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Systematic Studies of the Centrality and sqrt(s_NN) Dependence of dE_T/deta and dN_ch/deta in Heavy Ion Collisions at Mid-rapidity

Authors :
Adler, S.S.
Afanasiev, S.
Aidala, C.
Ajitanand, N.N.
Akiba, Y.
Alexander, J.
Amirikas, R.
Aphecetche, Laurent
Aronson, S.H.
Averbeck, R.
Awes, T.C.
Azmoun, R.
Babintsev, V.
Baldisseri, A.
Barish, K.N.
Barnes, P.D.
Bassalleck, B.
Bathe, S.
Batsouli, S.
Baublis, V.
Bazilevsky, A.
Belikov, S.
Berdnikov, Y.
Bhagavatula, S.
Boissevain, J.G.
Borel, H.
Borenstein, S.
Brooks, M.L.
Brown, D.S.
Bruner, N.
Bucher, D.
Buesching, H.
Bumazhnov, V.
Bunce, G.
Burward-Hoy, J.M.
Butsyk, S.
Camard, X.
Chai, J.-S.
Chand, P.
Chang, W.C.
Chernichenko, S.
Chi, C.Y.
Chiba, J.
Chiu, M.
Choi, I.J.
Choi, J.
Choudhury, R.K.
Chujo, T.
Cianciolo, V.
Cobigo, Y.
Cole, B.A.
Constantin, P.
D'Enterria, D.G.
David, G.
Delagrange, H.
Denisov, A.
Deshpande, A.
Desmond, E.J.
Dietzsch, O.
Drapier, O.
Drees, A.
Du Rietz, R.
Durum, A.
Dutta, D.
Efremenko, Y.V.
El Chenawi, K.
Enokizono, A.
Enyo, H.
Esumi, S.
Ewell, L.
Fields, D.E.
Fleuret, F.
Fokin, S.L.
Fox, B.D.
Fraenkel, Z.
Frantz, J.E.
Franz, A.
Frawley, A.D.
Fung, S.-Y.
Garpman, S.
Ghosh, T.K.
Glenn, A.
Gogiberidze, G.
Gonin, M.
Gosset, J.
Goto, Y.
Granier De Cassagnac, R.
Grau, N.
Greene, S.V.
Grosse Perdekamp, M.
Guryn, W.
Gustafsson, H.-A.
Hachiya, T.
Haggerty, J.S.
Hamagaki, H.
Hansen, A.G.
Hartouni, E.P.
Harvey, M.
Hayano, R.
He, X.
Heffner, M.
Hemmick, T.K.
Heuser, J.M.
Hibino, M.
Hill, J.C.
Holzmann, W.
Homma, K.
Hong, B.
Hoover, A.
Ichihara, T.
Ikonnikov, V.V.
Imai, K.
Isenhower, D.
Ishihara, M.
Issah, M.
Isupov, A.
Jacak, B.V.
Jang, W.Y.
Jeong, Y.
Jia, J.
Jinnouchi, O.
Johnson, B.M.
Johnson, S.C.
Joo, K.S.
Jouan, D.
Kametani, S.
Kamihara, N.
Kang, J.H.
Kapoor, S.S.
Katou, K.
Kelly, Steven
Khachaturov, B.
Khanzadeev, A.
Kikuchi, J.
Kim, D.H.
Kim, D.J.
Kim, D.W.
Kim, E.
Kim, G.-B.
Kim, H.J.
Kistenev, E.
Kiyomichi, A.
Kiyoyama, K.
Klein-Boesing, C.
Kobayashi, H.
Kochenda, L.
Kochetkov, V.
Koehler, D.
Kohama, T.
Kopytine, M.
Kotchetkov, D.
Kozlov, A.
Kroon, P.J.
Kuberg, C.H.
Kurita, K.
Kuroki, Y.
Kweon, M.J.
Kwon, Y.
Kyle, G.S.
Lacey, R.
Ladygin, V.
Lajoie, J.G.
Lebedev, A.
Leckey, S.
Lee, D.M.
Lee, S.
Leitch, M.J.
Li, X.H.
Lim, H.
Litvinenko, A.
Liu, M.X.
Liu, Yehan
Maguire, C.F.
Makdisi, Y.I.
Malakhov, A.
Manko, V.I.
Mao, Y.
Martinez Garcia, Gines
Marx, M.D.
Masui, H.
Matathias, F.
Matsumoto, T.
McGaughey, P.L.
Melnikov, E.
Mendenhall, M.
Messer, F.
Miake, Y.
Milan, J.
Miller, T.E.
Milov, A.
Mioduszewski, S.
Mischke, R.E.
Mishra, G.C.
Mitchell, J.T.
Mohanty, A.K.
Morrison, D.P.
Moss, J.M.
Muhlbacher, F.
Mukhopadhyay, D.
Muniruzzaman, M.
Murata, J.
Nagamiya, S.
Nagle, J.L.
Nakamura, T.
Nandi, B.K.
Nara, M.
Newby, J.
Nilsson, P.
Nyanin, A.S.
Nystrand, J.
O'Brien, E.
Ogilvie, C.A.
Ohnishi, H.
Ojha, I.D.
Okada, K.
Ono, M.
Onuchin, V.
Oskarsson, A.
Otterlund, I.
Oyama, K.
Ozawa, K.
Pal, D.
Palounek, A.P.T.
Pantuev, V.S.
Papavassiliou, V.
Park, J.
Parmar, A.
Pate, S.F.
Peitzmann, T.
Peng, J.-C.
Peresedov, V.
Pinkenburg, C.
Pisani, R.P.
Plasil, F.
Purschke, M.L.
Purwar, A.K.
Rak, J.
Ravinovich, I.
Read, K.F.
Reuter, M.
Reygers, K.
Riabov, V.
Riabov, Y.
Roche, G.
Romana, A.
Rosati, M.
Rosnet, P.
Ryu, S.S.
Sadler, M.E.
Saito, N.
Sakaguchi, T.
Sakai, M.
Sakai, S.
Samsonov, V.
Sanfratello, L.
Santo, R.
Sato, H.D.
Sato, S.
Sawada, S.
Schutz, Y.
Semenov, V.
Seto, R.
Shaw, M.R.
Shea, T.K.
Shibata, T.-A.
Shigaki, K.
Shiina, T.
Silva, C.L.
Silvermyr, D.
Sim, K.S.
Singh, C.P.
Singh, V.
Sivertz, M.
Soldatov, A.
Soltz, R.A.
Sondheim, W.E.
Sorensen, S.P.
Sourikova, I.V.
Staley, F.
Stankus, P.W.
Stenlund, E.
Stepanov, M.
Ster, A.
Stoll, S.P.
Sugitate, T.
Sullivan, J.P.
Takagui, E.M.
Taketani, A.
Tamai, M.
Tanaka, K.H.
Tanaka, Y.
Tanida, K.
Tannenbaum, M.J.
Tarjan, P.
Tepe, J.D.
Thomas, T.L.
Tojo, J.
Torii, H.
Towell, R.S.
Tserruya, I.
Tsuruoka, H.
Tuli, S.K.
Tydesjo, H.
Tyurin, N.
Van Hecke, H.W.
Velkovska, J.
Velkovsky, M.
Villatte, L.
Vinogradov, A.A.
Volkov, M.A.
Vznuzdaev, E.
Wang, X.R.
Watanabe, Y.
White, S.N.
Wohn, F.K.
Woody, C.L.
Xie, W.
Yang, Y.
Yanovich, A.
Yokkaichi, S.
Young, G.R.
Yushmanov, I.E.
Zajc, W.A.
Zhang, C.
Zhou, S.
Zhou, S.J.
Zolin, L.
Laboratoire SUBATECH Nantes (SUBATECH)
Mines Nantes (Mines Nantes)-Université de Nantes (UN)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR)
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-École polytechnique (X)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO)
Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire - Clermont-Ferrand (LPC)
Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Nantes (UN)-Mines Nantes (Mines Nantes)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École polytechnique (X)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)
Source :
Physical Review C, Physical Review C, 2005, 71, pp.034908-1-034908-25. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.71.034908⟩, Physical Review C, American Physical Society, 2005, 71, pp.034908-1-034908-25. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.71.034908⟩
Publication Year :
Publisher :
HAL CCSD, 2005.


The PHENIX experiment at RHIC has measured transverse energy and charged particle multiplicity at mid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 19.6, 130 and 200 GeV as a function of centrality. The presented results are compared to measurements from other RHIC experiments, and experiments at lower energies. The sqrt(s_NN) dependence of dE_T/deta and dN_ch/deta per pair of participants is consistent with logarithmic scaling for the most central events. The centrality dependence of dE_T/deta and dN_ch/deta is similar at all measured incident energies. At RHIC energies the ratio of transverse energy per charged particle was found independent of centrality and growing slowly with sqrt(s_NN). A survey of comparisons between the data and available theoretical models is also presented.<br />327 authors, 25 pages text, 19 figures, 17 tables, RevTeX 4. To be submitted to Physical Review C as a regular article. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at


Language :
24699985 and 24699993
Database :
Journal :
Physical Review C, Physical Review C, 2005, 71, pp.034908-1-034908-25. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.71.034908⟩, Physical Review C, American Physical Society, 2005, 71, pp.034908-1-034908-25. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevC.71.034908⟩
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