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Kako liječiti bolesnike nakon teških neželjenih djelovanja uzrokovanih inhibitorima TNF

Authors :
Saša Sršen
Eugenija Marušić
Marija Jelušić
Luka Stričević
Marijan Frković
Vitomir Metličić
Source :
Acta Clinica Croatica, Acta Clinica Croatica, Vol 59, Iss 1., Pp 161-165 (2020), Acta clinica Croatica, Volume 59., Issue 1.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital and Institute of Clinical Medical Research, Vinogradska cesta c. 29 Zagreb, 2020.


Biological agents are widely used in the treatment of autoimmune rheumatic disorders. We report on serious adverse events during treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody in two of our patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. One patient was treated with a biological agent due to juvenile idiopathic arthritis complicated by uveitis, developing miliary tuberculosis during treatment. After treatment with antituberculotics, she recovered completely. Her underlying disease is currently in remission. Another patient was treated for juvenile spondyloarthritis and developed an inflammatory process of the central nervous system with serious neurological deficits. He was treated with high-dose corticosteroids, followed by slowly tapering doses of corticosteroids. His neurological deficits improved, but are still present. Similar cases have been described previously, but there are no recommendations how to treat arthritis afterwards in such patients. We would like to emphasize the need of developing guidelines for further treatment of arthritis after the occurrence of serious adverse effects during treatment with biological agents.<br />Biološki lijekovi se primjenjuju u liječenju brojnih autoimunih reumatskih bolesti. U ovom članku prikazujemo dva slučaja ozbiljnih nuspojava liječenja inhibitorima čimbenika nekroze tumora (tumor necrosis factor, TNF) kod bolesnika s juvenilnim idiopatskim artritisom (JIA): bolesnice liječene zbog JIA kompliciranog razvojem uveitisa, kod koje se javila milijarna tuberkuloza tijekom liječenja. Nakon liječenja antituberkuloticima došlo je do potpunog oporavka. Njena osnovna bolest je u remisiji. Drugi bolesnik je liječen zbog juvenilnog spondiloartritisa te je razvio upalni proces središnjega živčanog sustava s ozbiljnim neurološkim posljedicama. Liječen je visokim dozama kortikosteroida koje su potom postupno snižavane. Neurološki ispadi su se dijelom poboljšali, ali su ipak još uvijek prisutni. Slični slučajevi su opisivani i ranije, ali nema preporuka kako bi trebalo liječiti artritis nakon što nastupe takve nuspojave. Željeli bismo naglasiti potrebu stvaranja smjernica za daljnje liječenje artritisa nakon pojave teških nuspojava prilikom liječenja biološkim lijekom.


Language :
13339451 and 03539466
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Journal :
Acta Clinica Croatica
Accession number :