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Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome A Case Report

Authors :
Oktay Perk
Ergin Çiftçi
Tanıl Kendirli
Fikret Asarcikli
Ebru Azapağası
Gulsan Yavuz
Serhat Emeksiz
Tuba Erat
Publication Year :


A ve B ureten Stafilakokus Aureus tarafindan olusur, cogunlukla yenidogan ve cocuklarda gorulur. Komplikasyonlar zamaninda tedavi edilmediginde ortaya cikabilir. Cocuklarda mortalite orani yaklasik %4’tur. Bu yazida aldigi kemoterapi tedavisinin yedinci gununde cildinde soyulma gorulen fibrosarkom tanili 42 gunluk erkek bebek sunuldu. Nikolsy belirtisi muspet olan olguya, deri biyopsisi yapilarak SHDS tanisi konuldu. Uygun sistemik antibiyotik tedavisi ve lokal deri bakimi ile SHDS yaklasik 21 gunde tamamen iyilesti. Anahtar Kelimeler: Stafilokokal haslanmis deri sendromu, cocuk yogun bakim unitesi, eksfoliatif toksin Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) is caused by Stafilakokus Aureus producing exfoliative toxins A and B, and mostly seen in neonates and children. Complications may occur if not treated timely and properly. The mortality rate from SSSS in children is approximately 4%. This report presents a 42-day-old infant who developed exfoliation and peeling of the skin on the seventh day of chemotherapy that given for fibrosarcoma. Since the Nikolsky’s sign was positive, we performed skin biopsy to confirm the diagnosis of SSSS. In approximately 21 days, complete recovery was achieved with appropriate systemic antibiotic therapy and topical dermatologic treatment.


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