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Authors :
L. Ustinova
G. Voitenko
N. Kurdil
O.H. Lutsenko
V. Savytskyi
A. Kalashnikov
Source :
Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології = Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology. 25:309-320
Publication Year :
Publisher :
National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the NAMS of Ukraine, 2020.


The high level of nuclear radiation threats in the modern world determines the need to find new means of pharmacological protection of the health of military personnel and civilians from the effects of ionizing radiation. Of particular scientific interest in this aspect are natural polyphenols as a promising basis for the development of newdrugs, radiomodifiers.Justification of the prospects of creating radioprotective agents based on compositions of plantpolyphenolic substances (PPS) and polysaccharides.The experiments were performed on 130 laboratory white rats-male of Wistar line sexually mature weighting 180-240 g. Animals once received a total X-ray dose equivalent to 4.25 Gy. The effects ofquercetin and patulaten to the processes of reparative regeneration under conditions of X-ray irradiation andagainst the background of butadione suppression were investigated. Indicators in the study groups were compared using the Student's t-test for independent samples; the differences were considered statistically significantat p0.05.The various biological properties of quercetin, in particular, the ability to bind hydroxyl radicals, is thepotential for developing radioprotective agents based on it. At the first stage of the study, the effect of PPS andtheir compositions with polysaccharides on reparative regeneration was studied against the background of its suppression in intact and irradiated animals. With the oral administration of PPS and their compositions with pectin towhite rats, 30 minutes before the administration of butadion, an increase in the processes of reparative regeneration in the cells of the covering epitheliumof the esophagus was observed. At the same time, quercetin granulescaused the most expressive effect, which increased the statistically significant value of the mitotic index by 78.5 %in relation to the group of animals injected with butadion. At the second stage of the study, the effect of polyphenolic substances and their compositions with pectin on the processes of reparative regeneration in intact and irradiated white rats was studied on a model of linear skin wounds. The prophylactic administration of quercetin granules and the treatment of wounds with 20 % sterile quercetin gel significantly accelerated the healing process.Experimental data indicate that quercetin granules have the ability to stimulate the processes of reparative regeneration, quercetin showed the greatest efficiency with simultaneous use inside and topically.The research results indicate the promise of developing radioprotective drugs that can stimulatereparative regeneration processes based on compositions of plant polyphenolic substances and polysaccharides invarious qualitative and quantitative ratios.Vysokyĭ riven' radiatsiĭno-iadernykh zagroz v suchasnomu sviti vyznachaie neobkhidnist' poshuku diievykh zasobiv farmakologichnogo zakhystu zdorov’ia viĭs'kovosluzhbovtsiv i tsyvil'nogo naselennia vid diï ionizuiuchogo vyprominiuvannia. Osoblyvyĭ naukovyĭ interes v ts'omu aspekti predstavliaiut' pryrodni polifenoly iak perspektyvni spolukydlia rozrobky farmpreparativ radiozakhysnoï diï.Meta. Obґruntuvannia perspektyv stvorennia zasobiv radiozakhysnoï diï na osnovi kompozytsiĭ roslynnykh polifenol'nykh spoluk (PFS)i polisakharydiv.Material ta metody. Eksperymenty provedeno na 130 laboratornykh bilykh statevozrilykh shchurakh-samtsiakh liniïWistar masoiu 180–240 g. Tvaryny odnorazovo otrymaly zagal'ne rentgenivs'ke oprominennia v dozi, ekvivalentniĭ 4,25 Gr. Doslidzhuvaly vplyv kvertsetynu i patulatenu na reparatyvnu regeneratsiiu na modeli liniĭnykhran shkiry na foni oprominennia ta na foni prygnichennia Butadionom. Pokaznyky v grupakh doslidzhennia porivniuvaly za dopomogoiu t-kryteriiu St'iudenta dlia nezalezhnykh vybirok; vidminnosti vvazhaly statystychno znachushchymy pry0,05.Rezul'taty doslidzhennia. Riznomanitni biologichni vlastyvosti kvertsetynu, zokrema spromozhnist' zv’iazuvatygidroksyl'ni radykaly, ie potentsialom dlia rozrobky na ĭogo osnovi radiozakhysnykh zasobiv. Pry peroral'nomuvvedenni polifenol'nykh spoluk ta ïkh kompozytsiĭ z pektynom bilym shchuram za 30 khv do vvedennia butadionu sposterigaly posylennia protsesiv reparatyvnoï regeneratsiï v klitynakh pokryvnogo epiteliiu stravokhodu. Pry ts'omunaĭbil'sh vyrazhenu diiu chynyly kvertsetynu granuly, iaki zbil'shuvaly statystychno dostovirnu velychynu mitotychnogo indeksu na 78,5 % porivniano z grupoiu tvaryn, iakym vvodyly butadion (kontrol'). Na drugomu etapidoslidzhennia vyvchavsia vplyv polifenol'nykh spoluk (PFS) ta ïkh kompozytsiĭ z pektynom na protsesy reparatyvnoï regeneratsiï u intaktnykh i oprominenykh bilykh shchuriv na modeli liniĭnykh ran shkiry. Profilaktychne vvedenniakvertsetynu granul i obrobka ran 20 % steryl'nym gelem kvertsetynu znachno pryskoriuvalo protses zagoienniaran. Eksperymental'ni dani svidchat' pro zdatnist' kvertsetynu granul posyliuvaty protsesy reparatyvnoï regeneratsiï, osoblyvo pry odnochasnomu zastosuvanni peroral'no i mistsevo.Vysnovky. Rezul'taty doslidzhen' vkazuiut' na perspektyvnist' rozrobky radiozakhysnykh preparativ, zdatnykhstymuliuvaty protsesy reparatyvnoï regeneratsiï na osnovi kompozytsiĭ roslynnykh polifenol'nykh spoluk ipolisakharydiv u riznykh iakisnykh i kil'kisnykh spivvidnoshenniakh.


23134607 and 23048336
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Проблеми радіаційної медицини та радіобіології = Problems of Radiation Medicine and Radiobiology
Accession number :