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Mystus singaringan

Authors :
Ng, H. H. Tan H. H.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2000.


Mystus singaringan (Bleeker, 1846) Bagrus singaringan Bleeker, 1846a: 150 (type locality: Batavia [= Jakarta], Java). Macrones nigriceps (non Valenciennes, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840): Volz, 1904: 467; 1907: 165; Weber and de Beaufort, 1913: 337, ®gure 145. Mystus nigriceps: Kottelat et al., 1993: 66, pl. 31. Mystus singaringan: Roberts, 1994: 252, ®gure 6. Material examined. BATANG HARI DRAINAGE: ZRC 38617 (4), 79.2±92.8 mm SL. ZRC 38662 (1), 104.8 mm SL. ZRC 39148 (1), 86.3 mm SL. ZRC 39183 (2), 33.2, 33.5 mm SL. ZRC 41719 (2), 113.1, 138.3 mm SL. ZRC 42262 (2), 109.1, 126.4 mm SL. ZRC 42363 (1), 107.5 mm SL. ZRC 42381 (1), 68.8 mm SL. ZRC 42433 (4), 73.3±131.0 mm SL. Remarks. Most authors since GuÈ nther (1864) have referred to Mystus singaringan as M. nigriceps, but the original description of M. nigriceps is based on Kuhl and van Hasselt material of the species usually identi®ed as M. micracanthus (see Roberts, 1994).<br />Published as part of Ng, H. H. Tan H. H., 2000, The cat ® shes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) of central Sumatra, pp. 267-303 in Journal of Natural History 34 on page 278<br />{"references":["BLEEKER, P., 1846 a, Overzicht der Siluroiden welke te Batavia voorkommen, Natuur- en Geneeskundig Archief voor Nederlandsch IndieE, 3, 135 ± 184.","VOLZ, W., 1904, Fische von Sumatra gesammelt von Herrn G. Schneider, Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 12, 451 ± 493.","VOLZ, W., 1907, The ® shes of Sumatra, Natuurkundig T ijdschrift voor Nederlandsch IndieE, 66, 35 ± 250.","WEBER, M and DE BEAUFORT, L. F., 1913, T he ® shes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, V ol. 2. Malacopterygii, Myctophoidea, Ostariophysi: I. Siluroidea (Leiden: E. J. Brill), 404 pp.","KOTTELAT, M., WHITTEN, A. J., KARTIKASARI, S. N. and WIRJOATMODJO, S., 1993, Freshwater Fishes of W estern Indonesia and Sulawesi (Hong Kong: Periplus Editions), 221 pp., 84 pls.","ROBERTS, T. R., 1994, Systematic revision of Asian bagrid cat ® shes of the genus Mystus sensu stricto, with a new species from Thailand and Cambodia, Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 5, 241 ± 256."]}


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