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Pleurocrypta porcellanaelongicornis
- Publication Year :
- 2012
- Publisher :
- Zenodo, 2012.
- Pleurocrypta porcellanaelongicornis Hesse, 1876 Pleurocrypta Porcellanae longicornis Hesse, 1876: 24���27, pl. 9, figs. 22���33 (improper formation, see below). Pleurocrypta porcellanae Giard, 1887: 1115; Giard & Bonnier, 1887 a: 1309; Giard & Bonnier, 1887 b: 104, 175, fig. 6.IV; Giard, 1888: 29; Giard & Bonnier, 1889: 258; Stebbing, 1893: 410; Giard, 1896: 250; Giard, 1899 a: 497; Giard, 1899 b: 47; Bonnier, 1900: 317 ���318, pl. 16; Richard, 1900: 71; Bohn, 1901: 508; Stebbing, 1908: 58; Tattersall, 1912 a: 5 ���6; Tattersall, 1912 b: 27 ���28; Nierstrasz & Brender �� Brandis, 1923: 80; P��rez, 1923 a: 1765; P��rez, 1923 b: 1935 ���1936; P��rez, 1925: 472 ���473; Nierstrasz & Brender �� Brandis, 1926: 24���25, figs. 60���61; P��rez, 1927: 264; Nierstrasz & Brender �� Brandis, 1931: 174���175; Shiino, 1933: 262; P��rez, 1935: 199; Moore, 1937: 116; Reverberi & Pitotti, 1943: 116; Caroli, 1946: 64; Reinhard, 1949: 26; Pike, 1953: 219, 225; Stock, 1960: 28 ���30, fig. 2; Bourdon, 1963: 428; Naylor, 1963: 148; Bourdon, 1965: 173 ���179, figs. 1 a, b, 3 c; Codreanu et al., 1966: 1071; Bourdon, 1967 b: 285; Bourdon, 1968: 218 ���220, 222, 281��� 299, 301, figs. 113���121; Danforth, 1970: 15, 17; Danforth, 1971: 101; Bourdon, 1972 b: 833; Geld&iogon;ay & Kocata&scedil;, 1972: 28; Naylor, 1972: 69, 74, table 1; Smaldon & Naylor, 1972: 310 ���311; Hamond, 1974: 209; Markham, 1974 b: 270 ��� 271, table 1; Bourdon, 1976 a: 166, 224���225, 230, 232, 241; Huwae, 1976: 65 ���69, figs. 1, 2; Martin, 1976: 457 ���458, 460��� 463, pl. 2, fig. 2, pl. 3, figs. 1���4; Vervoort, 1976: 220, fig. 11; Huwae, 1977: 27, fig. B 3; Huwae, 1979: 71; Wenner & Windsor, 1979: 302; Adema & Huwae, 1982: 47 ���49, fig. 6; Isaac et al., 1990: 402, 404; Hayward et al., 1995: 358, 360; Hansson, 1998: 64; Trilles, 1999: 289, fig. 8.9; Van der Land, 2001: 322; M��ller, 2004: 107, 261; Rom��n-Contreras, 2008 b: 101, fig. 10. Pleurocryptus (sic) porcellanae: Gerstaecker, 1901: 260. Pseudione sp. Tattersall, 1912 a: 5: Farran, 1915: 55. Pleurocrypta perezi Nierstrasz & Brender �� Brandis, 1931: 174���175, figs. 52���53. Pleurocrypta [sp.] Nouvel-Van Rysselberge, 1936 a: 43; Nouvel-Van Rysselberge, 1936 b: 43. Pleurocrypta longicornis: Bourdon, 1960: 146. Pseudione convergens Stock, 1960: 28 ���30, fig. 1; Bourdon, 1965: 173 ���179, figs. 1 i, 2, 3 a, b; Danforth, 1970: 17; Danforth, 1971: 101. Pleurocrypta porcellana [sic]: Wimpenny, 1966: 125. Pleurocrpta [sic] Geld&iogon;ay & Kocata&scedil;, 1970: 28. Pleurocrypta porcellanea [sic]: Kirkim et al., 2008: 382, 384. Remarks. Hesse (1876) did not name this species in the usual sense of the concept in that he merely provided a Latin translation of the French vernacular phrase ���pleurocrypte de porcellane longicorne��� (the Pleurocrypta of Porcellana longicornis), although he did include the notation of ���Nobis��� after the Latin text. Therefore, in accordance with ICZN Article 11.9.5, the species name cannot be cited as either ��� porcellanae ��� or ��� longicornis ���, but rather must bear the unwieldy form of ��� porcellanaelongicornis,��� as the name is based on that of the host species. Giard & Bonnier (1887 b) cited Hesse (1876, p. 202 footnote) in the context of another species discussed in that paper to lament the publication of Hesse���s entire series, Crustaces rares ou nouveaux des c��tes de France, which they considered to be of substandard quality. Interestingly, Giard & Bonnier (1887 b) did not place the blame for the ���d��plorable g��chis introduit dans la Carcinologie��� on Hesse, but rather on the professors of La Sorbonne and the Museum who allowed these ���plus bizarres ��lucubatrions��� to be published in their journals. It should be noted that Hesse���s first initial is given as ���M.��� in his publications, but that this stood for ���Monsieur���, as his given name was Charles Eug��ne Hesse (see Delamare Deboutteville 1965) and he was an amateur zoologist. For reasons unexplained, he is most often cited in copepod publications (e.g., ��zdikmen 2008) as ���E. Hesse��� (a usage which never appeared in any of his papers). Hesse should be cited in bibliographies as ���Hesse, [C. E.]���, as this is the most accurate form.<br />Published as part of Boyko, Christopher B., Williams, Jason D. & Markham, John C., 2012, Recent and fossil Isopoda Bopyridae parasitic on squat lobsters and porcelain crabs (Crustacea: Anomura: Chirostyloidea and Galatheoidea), with notes on nomenclature and biogeography, pp. 1-35 in Zootaxa 3150 on pages 26-27, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208724<br />{"references":["Giard, A. & Bonnier, J. (1887 a) Sur le phylogenie des bopyriens. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie de Sciences, 104, 1309 - 1311.","Giard, A. & Bonnier, J. (1887 b) Contributions a l'etude des bopyriens. Traveaux de l'Institut Zoologique de Lille et du Laboratoire de Zoologie Maritime de Wimereux, 5, 1 - 272, pls. 1 - 10.","Giard, A. (1888) La castration parasitaire, nouvelles recherches. Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique, 19, 12 - 45.","Giard, A. & Bonnier, J. (1889) Sur les epicarides de la famille des Dajidae. 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Munis Entomology & Zoology, 3, 265 - 274."]}
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