A Retrospective Clinical Study of Endoscopic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome using the Modified Soft Tissue Release kit
Yiming Li, et al. “A Retrospective Clinical Study of Endoscopic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using the Modified Soft Tissue Release Kit.” Orthopaedic SurgeryReferences, Oct. 2022. EBSCOhost,
Yiming Li, Xin Jiao, Yaokai Gan, Dingwei Shi, Zengguang Wang, Yifei Yao, & Kerong Dai. (2022). A Retrospective Clinical Study of Endoscopic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome using the Modified Soft Tissue Release kit. Orthopaedic SurgeryReferences.
Yiming Li, Xin Jiao, Yaokai Gan, Dingwei Shi, Zengguang Wang, Yifei Yao, and Kerong Dai. 2022. “A Retrospective Clinical Study of Endoscopic Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using the Modified Soft Tissue Release Kit.” Orthopaedic SurgeryReferences, October.