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Measurement of momentum and angular distribution of punchthrough muons at the RD5 experiment

Authors :
E. Dénes
Gyorgy Vesztergombi
R. Santonico
A. Rojkov
J. G. Layter
T. Wijnen
H. Wagner
G. Ciapetti
H. Schwarthoff
G.W. Wilson
Alain Hervé
S. Otwinowski
Albert Ferrando
B. Razen
M. Verzocchi
H. Teykal
T. Moers
P Zotto
Ritva Kinnunen
Marcin Konecki
Carlo Civinini
Domizia Orestano
G. Margutti
B. C. Shen
A. Di Ciaccio
M. Juntunen
G. Walzel
Carmen Albajar
Anna Teresa Meneguzzo
H. Tolsma
C. Brouwer
C. Lyndon
Jan Krolikowski
Alexander Malinin
A. Iglesias
C. Bacci
R. Bergman
D. Chrisman
H. van der Graaf
Francesco Lacava
Raffaello D'Alessandro
Yu. Kolotaev
V. Pojidaev
Marco Meschini
James Shank
C. Pols
H. Tuchscherer
Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz
A. Arefiev
Hans Reithler
R. R. McNeil
H. Faissner
S. Centro
M. Pimiä
Veikko Karimäki
F. Szoncso
Roberto Cardarelli
A. Kluge
M. Andlinger
W. Gorn
E. Radermacher
Axel König
L. Martinez-Laso
G. Wrochna
L. Zanello
M. Szeptycka
M. Mohammadi-Baarmand
Tuure Tuuva
P. Casoli
David B. Cline
Ludovico Pontecorvo
K. Österberg
M. Della Negra
R. Martinelli
W. Dominik
Emilio Petrolo
Christopher Seez
Maciej Górski
A. Sanjari
Stefano Veneziano
E. Choumilov
Filippo Ceradini
P. Le Coultre
Gy L. Bencze
Andrea Bizzeti
P. Porth
Aleandro Nisati
P. Sartori
R. Ribeiro
Jorma Tuominiemi
Maria Cruz Fouz
Albajar, C
Andlinger, M
Arefiev, A
Bacci, C
Bencze, Gl
Bergman, R
Bizzeti, A
Brouwer, C
Cardarelli, R
Casoli, P
Centro, S
Ceradini, Filippo
Choumilov, E
Chrisman, D
Ciapetti, G
Civinini, C
Cline, D
Dalessandro, R
Dellanegra, M
Denes, E
Diciaccio, A
Dominik, W
Faissner, H
Ferrando, A
Fouz, Mc
Gorn, W
Gorski, M
Herve, A
Iglesias, A
Juntunen, M
Karimaki, V
Kinnunen, R
Kluge, A
Kolotaev, Y
Konecki, M
Konig, Ac
Krolikowski, J
Lacava, F
Layter, Jg
Lecoultre, P
Lyndon, C
Malinin, A
Margutti, G
Martinelli, R
Martinezlaso, L
Mcneil, R
Meneguzzo, A
Meschini, M
Moers, T
Mohammadibaarmand, M
Nisati, A
Orestano, Domizia
Osterberg, K
Otwinowski, S
Petrolo, E
Pimia, M
Pojidaev, V
Pols, Cla
Pontecorvo, L
Porth, P
Radermacher, E
Razen, B
Reithler, H
Ribeiro, R
Rojkov, A
Sanjari, A
Santonico, R
Sartori, P
Schwarthoff, H
Seez, C
Shank, J
Shen, Bc
Szeptycka, M
Szoncso, F
Teykal, H
Tolsma, H
Tuchscherer, H
Tuominiemi, J
Tuuva, T
Vandergraaf, H
Veneziano, S
Verzocchi, M
Vesztergombi, G
Wagner, H
Walzel, G
Wijnen, T
Wilson, Gw
Wrochna, G
Wulz, Ce
Zanello, L
Zotto, P.
Source :
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 386, 2-3, pp. 421-430, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 386, 421-430. Elsevier science bv
Publication Year :


The momentum and angular distributions of punchthrough muons have been measured after a 10 λ calorimeter using an iron toroid magnet with 1.5 T as spectrometer. The calorimeter was inside a variable magnetic field of 0 to 3 T. The incident momentum of the π − beam ranged from 20 to 300 GeV/ c . Measurements were also done at some beam momenta for π + , K + and p. The results are compared with Monte Carlo predictions. A parameterization for the momentum spectrum of punchthrough muons was derived from the data.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 386, 2-3, pp. 421-430, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 386, 421-430. Elsevier science bv
Accession number :