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Hypoxys balteatus

Authors :
Mendonca, Maria Thayane S.
Nunes, Benedito M.
Fernandes, Jose Antonio M.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2021.


Key to species of the Hypoxys balteatus group 1 Antennae black (Figs 4C,D); margin of mandibular plates black (Figs 4C,D)................................................................................. H. nigroantennatus sp. nov. – Antennae yellow to reddish brown (Figs 5E,F); margin of mandibular plates never black (Figs 5E,F)....................................................................... 2 2 Female.................................................................... 3 – Male...................................................................... 12 3 Posterior margin of valvifers 8 slightly projected caudally, posterolateral angle not reaching middle of valvifers 9 (Figs 10E, 17E).................................... 4 – Posterior margin of valvifers 8 projected caudally, posterolateral angle exceeding middle of valvifers 9 (Figs 6E, 9A, 18E)................................................. 6 4 Posterior angles of valvifers 8 not acuminate, barely reaching base of valvifers 9 (Fig. 17E).................. 5 – Posterior angles of valvifers 8 acuminate, almost reaching middle of valvifers 9 (Fig. 10E)................................................................... H. breddini sp. nov. 5 Inner margin of valvifers 8 widely open, valvulae 8 exposed (Fig. 17E)............. H. santarensis sp. nov. – Inner margin of valvifers 8 shallowly excavated, valvulae 8 barely exposed (see NUNES et al. 2020: Fig. 17C)................................ H. balteatus (Walker, 1868) 6 Valvifers 8 overlapping lateral margin of valvifers 9, excavation of valvifers 8 narrow (Fig. 9A)............................................................... H. bergrothi sp. nov. – Valvifers 8 not overlapping lateral margin of valvifers 9, excavation of valvifers 8 broad (Figs 6E, 8A, 14E)........................................................................ 7 7 Bottom of the excavation of valvifers 8 convex (Figs 6E, 19E).................................................................. 8 – Bottom of the excavation of valvifers 8 concave (Figs 8A, 11A)........................................................ 9 8 Laterotergites 9 reaching or just surpassing the level of the angles of abdominal segment VII, and clearly surpassing the band connecting laterotergites 8 (Fig. 6E).............................................. H. amyoti sp. nov. – Laterotergites 9 below the level of the angles of abdominal segment VII, and just surpassing the band connecting laterotergites 8 (Fig. 19E)................................................................................ H. stysi sp. nov. 9 Posterior margin of each valvifers 8 almost straight; level with distal margin of valvifers 9 (Fig. 11A).................................................. H. caquetensis sp. nov. – Posterior margin of each valvifers 8 concave or slanting; never reaching posterior margin of valvifers 9 (Fig. 8A)............................................................ 10 10 Apices of abdominal segments VII almost level with apices of laterotergites 8 and clearly above the level of laterotergites 9 (Figs 12E, 18E)....................... 11 – Apices of abdominal segments VII clearly below the level of laterotergites 8 and level with laterotergites 9 (Fig. 8A)............................... H. belenensis sp. nov. 11 Valvifers 8 unicolorous, without contrasting black punctures; distal spine of each laterotergite 8 clearly wider at base than long (considering the line of the band connecting laterotergites 8) (Fig. 18E)................................................................ H. servillei sp. nov. – Valvifers 8 with inner margin dark brown and contrasting black punctures; distal spine of each laterotergite 8 almost as long as wide at base (considering the line of the band connecting laterotergites 8) (Fig. 12E)..... H. favachae sp. nov. 12 Thorax without brown spots (Figs 1D, 4B); pseudosutures without brown spots on outer lateral apex (Figs 1B, D)................................................. 13 – Thorax with four brown spots on meso- and metapleura (Figs 10F, 16F); pseudosutures with brown spots on outer lateral apex (Figs 1F, 3F).............................. 14 13 Superior process of genital cup with inner part entire (Figs 15C,D); expansions of ventral rim acuminate, just passing level of posterolateral angle of pygophore (Figs 15A,B)..................... H. immaculatus sp. nov. – Superior process of genital cup with inner part bifid (Figs 7C,D); expansions of ventral rim long, narrow and clearly surpassing posterolateral angle of pygophore (Figs 7A,B)...... H. aspilogaster sp. nov. 14 Dorsal rim of the pygophore with a lateral projection (Fig. 17A, arrow).................................................. 15 – Dorsal rim of the pygophore without a lateral projection (Fig. 10A)............................................ 17 15 Ventral rim expansion without a lateral excavation (Fig. 17B); superior process of genital cup undivided (Fig. 17D)........................... H. santarensis sp. nov. – Ventral rim expansion with a lateral excavation (Fig. 19C, arrow), superior process of genital cup bifurcated (Figs 13D, 19D).................................. 16 16 Dorsal margin of paramere medially concave (Figs 13C,D); expansion of ventral rim long and narrow (Figs 13A,B); superior process of genital cup large with a median carina, arms of the bifurcation of different lengths (Figs 13C,D).... H. gaucho sp. nov. – Dorsal margin of paramere sinuous (Figs 19C,D); expansion of ventral rim short and broad (Fig. 19B); superior process of genital cup narrow and concave, arms of the bifurcation similar in length (Figs 19C,D)............................................ H. stysi sp. nov. 17 Superior process of genital cup lateral, wide, reaching or almost reaching posterolateral angles of pygophore (Figs 6A, 12A, 20A).......................... 18 – Superior process of genital cup short and closer to proctiger than to posterolateral angles of pygophore (Figs 10C,D)............................ H. breddini sp. nov. 18 Superior process of genital cup with inner part bifurcated (Figs 6D, 12D).................................... 19 – Superior process of genital cup with inner part ventrally curved and not bifurcated (Fig. 18D).... 20 19 Dorsal rim separated from proctiger (Figs 6C,D); anterior lobe of paramere subrectangular (Figs 6C,D); superior process of genital cup narrow and long, reaching the apex of posterolateral angle of pygophore (Figs 6A,B)............... H. amyoti sp. nov. – Dorsal rim in contact with proctiger (Figs 12C,D); anterior lobe of paramere triangular (Figs 12C,D – green circle); superior process of genital cup broad and short, not reaching the apex of posterolateral angle of pygophore (Fig. 12A).............. H. favachae sp. nov. 20 Dorsal margin of paramere slightly concave (Figs 14C,D)........................ H. hyalinofasciatus sp. nov. – Dorsal margin of paramere sinuous (Figs 18C,D, 20C,D).................................................................. 21 21 Posterior face of proctiger rounded to subpentagonal (Figs 18C,D); expansions of ventral rim rounded distally in ventral view (Fig. 18B)............................................................................... H. servillei sp. nov. – Posterior face of proctiger triangular (Figs 20C,D); expansions of ventral rim acuminate in ventral view (Fig. 20B)............................... H. venustus sp. nov.<br />Published as part of Mendonca, Maria Thayane S., Nunes, Benedito M. & Fernandes, Jose Antonio M., 2021, Description of fifteen new species of the Hypoxys balteatus species group (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), pp. 289-318 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 61 (1) on pages 296-297, DOI: 10.37520/aemnp.2021.017,<br />{"references":["NUNES B. M., CAMPOS L. D., MENDONCA M. T. S., CUNHA E. V. P. & FERNANDES J. A. M. 2020: Revision of Hypoxys Amyot and Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae). Zootaxa 4742 (3): 401 - 441.","WALKER F. 1868: Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum. Part III. Trustees of the British Museum, London, pp. 418 - 599."]}


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