Testosterone treatment is not associated with increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events: results from the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME)
Mario, Maggi, et al. Testosterone Treatment Is Not Associated with Increased Risk of Adverse Cardiovascular Events: Results from the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME). Jan. 2016. EBSCOhost,
Mario, M., Frederick C W, W., Thomas H, J., Graham, J., Hermann M, B., Geoffrey, H., Antonio, M.-M., Giancarlo, B., Adrian S, D., Stefan T E, A., Marcello, M., Glenn R, C., Andrea M, I., Richard, Q., Olivia A, W., Flora S, S., Raymond C, R., & F, D. (2016). Testosterone treatment is not associated with increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events: results from the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME).
Mario, Maggi, Wu Frederick C W, Jones Thomas H, Jackson Graham, Behre Hermann M, Hackett Geoffrey, Martin-Morales Antonio, et al. 2016. “Testosterone Treatment Is Not Associated with Increased Risk of Adverse Cardiovascular Events: Results from the Registry of Hypogonadism in Men (RHYME),” January.