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Haemosporozoan Parasites Found In Birds In Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak And Java

Authors :
Paperna, Ilan
Keong, Malcolm Soh Chu
May, Charlotte Yap Aye
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2008.


Paperna, Ilan, Keong, Malcolm Soh Chu, May, Charlotte Yap Aye (2008): Haemosporozoan Parasites Found In Birds In Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sarawak And Java. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 56 (2): 211-243, DOI:<br />{"references":["Anschuts, G., 1909. Ueber den entwickelungsgang des \"Haemoproteus orizivorae\" nov. spec. Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infectionkranheiten. Hygienne I. abt. Orig. 51: 654-659.","Ashford, R. W., T. T. Palmer, J. S. Ash, R. S. Bray, 1976. Blood parasites of Ethiopian birds 1. General survey. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 12:409-426.","Baker, D. G., C. A. Speer, A. Yamaguchi, S. M. Griffey & J. P. Dubey 1996. An unusual coccidian parasite causing pneumonia in a northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 32: 130-132.","Bennett, G. F. & A. G. Campbell, 1972. Avian Haemoproteidae. 1. Description of Haemoproteus fallisi n. sp. and a review of the haemoproteids of the family Turdidae. 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