The correlation coefficient of GC content of the genome-wide genes is positively correlated with animal evolutionary relationships
Haofu Hu, et al. “The Correlation Coefficient of GC Content of the Genome-Wide Genes Is Positively Correlated with Animal Evolutionary Relationships.” FEBS Letters, vol. 584, no. 18, June 2010. EBSCOhost,
Haofu Hu, Xiaoning Wang, Weihao Zheng, Yuhuan Meng, Jufang Wang, Fei Ling, Xiquan Zhang, Qinghua Nie, & Hongli Du. (2010). The correlation coefficient of GC content of the genome-wide genes is positively correlated with animal evolutionary relationships. FEBS Letters, 584(18).
Haofu Hu, Xiaoning Wang, Weihao Zheng, Yuhuan Meng, Jufang Wang, Fei Ling, Xiquan Zhang, Qinghua Nie, and Hongli Du. 2010. “The Correlation Coefficient of GC Content of the Genome-Wide Genes Is Positively Correlated with Animal Evolutionary Relationships.” FEBS Letters 584 (18).