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User-s Hand Effect on TIS of Different GSM900/1800 Mobile Phone Models Using FDTD Method

Authors :
Al-Mously, Salah I.
Marai M. Abousetta
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2009.


This paper predicts the effect of the user-s hand-hold position on the Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) of GSM900/1800 mobile phone antennas of realistic in-use conditions, where different semi-realistic mobile phone models, i.e., candy bar and clamshell, as well as different antenna types, i.e., external and internal, are simulated using a FDTD-based platform. A semi-realistic hand model consisting of three tissues and the SAM head are used in simulations. The results show a considerable impact on TIS of the adopted mobile phone models owing to the user-s hand presence at different positions, where a maximum level of TIS is obtained while grasping the upper part of the mobile phone against head. Maximum TIS levels are recorded in talk position for mobile phones with external antenna and maximum differences in TIS levels due to the hand-hold alteration are recorded for clamshell-type phones.<br />{"references":["Z. N. 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Subjects :
mobile phone


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