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Acne vulgaris and mental health

Authors :
Anna Łopuszyńska
Magdalena Kozioł
Ewa Piekarska
Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna
Aleksandra Krasa
Mateusz Pawlicki
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2021.


PawlickiMateusz, Łopuszyńska Anna, Kozioł Magdalena, Krasa Aleksandra,Piekarska Ewa, Piecewicz-Szczęsna Halina. Acne vulgaris and mental health.Journal of Education, Healthand Sport. 2021;11(9):208-214. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. § 8. 2) and § 12. 1. 2) 22.02.2019. © The Authors 2021; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license Share alike. ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received:01.09.2021. Revised: 12.09.2021. Accepted: 15.09.2021. Acne vulgaris and mental health Mateusz Pawlicki1, Anna Łopuszyńska1, Magdalena Kozioł1, Aleksandra Krasa1, EwaPiekarska1, Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna2 1Student Scientific Association at Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology Medical University of Lublin, ul. Radziwiłłowska11, Lublin 20-080, Poland 2Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology of the Medical University of Lublin, ul. Radziwiłłowska11, Lublin 20-080, Poland Corresponding author: Mateusz Pawlicki, ORCID ID: Mateusz Pawlickihttps//, Anna Łopuszyńska, Magdalena Kozioł, Aleksandra Krasa, Ewa Piekarska; Halina Piecewicz-Szczęsna, Abstract Introduction: Acne vulgaris is one of the most common diseases in the world, which affects millions of people. Despite its objectively mild clinical severity, it is able to markedly change one’s appearance. Moreover it is said to be one of many factors that are responsible for mental health impairments. Results: Studies showed significant relation between acne and psychological disorders. Both depression and anxiety scores were higher in individuals with acne compared to healthy ones. Some studies reported an increased risk of suicide in this group as well. Research which included quality of life evaluation showed its impairment in larger part of respondents. Conclusions: Acne vulgaris is linked with an increased risk of serious psychiatric disorders. Therefore it is important to think about them when this condition is diagnosed. Key words: acne; mental health; depression; anxiety; suicide; quality of life


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