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Lynchiatilla parana Cambra

Authors :
Bergamaschi, Antonio C. B.
Cambra, Roberto A.
Brothers, Denis J.
Melo, Gabriel A. R.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2012.


Lynchiatilla parana Cambra in Bergamaschi et al., sp. nov. (Figs 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10��� 12) Diagnosis. In Casal���s (1963) key to females of Lynchiatilla species, L. parana runs to couplet 6 and is related to L. tacana Casal, 1963. Females of these two species can be separated as follows: L. parana without genal carina, and T 2 with two rounded, golden, pubescent maculae (Fig. 1); L. tacana with genal carina, and T 2 with two longitudinal oval, pale white, pubescent maculae (Fig. 3). The males can be separated as follows: L. parana with metasomal integument black and T 2 ���T 6 apically with dense transverse rows of pale golden setae (Fig. 7); L. tacana with metasomal integument orange and T 2 ���T 6 apically with sparse white setae laterally and red-brown in the middle with a few white setae intermixed (Fig. 9). The wings are very similar, but differ slightly in the shape of the first submarginal cell (Figs 5���6). Description. FEMALE (holotype, Figs 1, 2). Body length 8.5 mm. Color: integument of head and mesosoma red; scape, pedicellus, and first three flagellomeres orange-yellow, other antennomeres black; mandible orangeyellow except tip black; legs orange-yellow; T 1 red except apex black; T 2 ���T 6 black except discal area of T 2 with two broad, transverse, red maculae hidden in part by pubescence; S 1 red; S 2 black except basal third red; S 3 ���S 6 black. Frons and vertex with sparse black setae; gena and clypeus mostly with pale white setae; dorsum of mesosoma with sparse black setae except propodeum with sparse pale golden setae; sides of pronotum with sparse pale pubescence; mesopleuron with very few pale setae; T 1 with pale golden setae except apex with black setae medially; T 2 with black setae except for lateral area with white setae and two discal rounded spots of golden pubescence covering parts of the two red integumental spots; T 3 ���T 5 with dense golden pubescence interrupted in middle by black setae; T 6 basal half with intermixed pale golden and black setae; S 1 ���S 4 with pale white setae; S 5 ���S 6 with pale golden setae. Head: rectangular; with deep medium-sized punctation, mostly semiconfluent and confluent, sculpture not hidden by pubescence; eye large, distance between posterior margin of eye and postero-lateral angle about 0.65 �� maximum diameter of eye; scrobal carina present, not reaching base of antennal tubercle; genal carina absent; clypeus with anterior margin straight, medial area with a weak, arcuate, transverse ridge ending in anterior margin near tubercle in front of each antennal tubercle; antenna slender, first flagellomere 1.4 �� as long as second in dorsal view; mandible with apex bidentate, simple beneath without any tooth or process. Mesosoma: 1.2 �� as long as wide (excluding prothoracic collar); lateral margin distinctly sinuate, gradually narrowing to propodeal spiracle then broadening posteriorly; dorsally with punctation very similar to head; propodeal dorsal face with large punctures, deep, longitudinally irregular and confluent; mesopleuron micropunctate, metapleuron and side of propodeum smooth and glabrous; lateral margin of mesonotum with a very small tooth between prothoracic and propodeal spiracles; propodeal margin with three very small spines anterolaterally and a transverse row of seven large spines or projections posteriorly. Metasoma: T 1 not constricted posteriorly, sessile and evenly merging with T 2, basal two-thirds with small sparse punctures, apical third with small close punctures; T 2 evenly convex throughout, without elevated, longitudinal carinae, mostly with medium-sized, dense, contiguous and somewhat confluent punctures; T 3 ���T 5 with small, close punctures; T 6 with flattened medio-apical microgranulate area defined by distinct lateral carina; S 1 mostly smooth but with a prominent, median, longitudinal keel; S 2 with medium-sized close punctures; S 3 ���S 5 with small, close punctures; S 6 with medium-sized, contiguous punctures except apical third smooth. MALE (allotype). Body length 9.0 mm. Color: Integument black; tibial spurs pale white; body and legs covered with sparse, simple, white setae, except near inner margin of eyes, mesoscutum, tegula and anterior third of scutellum with black setae; metasomal segments 2���6 apically with dense transverse rows of pale golden setae. Head: transverse in dorsal view, sub-rounded; frons, vertex and gena with medium-sized, very close punctures; eye 0.5 �� as long as medial length of head; ocelli small, distance between eye margin and lateral ocellus 7 �� diameter of ocellus; genal carina absent; clypeus convex mesally, its antero-medial margin almost straight and untoothed; proboscidial fossa large, extending laterally to insertion of mandible; mandible slender, bidentate apically, simple ventrally; scrobal carina reduced to an inconspicuous protuberance between antennal tubercle and eye; antennal tubercle simple, without protuberance or carina; scape with a single longitudinal carina below; first flagellomere as long as second. Mesosoma: pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum with medium-sized, very close punctures; tegula convex, without a distinct posterior surface, smooth and shiny but with a few punctures along anterior and lateral margins; scutellum slightly convex; dorsum and posterior face of propodeum broadly reticulate; pronotum with humeral area rounded, lateral area with short transverse carina ventrally; mesopleuron anterior one-third with small separated punctures, posterior two-thirds with medium-sized very close punctures, dorsal and ventral areas separated by broad and deep scrobal groove; metapleuron and propodeum laterally mostly glabrous and impunctate; forewing with three submarginal and two discal cells, veins 3 rs-m and 2 m-cu faintly indicated, nebulous (Fig. 5). Metasoma: T 1 not constricted posteriorly, sessile and evenly merging with T 2, about as long as wide, 0.5 �� length and 0.62 �� width of T 2, mostly smooth with few small punctures, except apically and laterally with small, very close punctures; T 2 covered with medium-sized, close punctures except apex with small, very close punctures, with lateral felt line about 0.57 �� as long as lateral margin; T 3 ���T 6 with small, very close punctures; T 7 basal half with medium-sized, very close punctures, apical half with intermixed microgranulate and irregular rugose sculpture; S 1 with a median longitudinal carina; S 2 without felt line; S 1, S 2 and S 7 with medium-sized punctures; S 3 ���S 6 with small, very close punctures; hypopygium apex with deep, V-shaped, medial emargination (Fig. 8); genitalia: paramere with apex simple, basal half not very broad, distal half gradually narrowing toward apex (Fig. 10), ventral margin with long setae, except apical one-fourth with row of sparse short setae; volsella with cuspis and digitus short (Fig. 11), cuspis with long setae; penis valve with apical tooth and lacking preapical tooth (Fig. 12). Material examined. Holotype, ��: Brazil, Paran��, Piraquara, Manancias da Serra, 25 �� 29 ' 18 ''S, 48 �� 58 ' 26 ''W, 10.II. 2008, A.C.B. Bergamaschi (DZUP 161738). Allotype, ♂ same data as holotype (MIUP). Paratypes: 1 �� same data as holotype (MIUP); same data except 03.I. 2008 (1 ��, DZUP 167630); same data except 07.I. 2008 (1 ��, DZUP 167631); same data except 04.III.08 (1 ��, DZUP 167632); same data except 15.XI. 2008 (3 �� 1 ♂ DZUP 167633, 167634, 167636, 167637); Brazil, Paran��, Curitiba [25 �� 26 'S 49 �� 16 'W], 15.XI. 1965, col. C.D. Michener (1 ��, MIUP). Variation. The female specimen from Curitiba has the integument of the metasoma mostly red instead of mostly black. Distribution. Brazil (Paran��). Etymology. The species is named in reference to Paran��, the Brazilian State from which the specimens have been collected, used here as a noun in apposition.<br />Published as part of Bergamaschi, Antonio C. B., Cambra, Roberto A., Brothers, Denis J. & Melo, Gabriel A. R., 2012, Lynchiatilla Casal, 1963 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae): a new species from Brazil associated with Paroxystoglossa spiloptera Moure (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Halictinae), and notes on other species, pp. 55-64 in Zootaxa 3548 on pages 56-59, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.282821<br />{"references":["Casal, H. C. (1963) Mutillidae Neotropicales XIX (Hymenoptera). Las especies del nuevo genero \" Lynchiatilla \". Acta Zoologica Lilloana, 19, 343 - 383."]}


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