CDMSlite: A Search for Low-Mass WIMPs using Voltage-Assisted Calorimetric Ionization Detection in the SuperCDMS Experiment
Agnese, R., et al. CDMSlite: A Search for Low-Mass WIMPs Using Voltage-Assisted Calorimetric Ionization Detection in the SuperCDMS Experiment. Jan. 2013. EBSCOhost,
Agnese, R., Anderson, A. J., Asai, M., Balakishiyeva, D., Thakur, R. B., Bauer, D. A., Billard, J., Borgland, A., Bowles, M. A., Brandt, D., Brink, P. L., Bunker, R., Cabrera, B., Caldwell, D. O., Cerdeno, D. G., Chagani, H., Cooley, J., Cornell, B., Crewdson, C. H., … Zhang, J. (2013). CDMSlite: A Search for Low-Mass WIMPs using Voltage-Assisted Calorimetric Ionization Detection in the SuperCDMS Experiment.
Agnese, R., A. J. Anderson, M. Asai, D. Balakishiyeva, R. Basu Thakur, D. A. Bauer, J. Billard, et al. 2013. “CDMSlite: A Search for Low-Mass WIMPs Using Voltage-Assisted Calorimetric Ionization Detection in the SuperCDMS Experiment,” January. doi:10.48550/arxiv.1309.3259.