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Cryptosporidium spp. prevalence, relationship with the general inflammatory response, faecal microbiota and halofuginone lactate treatment in calves

Authors :
Dorbek-Kolin, Elisabeth
Orro, Toomas
Adjou, Karim Tarik (opponent)
Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2023.


A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Sciences. Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks loomaarstiteaduse erialal. Calf diarrhoea is a common problem in cattle herds, and it has many causative agents including the protozoan parasites of the genus Cryptosporidium. This parasite is detected worldwide and has clinical importance particularly in pre-weaned calves. The most common species in calves is Cryptosporidium parvum. In this thesis, the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in Estonian calves was determined, which species of this parasite were shed with faeces, and which subtypes of C. parvum were shed. Additionally, associations of Cryptosporidium species, general inflammatory response, and faecal microbiota were studied. The effects of treatment with halofuginone lactate were evaluated. Cryptosporidium spp. are widely spread among Estonian calves during their first two months of life. In this thesis, three species were detected, and ten subtypes of C. parvum were described, one of them being novel. Shedding of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts was most common during the second week of life. The general inflammatory response was measured through blood serum concentrations of acute phase proteins (specifically serum amyloid A and haptoglobin), that are synthesised in liver as a result of pathogen invasion or tissue damage. The more Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts the calves shed in their faeces, the higher the concentration of these proteins in the blood, and the lower the microbial diversity in faeces. Some bacterial genera in faeces were positively associated with the serum concentrations of the acute phase proteins (e.g., Fusobacterium), or negatively with cryptosporidiosis (e.g., Ruminiclostridium 9). Halofuginone lactate treatment decreased mortality of calves and delayed the oocyst shedding. Understanding the interactions of Cryptosporidium spp., host responses, and the microbiota of the calf can help to comprehend the development of the calf as a whole. Based on this knowledge, factors benefiting the welfare and performance of production animals could be found and possibly influenced. Vasikate kõhulahtisus on levinud probleem veisekarjades ja sellel on palju võimalikke põhjustajaid, sealhulgas perekond Cryptosporidium parasiidid. Need parasiidid on ülemaailmase levikuga ja nendel on kliiniline tähtsus, eriti võõrutamata vasikatel. Levinuim liik vasikatel on Cryptosporidium parvum. Käesolevas väitekirjas uuriti Cryptosporidium’i perekonna levimust Eesti vasikatel, milliseid liike eritatakse, ja milliseid C. parvum'i alamtüüpe neil esineb. Lisaks uuriti seoseid Cryptosporidium'i liikide, üldise põletikuvastuse ja rooja mikrobioota vahel. Hinnati halofuginoon laktaadi ravi mõju krüptosporidioosi korral. Cryptosporidium'i liigid on Eesti vasikate seas laialt levinud nende esimesel kahel elukuul. Selles väitekirjas tuvastati kolm liiki ja kirjeldati kümmet C. parvum’i alamtüüpi, millest üks oli uudne. Cryptosporidium'i ootsüste eritati kõige rohkem teisel elunädalal. Üldist põletikuvastust mõõdeti ägeda faasi valkude (täpsemalt seerumi amüloid A ja haptoglobiini) vere seerumi kontsentratsioonide mõõtmise kaudu, mida sünteesitakse maksas patogeeni invasiooni või koekahjustuse tulemusena. Mida rohkem Cryptosporidium'i ootsüste vasikad oma väljaheidetega eritasid, seda suurem oli nende valkude kontsentratsioon veres ja seda väiksem oli rooja mikrobioota mitmekesisus. Mõned väljaheidete bakteriperekonnad olid seotud ka ägeda faasi valkude kontsentratsiooniga (nt Fusobacterium, positiivne seos) või krüptosporidioosiga (nt Ruminiclostridium 9, negatiivne seos). Ravi halofuginoon laktaadiga vähendas vasikate suremust ja lükkas edasi ootsüstide eritamist. Cryptosporidium'i liikide, peremeesorganismi füsioloogiliste reaktsioonide ja mikrobioota koostoime mõistmine võib aidata mõista vasika arengut tervikuna. Nende teadmiste põhjal on võimalik leida ja ehk mõjutada produktiivloomade heaolu ja jõudlust soodustavaid tegureid. The publication of this dissertation is granted by the Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine, supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“) and by the Estonian University of Life Sciences.


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