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Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests

Authors :
Julia Valentim Tavares
Rafael S. Oliveira
Maurizio Mencuccini
Caroline Signori-Müller
Luciano Pereira
Francisco Carvalho Diniz
Martin Gilpin
Manuel J. Marca Zevallos
Carlos A. Salas Yupayccana
Martin Acosta
Flor M. Pérez Mullisaca
Fernanda de V. Barros
Paulo Bittencourt
Halina Jancoski
Marina Corrêa Scalon
Beatriz S. Marimon
Imma Oliveras Menor
Ben Hur Marimon
Max Fancourt
Alexander Chambers-Ostler
Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert
Lucy Rowland
Patrick Meir
Antonio Carlos Lola da Costa
Alex Nina
Jesus M. B. Sanchez
Jose S. Tintaya
Rudi S. C. Chino
Jean Baca
Leticia Fernandes
Edwin R. M. Cumapa
João Antônio R. Santos
Renata Teixeira
Ligia Tello
Maira T. M. Ugarteche
Gina A. Cuellar
Franklin Martinez
Alejandro Araujo-Murakami
Everton Almeida
Wesley Jonatar Alves da Cruz
Jhon del Aguila Pasquel
Luís Aragāo
Timothy R. Baker
Plinio Barbosa de Camargo
Roel Brienen
Wendeson Castro
Sabina Cerruto Ribeiro
Fernanda Coelho de Souza
Eric G. Cosio
Nallaret Davila Cardozo
Richarlly da Costa Silva
Mathias Disney
Javier Silva Espejo
Ted R. Feldpausch
Leandro Ferreira
Leandro Giacomin
Niro Higuchi
Marina Hirota
Euridice Honorio
Walter Huaraca Huasco
Simon Lewis
Gerardo Flores Llampazo
Yadvinder Malhi
Abel Monteagudo Mendoza
Paulo Morandi
Victor Chama Moscoso
Robert Muscarella
Deliane Penha
Mayda Cecília Rocha
Gleicy Rodrigues
Ademir R. Ruschel
Norma Salinas
Monique Schlickmann
Marcos Silveira
Joey Talbot
Rodolfo Vásquez
Laura Vedovato
Simone Aparecida Vieira
Oliver L. Phillips
Emanuel Gloor
David R. Galbraith
University of St Andrews. School of Geography & Sustainable Development
Source :
Nature. 617:111-117
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.


Funding: Data collection was largely funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) project TREMOR (NE/N004655/1) to D.G., E.G. and O.P., with further funds from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES, finance code 001) to J.V.T. and a University of Leeds Climate Research Bursary Fund to J.V.T. D.G., E.G. and O.P. acknowledge further support from a NERC-funded consortium award (ARBOLES, NE/S011811/1). This paper is an outcome of J.V.T.’s doctoral thesis, which was sponsored by CAPES (GDE 99999.001293/2015-00). J.V.T. was previously supported by the NERC-funded ARBOLES project (NE/S011811/1) and is supported at present by the Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet (grant no. 2019-03758 to R.M.). E.G., O.P. and D.G. acknowledge support from NERC-funded BIORED grant (NE/N012542/1). O.P. acknowledges support from an ERC Advanced Grant and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. R.S.O. was supported by a CNPq productivity scholarship, the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP-Microsoft 11/52072-0) and the US Department of Energy, project GoAmazon (FAPESP 2013/50531-2). M.M. acknowledges support from MINECO FUN2FUN (CGL2013-46808-R) and DRESS (CGL2017-89149-C2-1-R). C.S.-M., F.B.V. and P.R.L.B. were financed by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brasil (CAPES, finance code 001). C.S.-M. received a scholarship from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq 140353/2017-8) and CAPES (science without borders 88881.135316/2016-01). Y.M. acknowledges the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (GEM-TRAITS, 321131) for supporting the Global Ecosystems Monitoring (GEM) network (, within which some of the field sites (KEN, TAM and ALP) are nested. The authors thank Brazil–USA Collaborative Research GoAmazon DOE-FAPESP-FAPEAM (FAPESP 2013/50533-5 to L.A.) and National Science Foundation (award DEB-1753973 to L. Alves). They thank Serrapilheira Serra-1709-18983 (to M.H.) and CNPq-PELD/POPA-441443/2016-8 (to L.G.) (P.I. Albertina Lima). They thank all the colleagues and grants mentioned elsewhere [8,36] that established, identified and measured the Amazon forest plots in the RAINFOR network analysed here. The authors particularly thank J. Lyod, S. Almeida, F. Brown, B. Vicenti, N. Silva and L. Alves. This work is an outcome approved Research Project no. 19 from, a collaborative initiative developed at the University of Leeds that unites researchers and the monitoring of their permanent plots from the world’s tropical forests [61]. The authros thank A. Levesley, K. Melgaço Ladvocat and G. Pickavance for management. They thank Y. Wang and J. Baker, respectively, for their help with the map and with the climatic data. The authors acknowledge the invaluable help of M. Brum for kindly providing the comparison of vulnerability curves based on PAD and on PLC shown in this manuscript. They thank J. Martinez-Vilalta for his comments on an early version of this manuscript. The authors also thank V. Hilares and the Asociación para la Investigación y Desarrollo Integral (AIDER, Puerto Maldonado, Peru); V. Saldaña and Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana (IIAP) for local field campaign support in Peru; E. Chavez and Noel Kempff Natural History Museum for local field campaign support in Bolivia; ICMBio, INPA/NAPPA/LBA COOMFLONA (Cooperativa mista da Flona Tapajós) and T. I. Bragança-Marituba for the research support. Tropical forests face increasing climate risk1,2, yet our ability to predict their response to climate change is limited by poor understanding of their resistance to water stress. Although xylem embolism resistance thresholds (for example, Ψ50) and hydraulic safety margins (for example, HSM50) are important predictors of drought-induced mortality risk3-5, little is known about how these vary across Earth's largest tropical forest. Here, we present a pan-Amazon, fully standardized hydraulic traits dataset and use it to assess regional variation in drought sensitivity and hydraulic trait ability to predict species distributions and long-term forest biomass accumulation. Parameters Ψ50 and HSM50 vary markedly across the Amazon and are related to average long-term rainfall characteristics. Both Ψ50 and HSM50 influence the biogeographical distribution of Amazon tree species. However, HSM50 was the only significant predictor of observed decadal-scale changes in forest biomass. Old-growth forests with wide HSM50 are gaining more biomass than are low HSM50 forests. We propose that this may be associated with a growth-mortality trade-off whereby trees in forests consisting of fast-growing species take greater hydraulic risks and face greater mortality risk. Moreover, in regions of more pronounced climatic change, we find evidence that forests are losing biomass, suggesting that species in these regions may be operating beyond their hydraulic limits. Continued climate change is likely to further reduce HSM50 in the Amazon6,7, with strong implications for the Amazon carbon sink. Publisher PDF


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