Status of the design of the ITER ECE diagnostic
Victor Udintsev, et al. “Status of the Design of the ITER ECE Diagnostic.” EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 87, Jan. 2015, p. 03002. EBSCOhost,
Victor Udintsev, Michael Walsh, J. L. Hesler, Amanda Hubbard, Russell Feder, Siddharth Kumar, G. Taylor, Richard Ellis, C. Roman, Vinay Kumar, P. E. Phillips, Abdelhamid Ouroua, H.K.B. Pandya, Ravi Kumar, Max E Austin, Joseph H. Beno, George Vayakis, S. Danani, William L. Rowan, & David Johnson. (2015). Status of the design of the ITER ECE diagnostic. EPJ Web of Conferences, 87, 03002.
Victor Udintsev, Michael Walsh, J. L. Hesler, Amanda Hubbard, Russell Feder, Siddharth Kumar, G. Taylor, et al. 2015. “Status of the Design of the ITER ECE Diagnostic.” EPJ Web of Conferences 87 (January): 03002. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20158703002.