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Mimonemophas quadrifasciatus Breuning 1961

Authors :
Xie, Guanglin
Huang, Jianghua
Wang, Wenkai
Xiang, Lanbin
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2015.


Mimonemophas quadrifasciatus Breuning, 1961 (Figs. 1 ��� 4, 7��� 9, 15��� 25) Mimonemophas quadrifasciatus Breuning, 1961: 309. Type locality. VIETNAM. Materials examined. CHINA: Guangxi province: 1 female, Guilin, 20 July 2007, leg. Chenhui Zhan (CZCH); 1 female, Wuming, Daming Mountain, Alt. 1309 m, 2 July, 2011, leg. Ruigang Yang (CSUFT); 1 male, the same locality, 3 August 2012, leg. Ruigang Yang (CSUFT); 1 male, Wuming, Daming Mountain, Alt. 1300 m, 28 May 2013, leg. Yanquan Lu (CWD, only examined by an image). Distribution. CHINA (Guangxi), VIETNAM. Male: Length 28 mm, humeral width 10 mm. Body completely black, clothed with appressed bluish-green to bluishgrey scale-like pubescence and thick semirecumbent to erect black bristle-like hairs. Head clothed with bright iridescent bluish to bluish green pubescence on frons, labrum, outer side of basal mandible and around eye margin, and sparse erect hairs on both sides of frons. Antennal tubercles, basal two antennomeres and extreme base of 3 rd antennomere clothed with bright iridescent bluish to pale blue pubescence. Pronotal disc mostly glabrous, provided with an irregularly anteriorlateral patch of bright iridescent bluish pubescence on each side and a small homogenous spot at middle of posterior end. Scutellum clothed with dense pale blue pubescence. Elytra clothed with dense bluish-green to yellowish-green pubescence and black bristle-like hairs. Each elytron provided with markings of bluish-green to yellowish-green pubescence as following: an inconspicuous spot on inner side of humerus; a narrow, transverse, irregular and interrupted band behind the scutellum which is broadened at middle and broken behind humeri in different level; a wide transverse band before the middle which is broken medially by a black spot abutted to suture; a wider preapical transverse band broken by a smaller black spot close to suture, and a distinct apical transverse band. The aforementioned four transverse bands are coalesced along suture and epipleura. Ventral surface mostly clothed with bright iridescent bluish pubescence, pro- and mesosternum clothed with black hairs. Legs mostly clothed with bright iridescent bluish pubescence except meso- and metatibiae with apical half clothed with black setae dorsally. Head with frons transverse, slightly bulged and nearly impunctate, with a longitudinal median sulcus; eye slightly coarsely faceted, lower lobe taller than wide, about 2 times as long as gena; vertex and gena sparsely punctate. Antenna about 2 times as long as body, scape stout, slightly flat and thickened apically, with a complete apical cicatrix; 3 rd antennomere longest, about 1.5 times as long as scape, 4 th to 10 th antennomere gradually decreased in length, last antennomere about as long as 5 th. Pronotum wider than long, lateral spine with base swelling and apex tapering; disc impunctate centrally, sparely and finely punctate laterally, provided with three calli, one of which at the posteromedial portion, distinct and flattened at the top, the other two at the lateral portion, less distinct. Scutellum triangular, with evenly rounded posterior apex. Elytra about 2 times as long as the width across humeri, with sides subparallel and apex rounded; surface finely punctate throughout and finely granulate basally; each elytron with two feeble longitudinal ridges, and apical three fourths with blurry longitudinal striae. Mesosternal process provided with a moderate projection. Legs moderately long, femur slightly clavate, tarsal claw divaricate. Male genitalia. Apex of Tergite VIII broadly truncate with indistinct notch at middle and dense fringe of hairs. In lateral view, tegmen slightly longer than median lobe (including median struts) in line distance from apex to base. Parameres converging and nearly touching at apices, surface clothed with setae of various lengths, apical setae remarkably longer than basal setae, basal ventral surface of parameres depressed laterally, forming a middle longitudinal ridge. Ringed part about 3 times as long as parameres, narrowed unequally towards to distal end, each lateral arm strongly geniculated at proximal third and connected with each other by membrane at distal portion. Median lobe (including median struts) moderately bent in lateral view, slightly constricted medially in dorsal view, dorsal apex slightly emarginate, ventral apex shallowly rounded, nearly truncate. Median struts broad, about 0.4 times as long as whole length of median lobe with median struts, separated distally. Internal sac distinctly composed of three segments: basal segment membranous, with a pair of crescent-shape sclerites at proximal end and patches of dense setae, median segment strongly sclerotized, tubular, with irregular rows of scale-like microspinules, terminal segment elongate, parallel-sided, much sclerotized and darkened laterally, with apical margin rounded. Female. Length 27 mm, humeral width 9.7 mm. Similar to male, antenna about 1.6 times as long as body, lower eye lobe about 1.5 times as long as gena, posteromedial pubescent spot on pronotum nearly completely absent. Female genitalia. Bursa copulatrix long, bursiform, not thickened apically. Spermatheca inserted in middle of bursa copulatrix. Spermathecal duct short. Spermathecal capsule membranous and nearly circular basally, sclerotized, slightly sinuate and gradually expanded apically, strongly curved and reversed about at apical two fifths, apical portion inserted in and touching basal incomplete circle. Spermathecal gland long, with extreme base strongly constricted and sclerotized. Remarks. The elytral pubescence on fresh specimens is commonly bluish-green to yellowish-green, sometimes fading to dirty yellow on old specimens. The specimens from Guangxi of China differ slightly from the original description in each elytron with a black spot abutted to the suture in the bluish-green transverse pubescent band before the middle, and another smaller black spot close to the suture in the bluish-green preapical transverse pubescent band. Since the type specimen is unavailable for this study, we consider these differences as individual variation.<br />Published as part of Xie, Guanglin, Huang, Jianghua, Wang, Wenkai & Xiang, Lanbin, 2015, First record of the genus Mimonemophas Breuning (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Monochamini) from China with description of a new species, pp. 595-600 in Zootaxa 4057 (4) on pages 596-599, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4057.4.11,<br />{"references":["Breuning, S. (1961) Neue Cerambyciden aus den Sammlungen des Zoologischen Museums der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Mitteilungen Zoologischen Museumin Berlin, 37, 297 - 328. Lingafelter, S. W. & Hoebeke, E. R. (2002) Revision of Anoplophora (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The Entomological Society of Washington, Washington, D. C., 236 pp."]}


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