Overestimation of moderate carotid stenosis assessed by both Doppler US and contrast enhanced 3D-MR angiography in the CARMEDAS study
A. Pasco-Papon, et al. Overestimation of Moderate Carotid Stenosis Assessed by Both Doppler US and Contrast Enhanced 3D-MR Angiography in the CARMEDAS Study. July 2011. EBSCOhost,⟩.
A. Pasco-Papon, Jean-Yves Gauvrit, Jean Michel Serfaty, Philippe Douek, Michel Nonent, J.-O. Fortrat, X. Papon, Valérie Buthion, C. Pachai, Y. Le Bras, A Badra, Luc Bressollette, D. Ben Salem, J.-P. Cottier, C. Rotaru, Jérôme Berge, & Pierre Gouny. (2011). Overestimation of moderate carotid stenosis assessed by both Doppler US and contrast enhanced 3D-MR angiography in the CARMEDAS study.⟩
A. Pasco-Papon, Jean-Yves Gauvrit, Jean Michel Serfaty, Philippe Douek, Michel Nonent, J.-O. Fortrat, X. Papon, et al. 2011. “Overestimation of Moderate Carotid Stenosis Assessed by Both Doppler US and Contrast Enhanced 3D-MR Angiography in the CARMEDAS Study,” July. doi:10.1016/j.neurad.2010.05.002⟩.