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TOI-257b (HD 19916b): A Warm sub-Saturn Orbiting an Evolved F-type Star

Authors :
Andrés Jordán
Derek Buzasi
K. I. Collins
Joshua Pepper
Jon M. Jenkins
Alexander Lyttle
Martin Schlecker
Ismael Mireles
Sara Seager
Brett C. Addison
Andrea Miglio
Jack Okumura
Savita Mathur
Christopher Tylor
Daniel R. Hey
Victor Silva Aguirre
Zhao Guo
Tansu Daylan
Paula Sarkis
Mikkel N. Lund
J. S. Bentley
Martin Bo Nielsen
Joshua E. Schlieder
Keivan G. Stassun
Aldo Serenelli
Jonathan Horner
Stephen R. Kane
Tiago L. Campante
B. D. Carter
Joshua N. Winn
Hui Zhang
Diana Kossakowski
Thomas Henning
Brendan P. Bowler
Rasmus Handberg
Jake T. Clark
Warrick H. Ball
Matthew W. Mengel
Pamela Rowden
L. González-Cuesta
Karen A. Collins
Andrew W. Mann
Nicholas M. Law
John F. Kielkopf
B. Mosser
Daniel Huber
Ian J. M. Crossfield
Mathieu Clerte
Michaela Collins
Ashley Chontos
Songhu Wang
Belinda A. Nicholson
Pascal Torres
Thomas Kallinger
Robert A. Wittenmyer
Stephen C. Marsden
Andrew Vanderburg
Dag Evensberget
N. Themeßl
Rachel A. Matson
José Dias do Nascimento
David W. Latham
Cenk Kayhan
Timothy R. Bedding
Allen B. Davis
Emilie Laychock
J. O'Connor
Néstor Espinoza
B. Cale
Andrius Burnelis
S. Hekker
Steven D. Kawaler
Avi Shporer
Duncan J. Wright
Sarbani Basu
Peter Plavchan
James S. Kuszlewicz
Guy R. Davies
Teo Mocnik
Leandro de Almeida
Jason D. Eastman
Carl Ziegler
Rafael Brahm
Enrico Corsaro
William J. Chaplin
C. G. Tinney
Catherine Stevens
Rafael A. García
Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma
Steve B. Howell
Alexis Heitzmann
Roland Vanderspek
Thiam-Guan Tan
George R. Ricker
Addison, Brett C
Wright, Duncan J
Nicholson, Belinda A
Cale, Bryson
Mocnik, Teo
Huber, Daniel
Plavchan, Peter
Wittenmyer, Robert A
Vanderburg, Andrew
Chaplin, William J
Chontos, Ashley
Clark, Jake T
Eastman, Jason D
Ziegler, Carl
Brahm, Rafael
Carter, Bradley D
Clerte, Mathieu
Espinoza, Néstor
Horner, Jonathan
Bentley, John
Jordán, André
Kane, Stephen R
Kielkopf, John F
Laychock, Emilie
Mengel, Matthew W
Okumura, Jack
Stassun, Keivan G
Bedding, Timothy R
Bowler, Brendan P
Burnelis, Andriu
Blanco-Cuaresma, Sergi
Collins, Michaela
Crossfield, Ian
Davis, Allen B
Evensberget, Dag
Heitzmann, Alexi
Howell, Steve B
Law, Nichola
Mann, Andrew W
Marsden, Stephen C
Matson, Rachel A
O’Connor, James H
Shporer, Avi
Stevens, Catherine
Tinney, C G
Tylor, Christopher
Wang, Songhu
Zhang, Hui
Henning, Thoma
Kossakowski, Diana
Ricker, George
Sarkis, Paula
Schlecker, Martin
Torres, Pascal
Vanderspek, Roland
Latham, David W
Seager, Sara
Winn, Joshua N
Jenkins, Jon M
Mireles, Ismael
Rowden, Pam
Pepper, Joshua
Daylan, Tansu
Schlieder, Joshua E
Collins, Karen A
Collins, Kevin I
Tan, Thiam-Guan
Ball, Warrick H
Basu, Sarbani
Buzasi, Derek L
Campante, Tiago L
Corsaro, Enrico
González-Cuesta, L
Davies, Guy R
de Almeida, Leandro
do Nascimento, Jose-Dia
García, Rafael A
Guo, Zhao
Handberg, Rasmu
Hekker, Saskia
Hey, Daniel R
Kallinger, Thoma
Kawaler, Steven D
Kayhan, Cenk
S. Kuszlewicz, Jame
Lund, Mikkel N
Lyttle, Alexander
Mathur, Savita
Miglio, Andrea
Mosser, Benoit
Nielsen, Martin B
Serenelli, Aldo M
Aguirre, Victor Silva
Themeßl, Nathalie
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)
National Science Foundation (US)
Danish National Research Foundation
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España)
Generalitat de Catalunya
European Commission
Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales (France)
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España)
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Independent Research Fund Denmark
Carlsberg Foundation
Addison, Brett C.
Wright, Duncan J.
Nicholson, Belinda A.
Wittenmyer, Robert A.
Chaplin, William J.
Clark, Jake T.
Eastman, Jason D.
Carter, Bradley D.
Kane, Stephen R.
Kielkopf, John F.
Mengel, Matthew W.
Stassun, Keivan G.
Bedding, Timothy R.
Bowler, Brendan P.
Davis, Allen B.
Howell, Steve B.
Mann, Andrew W.
Marsden, Stephen C.
Matson, Rachel A.
O'Connor, Jame
Tinney, C. G.
Latham, David W.
Winn, Joshua N.
Jenkins, Jon M.
Schlieder, Joshua E.
Collins, Karen A.
Collins, Kevin I.
Ball, Warrick H.
Buzasi, Derek L.
Campante, Tiago L.
González-Cuesta, Lucía
Davies, Guy R.
do Nascimento, Jose-Dias, Jr.
García, Rafael A.
Hey, Daniel R.
Kawaler, Steven D.
Kuszlewicz, James S.
Lund, Mikkel N.
Nielsen, Martin B.
Serenelli, Aldo M.
Silva Aguirre, Victor
Source :
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC, instname, Addison, B C, Wright, D J, Nicholson, B A, Cale, B, Mocnik, T, Huber, D, Plavchan, P, Wittenmyer, R A, Vanderburg, A, Chaplin, W J, Chontos, A, Clark, J T, Eastman, J D, Ziegler, C, Brahm, R, Carter, B D, Clerte, M, Espinoza, N, Horner, J, Bentley, J, Kane, S R, Kielkopf, J F, Laychock, E, Mengel, M W, Okumura, J, Stassun, K G, Bedding, T R, Bowler, B P, Burnelis, A, Collins, M, Crossfield, I, Davis, A B, Evensberget, D, Heitzmann, A, Howell, S B, Law, N, Mann, A W, Marsden, S, O'Connor, J, Shporer, A, Stevens, C, Tinney, C G, Tylor, C, Wang, S, Zhang, H, Henning, T, Kossakowski, D, Ricker, G, Sarkis, P, Vanderspek, R, Latham, D W, Seager, S, Winn, J N, Jenkins, J M, Mireles, I, Rowden, P, Pepper, J, Daylan, T, Schlieder, J E, Collins, K A, Collins, K I, Tan, T-G, Ball, W H, Basu, S, Buzasi, D L, Campante, T L, Corsaro, E, González-Cuesta, L, Davies, G R, a, R A G, Guo, Z, Handberg, R, Hekker, S, Hey, D R, Kallinger, T, Kawaler, S D, Kayhan, C, Kuszlewicz, J S, Lund, M N, Lyttle, A, Mathur, S, Miglio, A, Mosser, B, Nielsen, M B, Serenelli, A M, Aguirre, V S & Themessl, N 2021, ' TOI-257b (HD 19916b) : a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star ', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 502, no. 3, pp. 3704-3722 ., arXiv
Publication Year :
Publisher :
arXiv, 2020.


We report the discovery of a warm sub-Saturn, TOI-257b (HD 19916b), based on data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The transit signal was detected by TESS and confirmed to be of planetary origin based on radial velocity observations. An analysis of the TESS photometry, the Minerva-Australis, FEROS, and HARPS radial velocities, and the asteroseismic data of the stellar oscillations reveals that TOI-257b has a mass of MP = 0.138 ± 0.023 M J (43.9 ± 7.3, M⊕), a radius of RP = 0.639 ± 0.013 R J (7.16 ± 0.15, R ⊕), bulk density of 0.65+0.12-0.11 (cgs), and period 18.38818 +0.00085 -0.00084 days. TOI-257b orbits a bright (V = 7.612 mag) somewhat evolved late F-type star with M∗ = 1.390 ± 0.046 rm M sun, R∗ = 1.888 ± 0.033 Rsun, Teff = 6075 ± 90 rm K, and vsin i = 11.3 ± 0.5 km s-1. Additionally, we find hints for a second non-transiting sub-Saturn mass planet on a ∼71 day orbit using the radial velocity data. This system joins the ranks of a small number of exoplanet host stars (∼100) that have been characterized with asteroseismology. Warm sub-Saturns are rare in the known sample of exoplanets, and thus the discovery of TOI-257b is important in the context of future work studying the formation and migration history of similar planetary systems.<br />Daniel Huber acknowledges support by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the TESS Guest Investigator Program (80NSSC18K1585) and by the National Science Foundation (AST-1717000). Ashley Chontos acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation through the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (DGE 1842402). William J. Chaplin, Warrick H. Ball, Martin B. Nielsen, and Andrea Miglio. acknowledge support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council and UK Space Agency. Funding for the Stellar Astrophysics Centre is provided by The Danish National Research Foundation (Grant DNRF106). Rafael Brahm acknowledges support from National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development Post-doctoral Fellowship Project 3180246, and from the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). H.Z. Hui Zhang is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC grants 11673011, 11933001). Andres Jordan acknowledges support from FONDECYT project 1171208 and by the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Programa Iniciativa Científica Milenio through grant IC 120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). Aldo M. Serenelli is partially supported by grants ESP2017-82674-R (Spanish Government) and 2017-SGR-1131 (Generalitat de Catalunya). Andrea Miglio acknowledges support from the European Research Council Consolidator Grant funding scheme (project ASTEROCHRONOMETRY, G.A. number 772293). Rafael A. Garcia acknowledges the support of the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars grant from the Centre National d'Études Spatiales. Savita Mathur acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry with the Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2015-17697. Tiago L. Campante acknowledges support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 792848 (PULSATION). This work was supported by Foundation of Science and Technology/Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds (UID/FIS/04434/2019). Enrico Corsaro is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 664931. L. González-Cuesta thanks the support from grant FPI-SO from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (research project SEV-2015-0548-17-2 and predoctoral contract BES-2017-082610). Sarbani Basu acknowledges NASA grant NNX16AI09G and NSF grant AST-1514676. Ian J. M. Crossfield acknowledges support from the NSF through grant AST-1824644, and from NASA through Caltech/JPL grant RSA-1610091. Tansu Daylan acknowledges support from MIT’s Kavli Institute as a Kavli postdoctoral fellow. Derek L. Buzasi acknowledges support from NASA through the TESS Guest Investigator program (80NSSC19K0385). Cenk Kayhan acknowledges support by Erciyes University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit under grant number MAP-2020-9749. Emilie Laychock and Michaela Collins acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation under grant 1559487. Victor Silva Aguirre acknowledges support from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (Research grant 7027-00096B) and the Carlsberg Foundation (grant agreement CF19-0649).


Database :
Journal :
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC, instname, Addison, B C, Wright, D J, Nicholson, B A, Cale, B, Mocnik, T, Huber, D, Plavchan, P, Wittenmyer, R A, Vanderburg, A, Chaplin, W J, Chontos, A, Clark, J T, Eastman, J D, Ziegler, C, Brahm, R, Carter, B D, Clerte, M, Espinoza, N, Horner, J, Bentley, J, Kane, S R, Kielkopf, J F, Laychock, E, Mengel, M W, Okumura, J, Stassun, K G, Bedding, T R, Bowler, B P, Burnelis, A, Collins, M, Crossfield, I, Davis, A B, Evensberget, D, Heitzmann, A, Howell, S B, Law, N, Mann, A W, Marsden, S, O'Connor, J, Shporer, A, Stevens, C, Tinney, C G, Tylor, C, Wang, S, Zhang, H, Henning, T, Kossakowski, D, Ricker, G, Sarkis, P, Vanderspek, R, Latham, D W, Seager, S, Winn, J N, Jenkins, J M, Mireles, I, Rowden, P, Pepper, J, Daylan, T, Schlieder, J E, Collins, K A, Collins, K I, Tan, T-G, Ball, W H, Basu, S, Buzasi, D L, Campante, T L, Corsaro, E, González-Cuesta, L, Davies, G R, a, R A G, Guo, Z, Handberg, R, Hekker, S, Hey, D R, Kallinger, T, Kawaler, S D, Kayhan, C, Kuszlewicz, J S, Lund, M N, Lyttle, A, Mathur, S, Miglio, A, Mosser, B, Nielsen, M B, Serenelli, A M, Aguirre, V S & Themessl, N 2021, ' TOI-257b (HD 19916b) : a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star ', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 502, no. 3, pp. 3704-3722 ., arXiv
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