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Zanesljivost volumenskih funkcij na primeru drevesne vrste smreke v Sloveniji

Authors :
Gal Kušar
David Hladnik
Milan Hočevar
Source :
Acta Silvae et Ligni, Vol 102, Pp 43-54 (2013), Acta Silvae et Ligni, vol. 102, pp. 43-54, 2013.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Slovenian Forestry Institute, 2013.


Primerjali smo različne volumenske funkcije za ocenjevanje volumnov dreves. S pomočjo sekcijskih meritev (Newtonova metoda) smo izračunali prave ocene volumnov dreves 88 posekanih smrek na Pokljuki. Te smo uporabili za izdelavo regionalnih trovhodnih volumenskih funkcij, (dvovhodnih) deblovnic in tarif. Standardna napaka ocene povprečne vrednosti volumna drevesa je najmanjša pri trovhodnih volumenskih funkcijah (5,0 %), nato pri deblovnicah (11,7 %) in največja pri tarifah (15,1 %). Zanesljivost in uporabnost izdelanih regionalnih ter drugih volumenskih funkcij smo preverili na dveh hektarskih raziskovalnih ploskvah. Ugotovili smo, da s prirejenimi nemškimi deblovnicami smrekam določimo previsoke volumne. Ker volumne iz teh deblovnic uporabljamo tudi pri določanju prirejenih tarif na Slovenskem, je s takim postopkom določen tarifni razred z vsaj za 5 % previsokimi volumni dreves. Various volume functions used for tree volume estimations were compared by the authors. Using section measurements (Newtonʼs method), they calculated the real tree volumes of 88 felled spruce trees on the Pokljuka plateau. The real tree volumes were used to form regional three-entry volume functions, (two-entry) volume tables, and tariff functions. The standard error of the average tree volume estimation is the lowest for three-entry volume functions (5.0%), then for volume tables (11.7%), and the highest for tariffs (15.1%). The reliability and applicability of the developed regional and other volume functions was verified on two one-hectare research plots. It was established that by applying the adapted German volume tables, the measured spruce volumes were too high. As the volumes measured in this manner are used when determining the adapted tariffs in Slovenia, this procedure results in a tariff class of at least 5% too high tree volumes.


Language :
23353953 and 23353112
Volume :
Database :
Journal :
Acta Silvae et Ligni
Accession number :