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Transmission of HIV Drug Resistance and the Predicted Effect on Current First-line Regimens in Europe

Authors :
Moutschen, M.
Hofstra, Laura Marije Arije
Sauvageot, Nicolas
Albert, Jan
Alexiev, Ivailo
Garcia, Federico
Struck, Daniel
Van, de Vijver
Åsjö, Birgitta
Beshkov, Danail
Coughlan, Suzie
Descamps, Diane
Griskevicius, Algirdas
Hamouda, Osamah
Horban, Andrzej
Van Kasteren, Marjo
Kolupajeva, Tatjana
Kostrikis, Leontios G.
Liitsola, Kirsi
Linka, Marek
Mor, Orna
Nielsen, Claus
Otelea, Dan
Paraskevis, Dimitrios N.
Paredes, Roger
Poljak, Mario
Puchhammer-Stöckl, Elisabeth
Sönnerborg, Anders
Staneková, Danica
Stanojevic, Maja
Van Laethem, Kristel
Zazzi, Maurizio
Zidovec Lepej, Snjezana
Boucher, Charles A. B.
Schmit, Jean-Claude
Wensing, Annemarie M. J.
Puchhammer-Stockl, E.
Sarcletti, M.
Schmied, B.
Geit, M.
Balluch, G.
Vandamme, A. M.
Vercauteren, J.
Derdelinckx, I.
Sasse, A.
Bogaert, M.
Ceunen, H.
De Roo, A.
De Wit, S.
Echahidi, F.
Fransen, K.
Goffard, J. -C
Goubau, P.
Goudeseune, E.
Yombi, J. -C
Lacor, P.
Liesnard, C.
Pierard, D.
Rens, R.
Schrooten, Y.
Vaira, D.
Vandekerckhove, L. P. R.
Van, den Heuvel
Van, Der Gucht
Van Ranst, M.
Van Wijngaerden, E.
Vandercam, B.
Vekemans, M.
Verhofstede, C.
Clumeck, N.
Van Laethem, K.
Lepej, S. Z.
Begovac, J.
Demetriades, Ioannis
Kousiappa, Ioanna
Demetriou, Victoria L.
Hezka, Johana
Linka, M.
Maly, M.
Machala, L.
Nielsen, C.
Jørgensen, L. B.
Gerstoft, J.
Mathiesen, L.
Pedersen, C.
Nielsen, H.
Laursen, A.
Kvinesdal, B.
Liitsola, K.
Ristola, M.
Suni, J.
Sutinen, J.
Descamps, D.
Assoumou, L.
Castor, G.
Grude, M.
Flandre, P.
Storto, A.
Hamouda, O.
Kücherer, C.
Berg, T.
Braun, P.
Poggensee, G.
Däumer, M.
Eberle, J.
Heiken, H.
Kaiser, R.
Knechten, H.
Korn, K.
Müller, H.
Neifer, S.
Schmidt, B.
Walter, H.
Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer, B.
Harrer, T.
Hatzakis, Angelos E.
Zavitsanou, Assimina
Vassilakis, A.
Lazanas, Marios C.
Chini, Maria C.
Lioni, A.
Sakka, V.
Kourkounti, Sofia
Paparizos, Vassilios A.
Antoniadou, Anastasia C.
Papadopoulos, Antonios I.
Poulakou, Garyphallia G.
Katsarolis, I.
Protopapas, K.
Chryssos, Georgios
Drimis, Stylianos
Gargalianos, Panagiotis
Xylomenos, Georgios
Lourida, G.
Psichogiou, Mina A.
Daikos, George L.
Sipsas, N. V.
Kontos, Athanasios N.
Gamaletsou, M. N.
Koratzanis, Georgios
Sambatakou, H.
Mariolis, H.
Skoutelis, A.
Papastamopoulos, V.
Georgiou, O.
Panagopoulos, Periklis
Maltezos, E.
Coughlan, S.
De Gascun, C.
Byrne, C.
Duffy, M.
Bergin, C.
Reidy, D.
Farrell, G.
Lambert, J.
O'Connor, E.
Rochford, A.
Low, J.
Coakely, P.
O'Dea, S.
Hall, W.
Mor, O.
Levi, I.
Chemtob, D.
Grossman, Z.
Zazzi, M.
de Luca, A.
Balotta, Claudia
Riva, C.
Mussini, C.
Caramma, I.
Capetti, A.
Colombo, M. C.
Rossi, C.
Prati, F.
Tramuto, F.
Vitale, F.
Ciccozzi, M.
Angarano, G.
Rezza, G.
Kolupajeva, T.
Vasins, O.
Griskevicius, A.
Lipnickiene, V.
Schmit, J. C.
Struck, D.
Hemmer, R.
Arendt, V.
Michaux, C.
Staub, T.
Sequin-Devaux, C.
Wensing, A. M. J.
Boucher, C. A. B.
van, de Vijver
van Kessel, A.
van Bentum, P. H. M.
Brinkman, K.
Connell, B. J.
van, der Ende
Hoepelman, I. M.
van Kasteren, M.
Kuipers, M.
Langebeek, N.
Richter, C.
Santegoets, R. M. W. J.
Schrijnders-Gudde, L.
Schuurman, R.
van, de Ven
Kran, A. -M B.
Ormaasen, V.
Aavitsland, P.
Horban, A.
Stanczak, J. J.
Stanczak, G. P.
Firlag-Burkacka, E.
Wiercinska-Drapalo, A.
Jablonowska, E.
Maolepsza, E.
Leszczyszyn-Pynka, M.
Szata, W.
Camacho, Ricardo J.
Palma, C.
Borges, F.
Paixão, T.
Duque, V.
Araújo, F.
Otelea, D.
Paraschiv, S.
Tudor, A. M.
Cernat, R.
Chiriac, C.
Dumitrescu, F.
Prisecariu, L. J.
Stanojevic, M.
Jevtovic, Dj
Salemovic, D.
Stanekova, D.
Habekova, M.
Chabadová, Z.
Drobkova, T.
Bukovinova, P.
Shunnar, A.
Truska, P.
Poljak, M.
Lunar, M.
Babic, Dunja Z.
Tomazic, J.
Vidmar, L.
Vovko, T.
Karner, P.
Garcia, F.
Paredes, R.
Monge, S.
Moreno, S.
del Amo, J.
Asensi, V.
Sirvent, J. L.
de Mendoza, C.
Delgado, R.
Gutiérrez, F.
Berenguer, J.
Garcia-Bujalance, S.
Stella, Natalia C.
de, los Santos
Blanco, J. R.
Dalmau, D.
Rivero, M.
Segura, F.
Elıás, Marıá Jesús Pérez
Alvarez, M.
Chueca, N.
Rodríguez-Martín, C.
Vidal, C.
Palomares, J. C.
Viciana, I.
Viciana, P.
Cordoba, J.
Aguilera, A.
Domingo, P.
Galindo, M. J.
Miralles, C.
del Pozo, M. A.
Ribera, E.
Iribarren, J. A.
Ruiz, L.
de, la Torre
Vidal, F.
Clotet, B.
Heidarian, A.
Aperia-Peipke, K.
Axelsson, M.
Mild, M.
Karlsson, A.
Sönnerborg, A.
Thalme, A.
Navér, L.
Bratt, G.
Blaxhult, A.
Gisslén, M.
Svennerholm, B.
Bergbrant, I.
Björkman, Per
Säll, C.
Mellgren, Å.
Lindholm, A.
Kuylenstierna, N.
Montelius, R.
Azimi, F.
Johansson, B.
Carlsson, M.
Johansson, E.
Ljungberg, B.
Ekvall, H.
Strand, A.
Mäkitalo, S.
Öberg, S.
Holmblad, P.
Höfer, M.
Holmberg, H.
Josefson, P.
Ryding, U.
Van Kessel, A.
Clinical sciences
Microbiology and Infection Control
Supporting clinical sciences
Department of Medicine
Cohorte de Adultos de la Red de Investigación en SIDA, Spain.
SPREAD Program
Schmit,JC ] Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg. [Hofstra,LM
Wensing,AMJ] Department of Virology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. [Albert,J
Sönnerborg,A] Karolinska Institute, Solna. Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. [Alexiev,I
Beshkov,D] National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria. [Garcia,F] Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Granada. Instituto de Investigación IBS Granada, Spain. [Van de Vijver,DAMC
Boucher,CAB] Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [Åsjö,B] University of Bergen, Norway. [Coughlan,S] University College Dublin, Ireland. [Descamps,D] AP-HP Groupe hospitalier Bichat-Claude Bernard. IAME INSERM UMR 1137. Université Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France. [Griskevicius,A] Lithuanian AIDS Center, Vilnius, Lithuania. [Hamouda,O] Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany. [Horban,A] Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Warsaw, Poland. [Van Kasteren,M] St Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg, The Netherlands. [Kolupajeva,T] Infectiology Center of Latvia, Riga. [Kostrikis,LG] University of Cyprus, Nicosia. [Liitsola,K] Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland. [Linka,M] National Reference Laboratory for HIV/AIDS, National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic. [Mor,O] National HIV Reference Laboratory, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. [Nielsen,C] Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark. [Otelea,D] National Institute for Infectious Diseases 'Prof. dr. Matei Bals', Bucharest, Romania. [Paraskevis,D] National Retrovirus Reference Center, University of Athens, Greece. [Paredes,R] IrsiCaixa Foundation, Badalona, Spain. [Poljak,M] Faculty of Medicine, Slovenian HIV/AIDS Reference Centre, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. [Puchhammer-Stöckl,E] Medical University Vienna, Austria. [Staneková,D] Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia. [Stanojevic,M] Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia. [Van Laethem,K] Rega Institute for Medical Research, KU Leuven, Belgium. [Zazzi,M] University of Siena, Italy. [Zidovec Lepej,S] University Hospital for Infectious Diseases 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic', Zagreb, Croatia.
This work was supported by a CORE grant of Fond National de la Recherche Luxembourg (grant number C12/BM/4011111–HIV molecular epidemiology in Europe). This work has been partially supported by the European Commission (fifth framework, grant number QLK2-CT-2001-01344
sixth framework, grant number LSHP-CT-2006-518211, DynaNets grant number 233847
seventh framework, CHAIN grant number 223131)
Belgium: Belgian AIDS Reference Laboratory Fund, Belgian Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (grant number G.0692.14)
Cyprus: Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (grant number Health/0104/22)
Denmark: Danish AIDS Foundation
France: Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA et les Hepatites Virales
Germany: Ministry of Health (grant number 1502-686-18), Ministry of Education and Research (grant number 01KI501)
Italy: Fifth National Program on HIV/AIDS, Instituto Superiore di Sanità (grant numbers 40F.56 and 20D.1.6)
Luxembourg: Fondation Recherche sur le SiDA and Ministry of Health
Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Education and Science (grant number 175024)
Slovakia: project 'Center of Excellence of Environmental Health,' ITMS number 26240120033, based on supporting operational research and development program financed from the European Regional Development Fund
and Sweden: Swedish Research Council and Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.
APH - Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases
Graduate School
Hofstra, LM
Sauvageot, N
Albert, J
Alexiev, I
Garcia, F
Struck, D
Van de Vijver, DA
Åsjö, B
Beshkov, D
Coughlan, S
Descamps, D
Griskevicius, A
Hamouda, O
Horban, A
Van Kasteren, M
Kolupajeva, T
Kostrikis, LG
Liitsola, K
Linka, M
Mor, O
Nielsen, C
Otelea, D
Paraskevis, D
Paredes, R
Poljak, M
Puchhammer-Stöckl, E
Sönnerborg, A
Staneková, D
Stanojevic, M
Van Laethem, K
Zazzi, M
Lepej, SZ
Boucher, CA
Schmit, JC
Wensing, AM
SPREAD program investigators, including Vitale F and Tramuto, F
Vandamme, Annemie
Vercauteren, Jurgen
Schrooten, Yoeri
Van Ranst, Marc
Van Wijngaerden, Eric
Derdelinckx, Inge
Camacho, Ricardo Jorge
Kostrikis, Leontios G. [0000-0002-5340-7109]
Paraskevis, Dimitrios [0000-0001-6167-7152]
Source :
Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62(5), 655-663. Oxford University Press, Clinical infectious diseases, 62(5), 655-663. Oxford University Press, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Clin.Infect.Dis., Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, r-INCLIVA. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica de INCLIVA, instname, Hofstra, L M, Sauvageot, N, Albert, J, Alexiev, I, Garcia, F, Struck, D, Van de Vijver, D A M C, Åsjö, B, Beshkov, D, Coughlan, S, Descamps, D, Griskevicius, A, Hamouda, O, Horban, A, Van Kasteren, M, Kolupajeva, T, Kostrikis, L G, Liitsola, K, Linka, M, Mor, O, Nielsen, C, Otelea, D, Paraskevis, D, Paredes, R, Poljak, M, Puchhammer-Stöckl, E, Sönnerborg, A, Staneková, D, Stanojevic, M, Van Laethem, K, Zazzi, M, Zidovec Lepej, S, Boucher, C A B, Schmit, J-C, Wensing, A M J & SPREAD Program 2016, ' Transmission of HIV Drug Resistance and the Predicted Effect on Current First-line Regimens in Europe ', Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 655-663 ., Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62(5), 655. Oxford University Press
Publication Year :


Transmitted human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance in Europe is stable at around 8%. The impact of baseline mutation patterns on susceptibility to antiretroviral drugs should be addressed using clinical guidelines. The impact on baseline susceptibility is largest for nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors.<br />Background. Numerous studies have shown that baseline drug resistance patterns may influence the outcome of antiretroviral therapy. Therefore, guidelines recommend drug resistance testing to guide the choice of initial regimen. In addition to optimizing individual patient management, these baseline resistance data enable transmitted drug resistance (TDR) to be surveyed for public health purposes. The SPREAD program systematically collects data to gain insight into TDR occurring in Europe since 2001. Methods. Demographic, clinical, and virological data from 4140 antiretroviral-naive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected individuals from 26 countries who were newly diagnosed between 2008 and 2010 were analyzed. Evidence of TDR was defined using the WHO list for surveillance of drug resistance mutations. Prevalence of TDR was assessed over time by comparing the results to SPREAD data from 2002 to 2007. Baseline susceptibility to antiretroviral drugs was predicted using the Stanford HIVdb program version 7.0. Results. The overall prevalence of TDR did not change significantly over time and was 8.3% (95% confidence interval, 7.2%–9.5%) in 2008–2010. The most frequent indicators of TDR were nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) mutations (4.5%), followed by nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) mutations (2.9%) and protease inhibitor mutations (2.0%). Baseline mutations were most predictive of reduced susceptibility to initial NNRTI-based regimens: 4.5% and 6.5% of patient isolates were predicted to have resistance to regimens containing efavirenz or rilpivirine, respectively, independent of current NRTI backbones. Conclusions. Although TDR was highest for NRTIs, the impact of baseline drug resistance patterns on susceptibility was largest for NNRTIs. The prevalence of TDR assessed by epidemiological surveys does not clearly indicate to what degree susceptibility to different drug classes is affected.


Subjects :
Human immunodeficiency virus 1
RNA directed DNA polymerase inhibitor
HIV Infections
Settore MED/42 - Igiene Generale E Applicata
Disciplines and Occupations::Health Occupations::Medicine::Public Health [Medical Subject Headings]
Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Primates::Haplorhini::Catarrhini::Hominidae::Humans [Medical Subject Headings]
Salud pública
Inhibidores de proteasas
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::Vital Statistics::Morbidity::Prevalence [Medical Subject Headings]
Geographicals::Geographic Locations::Europe [Medical Subject Headings]
3. Good health
microbial sensitivity test
priority journal
antiretroviral therapy
drug resistance
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors/pharmacology
anti human immunodeficiency virus agent
Microbiology (medical)
antiviral susceptibility
Phenomena and Processes::Genetic Phenomena::Genetic Variation::Mutation [Medical Subject Headings]
030106 microbiology
HIV Infections/drug therapy
Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Therapeutic Uses::Anti-Infective Agents::Antiviral Agents::Anti-Retroviral Agents::Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors [Medical Subject Headings]
Microbial Sensitivity Tests
03 medical and health sciences
transmitted drug resistance
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
Phenomena and Processes::Physiological Phenomena::Pharmacological Phenomena::Drug Resistance [Medical Subject Headings]
major clinical study
Infecciones por VIH
Antiretroviral therapy
Drug resistance
Medicine (all)
Infectious Diseases
Chemicals and Drugs::Heterocyclic Compounds::Heterocyclic Compounds, 1-Ring::Oxazines::Benzoxazines [Medical Subject Headings]
0301 basic medicine
Communicable diseases
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Statistics as Topic::Confidence Intervals [Medical Subject Headings]
antiviral therapy
Medicine and Health Sciences
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment::Investigative Techniques::Epidemiologic Methods::Data Collection::Surveys and Questionnaires [Medical Subject Headings]
Non-U.S. Gov't
Reverse-transcriptase inhibitor
antiretrovirus agent
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Human immunodeficiency virus infected patient
Middle Aged
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
HIV-1/drug effects
HIV Protease Inhibitors/pharmacology
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Diseases::Immune System Diseases::Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes::HIV Infections [Medical Subject Headings]
HIV drug resistance
Human immunodeficiency virus proteinase inhibitor
Chemicals and Drugs::Organic Chemicals::Nitriles::Rilpivirine [Medical Subject Headings]
Anti-HIV Agents
Research Support
Resistencia a medicamentos
antiviral resistance
Internal medicine
Anti-HIV Agents/pharmacology
Drug Resistance, Viral
Journal Article
Chemicals and Drugs::Chemical Actions and Uses::Pharmacologic Actions::Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action::Enzyme Inhibitors::Protease Inhibitors [Medical Subject Headings]
abacavir plus lamivudine
Europa (Continente)
HIV Protease Inhibitors
Intervalos de confianza
Inhibidores de la transcriptasa inversa
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
Drug Resistance, Viral/genetics
drug effects
3121 General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine


Language :
10584838 and 15376591
Database :
Journal :
Clinical Infectious Diseases: An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62(5), 655-663. Oxford University Press, Clinical infectious diseases, 62(5), 655-663. Oxford University Press, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Clin.Infect.Dis., Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, r-INCLIVA. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica de INCLIVA, instname, Hofstra, L M, Sauvageot, N, Albert, J, Alexiev, I, Garcia, F, Struck, D, Van de Vijver, D A M C, Åsjö, B, Beshkov, D, Coughlan, S, Descamps, D, Griskevicius, A, Hamouda, O, Horban, A, Van Kasteren, M, Kolupajeva, T, Kostrikis, L G, Liitsola, K, Linka, M, Mor, O, Nielsen, C, Otelea, D, Paraskevis, D, Paredes, R, Poljak, M, Puchhammer-Stöckl, E, Sönnerborg, A, Staneková, D, Stanojevic, M, Van Laethem, K, Zazzi, M, Zidovec Lepej, S, Boucher, C A B, Schmit, J-C, Wensing, A M J & SPREAD Program 2016, ' Transmission of HIV Drug Resistance and the Predicted Effect on Current First-line Regimens in Europe ', Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 655-663 ., Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62(5), 655. Oxford University Press
Accession number :