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Spinopilar anomalis

Authors :
Kury, Adriano B.
Araujo, Débora C.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2021.


Spinopilar anomalis (Sørensen, 1932) Olynthus anomalis Sørensen in Henriksen 1932: 251. Spinopilar anomalis: Kury 2003: 204. Type material. BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Holotype ♂ (NHM, destroyed), Rio de Janeiro, [Itaocara: Fazenda] Serra Vermelha [near 21°44’S 42°01’W]. Remarks. This species has been originally described based on a male specimen originally in NHM, but now lost. The information that can be extracted from Sørensen’s (in Henriksen 1932) Latin description leads to the following diagnosis, which allows the distinction of this species from all others in the genus. Even after repeated expeditions, no further material of this species has been collected, which is not surprising, given the extreme degree of endemism of those small litter-dwelling Grassatores and the merciless deterioration of natural environments in the lower Paraíba Valley. This species is left out of the key due to the various lacunae in its description, which would extremely impair the comparisons. Diagnosis (based on the description of Sørensen in Henriksen 1932). (1) “limbus anterior tubere medio praeditus, tubere oculifero paullo minore” = preocular mound elevated, a little smaller than ocularium. (2) “areae coriaceae, quarta et quinta et limbus posterior et segmenta dorsalia tria anteriora libera granis praedita” = scutal areas III to V and free tergites I to III with granules. (3) “Tuber oculiferum... grano parvo apicali praeditum” = ocularium with a small tubercle. (4) “Areae coriacea, quarta et quinta granis magnis praeditae, in ordines singulos vix dispositis.” = scutal areas III to IV armed with large tubercles, barely arranged in a single [transversal] row. (5) “Limbus posterior et segmenta dorsalia libera tria anteriora coriacea, ordine singulo granorum magnorum pradita; anale dorsale granis paucis dispersis.” = scutal area V and free tergites I to III each armed with a single row of large tubercles; anal operculum with few scattered granules. (6) “In mare segmentum ventrale primum carinis lateralibus ambabus, in angulos singulos obtusos productis, erga apicem processus trochanteris IV positos.” = stigmatic area provided with a pair of lateral keels projected in obtuse angles, applied against process of Tr IV. (7) “Coxae IV processulo exteriore apicali recto, conico, acuto, et tuberculo interiore brevi robusto compresso, cujus margo posterior marginatus.” = Cx IV with prodorsal apical spiniform apophysis and retrodorsal protuberance with posterior margin marginated. (8) “Trochanter IV processu robusto interiore, levissime procurvo obtuso, granis magnis anterioribus duobus praedito, quae tuberculum coxale et angulum carina abdominalis ambiunt.” = Tr IV with robust retrolateral blunt process, gently procurved, with two large anterior protuberances.<br />Published as part of Kury, Adriano B. & Araujo, Débora C., 2021, On Spinopilar from Rio de Janeiro state with description of three new species (Opiliones, Laniatores, Cryptogeobiidae), pp. 148-181 in Zootaxa 4984 (1) on page 154, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4984.1.14,<br />{"references":["Henriksen, K. L. (1932) Descriptiones Laniatorum (Arachnidorum Opilionum Subordinis) fecit William Sorensen. Opus posthumum recognovit et edidit Kai L. Henriksen. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs skrifter [= Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark], KObenhavn [Copenhague], Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling [= Section des sciences Naturelles et mathematiques], Series 9, 3 (4), 197 - 422.","Kury, A. B. (2003) Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, Vol. Especial Monografico, 1, 1 - 337."]}


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