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Circulating free testosterone and risk of aggressive prostate cancer: Prospective and Mendelian randomisation analyses in international consortia

Authors :
Eleanor L, Watts
Aurora, Perez-Cornago
Georgina K, Fensom
Karl, Smith-Byrne
Urwah, Noor
Colm D, Andrews
Marc J, Gunter
Michael V, Holmes
Richard M, Martin
Konstantinos K, Tsilidis
Demetrius, Albanes
Aurelio, Barricarte
Bas, Bueno-de-Mesquita
Chu, Chen
Barbara A, Cohn
Niki L, Dimou
Luigi, Ferrucci
Leon, Flicker
Neal D, Freedman
Graham G, Giles
Edward L, Giovannucci
Gary E, Goodman
Christopher A, Haiman
Graeme J, Hankey
Jiaqi, Huang
Wen-Yi, Huang
Lauren M, Hurwitz
Rudolf, Kaaks
Paul, Knekt
Tatsuhiko, Kubo
Hilde, Langseth
Gail, Laughlin
Loic, Le Marchand
Tapio, Luostarinen
Robert J, MacInnis
Hanna O, Mäenpää
Satu, Männistö
E Jeffrey, Metter
Kazuya, Mikami
Lorelei A, Mucci
Anja W, Olsen
Kotaro, Ozasa
Domenico, Palli
Kathryn L, Penney
Elizabeth A, Platz
Harri, Rissanen
Norie, Sawada
Jeannette M, Schenk
Pär, Stattin
Akiko, Tamakoshi
Elin, Thysell
Chiaojung Jillian, Tsai
Shoichiro, Tsugane
Lars, Vatten
Elisabete, Weiderpass
Stephanie J, Weinstein
Lynne R, Wilkens
Bu B, Yeap
Naomi E, Allen
Timothy J, Key
Ruth C, Travis
Department of Public Health
HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Oncology
Source :
Watts, E L, Martin, R M & the PRACTICAL Consortium 2022, ' Circulating free testosterone and risk of aggressive prostate cancer : Prospective and Mendelian randomisation analyses in international consortia ', International Journal of Cancer, vol. 151, no. 7, pp. 1033-1046 ., International Journal of Cancer, Watts, E L, Perez-Cornago, A, Fensom, G K, Smith-Byrne, K, Noor, U, Andrews, C D, Gunter, M J, Holmes, M V, Martin, R M, Tsilidis, K K, Albanes, D, Barricarte, A, Bueno-de-Mesquita, H B, Chen, C, Cohn, B A, Dimou, N L, Ferrucci, L, Flicker, L, Freedman, N D, Giles, G G, Giovannucci, E L, Goodman, G E, Haiman, C A, Hankey, G J, Huang, J, Huang, W-Y, Hurwitz, L M, Kaaks, R, Knekt, P, Kubo, T, Langseth, H, Laughlin, G, Le Marchand, L, Luostarinen, T, MacInnis, R J, Mäenpää, H O, Männistö, S, Metter, E J, Mikami, K, Mucci, L A, Olsen, A W, Ozasa, K, Palli, D, Penney, K L, Platz, E A, Rissanen, H, Sawada, N, Schenk, J M, Stattin, P, PRACTICAL Consortium, CRUK, BPC3, CAPS, PEGASUS & Tamakoshi, A 2022, ' Circulating free testosterone and risk of aggressive prostate cancer : Prospective and Mendelian randomisation analyses in international consortia ', International Journal of Cancer, vol. 151, no. 7, pp. 1033-1046 .
Publication Year :


Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. International Journal of Cancer published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of UICC. Previous studies had limited power to assess the associations of testosterone with aggressive disease as a primary endpoint. Further, the association of genetically predicted testosterone with aggressive disease is not known. We investigated the associations of calculated free and measured total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) with aggressive, overall and early-onset prostate cancer. In blood-based analyses, odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for prostate cancer were estimated using conditional logistic regression from prospective analysis of biomarker concentrations in the Endogenous Hormones, Nutritional Biomarkers and Prostate Cancer Collaborative Group (up to 25 studies, 14 944 cases and 36 752 controls, including 1870 aggressive prostate cancers). In Mendelian randomisation (MR) analyses, using instruments identified using UK Biobank (up to 194 453 men) and outcome data from PRACTICAL (up to 79 148 cases and 61 106 controls, including 15 167 aggressive cancers), ORs were estimated using the inverse-variance weighted method. Free testosterone was associated with aggressive disease in MR analyses (OR per 1 SD = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.08-1.40). In blood-based analyses there was no association with aggressive disease overall, but there was heterogeneity by age at blood collection (OR for men aged


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International journal of cancer
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