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A benchmark study on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids

Authors :
Thirumalachari Sundararajan
Gang Chen
Lim Geok Kieng
Wei Hsun Yeh
Jacopo Buongiorno
Pawel Keblinski
Aleksandr N. Turanov
Frank Dubois
Sheng-Qi Zhou
Jinwei Gao
Seung-Hyun Lee
Jacob Eapen
Anselmo Cecere
Mark Horton
Carlo Saverio Iorio
Haiping Hong
Yun Chang
Denis Funfschilling
Marco Bonetti
Stefan Van Vaerenbergh
Sung Jae Chung
Thomas J. McKrell
Chongyoup Kim
Pengxiang Song
John Philip
Yulong Ding
Patricia E. Gharagozloo
Jorge L. Alvarado
Sanjeeva Witharana
Xiao Zheng Zhao
Seok Pil Jang
Seokwon Kim
Jorge Gustavo Gutierrez
Sandra Whaley Bishnoi
Elena V. Timofeeva
Pawan Singh
Mark A. Kedzierski
Quentin Galand
Rui Ni
Sarit K. Das
Kenneth E. Goodson
Aravind Kamath
Raffaele Savino
Bruno Michel
Minking K. Chyu
Grzegorz Dzido
Dongsheng Wen
Yiran Jiang
Kai Choong Leong
Roberto Di Paola
Rebecca Christianson
Haisheng Chen
Werner Escher
In Cheol Bang
Jessica Townsend
Kyo Sik Hwang
Yuriy V. Tolmachev
Naveen Prabhat
Todd Tritcak
Chun Yang
Stephan Kabelac
Cécile Reynaud
Dimos Poulikakos
Indranil Manna
Frank Botz
Ji Hyun Kim
Liwen Jin
David C. Venerus
Hrishikesh E. Patel
Lin-Wen Hu
Andrzej B. Jarzębski
Jacopo, Buongiorno
David C., Veneru
Naveen, Prabhat
Thomas, Mckrell
Jessica, Townsend
Rebecca, Christianson
Yuriy V., Tolmachev
Pawel, Keblinski
Lin wen, Hu
Jorge L., Alvarado
In Cheol, Bang
Sandra W., Bishnoi
Marco, Bonetti
Frank, Botz
Cecere, Anselmo
Yun, Chang
Gang, Chen
Haisheng, Chen
Sung Jae, Chung
Minking K., Chyu
Sarit K., Da
Roberto Di, Paola
Yulong, Ding
Frank, Duboi
Grzegorz, Dzido
Jacob, Eapen
Werner, Escher
Denis, Funfschilling
Quentin, Galand
Jinwei, Gao
Patricia E., Gharagozloo
Kenneth E., Goodson
Jorge Gustavo, Gutierrez
Haiping, Hong
Mark, Horton
Kyo Sik, Hwang
Carlo S., Iorio
Seok Pil, Jang
Andrzej B., Jarzebski
Yiran, Jiang
Liwen, Jin
Stephan, Kabelac
Aravind, Kamath
Mark A., Kedzierski
Lim Geok, Kieng
Chongyoup, Kim
Ji Hyun, Kim
Seokwon, Kim
Seung Hyun, Lee
Kai Choong, Leong
Indranil, Manna
Bruno, Michel
Rui, Ni
Hrishikesh E., Patel
John, Philip
Dimos, Poulikako
Cecile, Reynaud
Savino, Raffaele
Pawan K., Singh
Pengxiang, Song
Thirumalachari, Sundararajan
Elena, Timofeeva
Todd, Tritcak
Aleksandr N., Turanov
Stefan Van, Vaerenbergh
Dongsheng, Wen
Sanjeeva, Witharana
Chun, Yang
Wei Hsun, Yeh
Xiao Zheng, Zhao
Sheng Qi, Zhou
Publication Year :


This article reports on the International Nanofluid Property Benchmark Exercise, or INPBE, in which the thermal conductivity of identical samples of colloidally stable dispersions of nanoparticles or "nanofluids," was measured by over 30 organizations worldwide, using a variety of experimental approaches, including the transient hot wire method, steady-state methods, and optical methods. The nanofluids tested in the exercise were comprised of aqueous and nonaqueous basefluids, metal and metal oxide particles, near-spherical and elongated particles, at low and high particle concentrations. The data analysis reveals that the data from most organizations lie within a relatively narrow band (�10% or less) about the sample average with only few outliers. The thermal conductivity of the nanofluids was found to increase with particle concentration and aspect ratio, as expected from classical theory. There are (small) systematic differences in the absolute values of the nanofluid thermal conductivity among the various experimental approaches; however, such differences tend to disappear when the data are normalized to the measured thermal conductivity of the basefluid. The effective medium theory developed for dispersed particles by Maxwell in 1881 and recently generalized by Nan [J. Appl. Phys. 81, 6692 (1997)], was found to be in good agreement with the experimental data, suggesting that no anomalous enhancement of thermal conductivity was achieved in the nanofluids tested in this exercise. � 2009 American Institute of Physics.


Language :
English, Middle (1100-1500)
Database :
Accession number :