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Estimación de emisiones a la atmósfera provenientes de quemadores elevados de instalaciones petroleras en la Sonda de Campeche

Authors :
Alberto Mendoza-Domínguez
M. Graniel-Peralta
Source :
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM, Redalyc-ITESM
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2006.


PEMEX Ex plo ra tion and Pro duc tion (PEP) per forms vent ing of as so ci ated gas through high torch-type burn ers in its pro duc tion fa cil i ties in the south ern most part of the Gulf of Mex ico (Sonda de Campeche), al low ing con trol of op er a tion pres sures of sep a ra tors and pipe lines in such fa cil i ties. This study fo cuses in es ti mat ing the amount of at mo spheric emis sions orig i nated from burn ers in PEP’s North east Ma rine Re gion. Thus, an emis sion in ven tory for six dif fer e nt study ep i sodes be tween No vem ber 2000 and No vem ber 2001 was elab o rated, with the ob jec tive of di ag nos ing the emis sions’ be hav iors through out dif fer ent me te o ro log i cal con di tions. The in ven tory was gen er ated for CO, CO2 , SO2, ni tro gen ox ides, to tal sus pended par ti cles and un burned hy dro car bons. The in ven tory was as sem bled us ing emis sion fac tors that ac count for the o ret i cal com bus tion in ef fi cien cies due to me te o ro log i cal con di tions. The re sults show con sid er able amounts of H2 S and un burned or ganic com pounds due to com bus tion in ef fi cien cies that ranged be tween 22% and 44%.


25940732 and 14057743
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología
Accession number :
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