgG remained elevated for at least 12 months (p < 0.0001) with plasma neutralising titres that were raised against all variants compared to controls (p < 0.0001). Of 323 with complete data, 307 were vaccinated between 6 and 12 months; coinciding with rises in nasal and plasma IgA and IgG anti-S titres for all SARS-CoV-2 variants, although the change in nasal IgA was minimal (1.46-fold change after 10 months, p = 0.011) and the median remained below the positive threshold determined by pre-pandemic controls. Samples 12 months after admission showed no association between nasal IgA and plasma IgG anti-S responses (R = 0.05, p = 0.18), indicating that nasal IgA responses are distinct from those in plasma and minimally boosted by vaccination. Interpretation: The decline in nasal IgA responses 9 months after infection and minimal impact of subsequent vaccination may explain the lack of long-lasting nasal defence against reinfection and the limited effects of vaccination on transmission. These findings highlight the need to develop vaccines that enhance nasal immunity. Funding: This study has been supported by ISARIC4C and PHOSP-COVID consortia. ISARIC4C is supported by grants from the National Institute for Health and Care Research and the Medical Research Council. Liverpool Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre provided infrastructure support for this research. The PHOSP-COVD study is jointly funded by UK Research and Innovation and National Institute of Health and Care Research. The funders were not involved in the study design, interpretation of data or the writing of this manuscript. This work is supported by the following grants: The PHOSP-COVD study is jointly funded by UK Research and Innovation and National Institute for Health and Care Research (grant references: MR/V027859/1 and COV0319). ISARIC4C is supported by grants from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (award CO-CIN-01) and the Medical Research Council (grant MC_PC_19059) Liverpool Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre provided infrastructure support for this research (grant reference: C18616/A25153). Other grants which have supported this work include: the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium [funder reference:1257927], the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR Imperial BRC, grant IS-BRC-1215-20013), the Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in Respiratory Infections at Imperial College London and NIHR HPRU in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at University of Liverpool, both in partnership with Public Health England, [NIHR award 200907], Wellcome Trust and Department for International Development [215091/Z/18/Z], Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) [grant code: 2021.0155], Medical Research Council [grant code: MC_UU_12014/12], and NIHR Clinical Research Network for providing infrastructure support for this research. FL is supported by an MRC clinical training fellowship [award MR/W000970/1]. LPH is supported by Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre. AART is supported by a BHF Intermediate Clinical Fellowship (FS/18/13/33281). SLRJ receives support from UKRI, GCRF, Rosetrees Trust, BHIVA, EDCTP, Globvac. JDC has grants from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead Sciences, Grifols, Novartis and Insmed. RAE holds a NIHR Clinician Scientist Fellowship (CS-2016-16-020). AH is currently supported by UK Research and Innovation. NIHR and NIHR Manchester BRC. BR receives support from BHF Oxford Centre of Research Excellence, NIHR Oxford BRC and MRC. SJD is funded by an NIHR Global Research Professorship [NIHR300791]. DW is supported by an NIHR Advanced Fellowship. AH has received support from MRC and the Coronavirus Immunology Consortium (MR/V028448/1). LVW has received support from UKRI, GSK/Asthma + Lung UK and NIHR for this study. MGS has received support from NIHR UK, MRC UK and Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging & Zoonotic Infections, University of Liverpool. JKB is supported by the Wellcome Trust (223164/Z/21/Z) and UKRI (MC_PC_20004, MC_PC_19025, MC_PC_1905, MRNO2995X/1, and MC_PC_20029). PJMO is supported by a NIHR Senior Investigator Award [award 201385]. LT is supported by the Wellcome Trust [clinical career development fellowship grant number 205228/Z/16/Z], the Centre of Excellence in Infectious Diseases Research (CEIDR) and the Alder Hey Charity.


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Journal :
2022, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, pp. 104402 ., Liew, F, Talwar, S, Cross, A, Willett, B J, Scott, S, Logan, N, Siggins, M K, Swieboda, D, Sidhu, J K, Efstathiou, C, Moore, S C, Davis, C, Mohamed, N, Nunag, J, King, C, Thompson, A A R, Rowland-Jones, S L, Docherty, A B, Chalmers, J D, Ho, L-P, Horsley, A, Raman, B, Poinasamy, K, Marks, M, Kon, O M, Howard, L, Wootton, D G, Dunachie, S, Quint, J K, Evans, R A, Wain, L V, Fontanella, S, de Silva, T I, Ho, A, Harrison, E, Baillie, J K, Semple, M G, Brightling, C, Thwaites, R S, Turtle, L, Openshaw, P J M, ISARIC4C Investigators, Armour, C, Carson, G, Busby, J, Connolly, B, Cooper, J, Drain, S, Grieve, D, Hart, N, Harvey, M, Heaney, L G, Hughes, J, Jones, M G, Magee, N, McArdle, A, McGarvey, L, Mills, C, Mitchell, J, Peto, T, Powell, N, Rowland, M, Sharma, M & Siddiqui, S 2023, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, vol. 87, 104402 ., Horsley, A, Dark, P, Felton, T, et al, ISARIC4C Investigators & PHOSP-COVID Collaborative Group 2023, ' SARS-CoV-2-specific nasal IgA wanes 9 months after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and is not induced by subsequent vaccination ', EBioMedicine, vol. 87, 104402 .
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