The Neural Correlates of the Recognition of Emotional Intensity Deficits in Major Depression: An ERP Study
Miao Li, et al. “The Neural Correlates of the Recognition of Emotional Intensity Deficits in Major Depression: An ERP Study.” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Jan. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Miao Li, Jiazhao Zhang, Chenguang Jiang, Jun Wang, Ruhong Sun, Shayu Jin, Ning Zhang, & Zhenhe Zhou. (2023). The Neural Correlates of the Recognition of Emotional Intensity Deficits in Major Depression: An ERP Study. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.
Miao Li, Jiazhao Zhang, Chenguang Jiang, Jun Wang, Ruhong Sun, Shayu Jin, Ning Zhang, and Zhenhe Zhou. 2023. “The Neural Correlates of the Recognition of Emotional Intensity Deficits in Major Depression: An ERP Study.” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, January.