Larixol inhibits fMLP-induced superoxide anion production and chemotaxis by targeting the βγ subunit of Gi-protein of fMLP receptor in human neutrophils
Hsiang-Ruei Liao, et al. “Larixol Inhibits FMLP-Induced Superoxide Anion Production and Chemotaxis by Targeting the Βγ Subunit of Gi-Protein of FMLP Receptor in Human Neutrophils.” Biochemical Pharmacology, vol. 201, July 2022, p. 115091. EBSCOhost,
Hsiang-Ruei Liao, Yu-Yao Kao, Yann-Lii Leu, Fu-Chao Liu, & Ching-Ping Tseng. (2022). Larixol inhibits fMLP-induced superoxide anion production and chemotaxis by targeting the βγ subunit of Gi-protein of fMLP receptor in human neutrophils. Biochemical Pharmacology, 201, 115091.
Hsiang-Ruei Liao, Yu-Yao Kao, Yann-Lii Leu, Fu-Chao Liu, and Ching-Ping Tseng. 2022. “Larixol Inhibits FMLP-Induced Superoxide Anion Production and Chemotaxis by Targeting the Βγ Subunit of Gi-Protein of FMLP Receptor in Human Neutrophils.” Biochemical Pharmacology 201 (July): 115091. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115091.