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Centrorhynchus globocaudatus Luhe 1911

Authors :
Lisitsyna, O. I.
Greben, O. B.
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zenodo, 2015.


Centrorhynchus globocaudatus (Zeder, 1800) Lühe, 1911 (fig. 3, A–E) Syn. Echinorhynchus globocaudatus Zeder, 1800; E. tuba Rudolphi, 1802, in part. Рис. 3. Centrorhynchus globocaudatus от Falco tinnunculus: A — хоботок, {; B — общий вид, {; C — яйцо; D — крючья продольного ряда, {; E — терминальная часть половой системы самки. G l o b a l (7 {, 14}). Trunk elongate, almost cylindrical. Proboscis rounded apical, then almost conical. Constrictions implicit. Neck short. Proboscis with 30–34 longitudinal rows of 19–21 hooks. First 5–6 hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Next 3–5 hooks transitional, with composite scutiform «Х»-shaped root processes. Next 5–7 hooks spiniform with simple scutiform root processes, last 3–7 hooks spiniform with simple roots directed anteriorly. Length of blade increasing from first to third, then gradually decrease. Hook root length increasing from first to 5–6th then gradually decreasing. Proboscis receptacle double-walled, attach in middle proboscis. Lemnisci sacciform, longer than proboscis receptacle. Gonopore subterminal in both sexes. M a l e s. Trunk 11.95–18.80 (15.56) mm long, with maximum width in testis region 760–1080 (930). Proboscis 920–1130 (1050) long with maximum width in anterior part 300–354 (320), anterior part of proboscis up to level of attachment of proboscis receptacle 430–500 (450) long with width at attachment 280–330 (300). Proboscis with 30–34 (31.1) longitudinal rows of 19–21 (20.1) hooks. First 5–6 (5.6) hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Hook blade length: 1, 40–50 (46.6); 2, 48–63 (54.5); 3, 50–68 (57.6); 4, 45–63 (52.2); 5, 45–55 (50); 6, 40–50 (49.6). Hook blade thickness: 1, 7–10 (8); 2, 10–13 (11); 3, 13; 4, 13; 5, 13–15 (13.8); 6, 13–15 (13.8). Hook root length: l, 30–40 (34.63); 2, 37–60 (46.3); 3, 43–60 (49.5); 4, 43–65 (51.7); 5, 45–63 (51.8); 6, 20–50 (32.5). Transitional hook blade length 38–45 (41), 7–13 (9) thick, hook root 37–45 (41.3) long, hook root processes 15–35 (23) long. Spiniform hook blade length 38–45 (40), hook root processes 17–30 (26) long. Proboscis receptacle 1100–1550 (1260) long with maximum width 230–370 (290). Neck short, 30–50 (40) long. Lemnisci 920–1900 (1500) long, extended to testes, overlie on anterior one. Testes in tandem slightly overlapping one another. First testis 730–1060 (910) × 430–660 (500), second testis 850–1080 (980) × 458–660 (546). Cement glands 7.83–11.08 (8.82) mm long. Säfftigen pouch 1.4–2.65 (2.21) mm long. Bursa invaginated 2000×1300. F e m a l e s. Trunk 15.01–40.00 (20.18) mm long, with maximum width in anterior part 800–1400 (1060). Proboscis 920–1180 (1060) long with maximum width in anterior part 300–400 (340), anterior part of proboscis up to level of attachment of proboscis receptacle 450–550 (470) long with width at attachment 280–360 (320). Proboscis with 30–36 (33) longitudinal rows of 19–21 (19.8) hooks. First 5–6 hooks large with posteriorly directed strong roots. Hook blade length: 1, 43–53 (47.7); 2, 53–63 (57.6); 3, 50–65 (60.7); 4, 45–65 (56.2); 5, 43–55 (48.6); 6, 35–50 (47.7). Hook blade thickness: 1, 6–7 (6.7); 2, 10–11 (10.2); 3, 12–13 (12.5); 4, 12–13 (12.7); 5, 12–18 (14.6); 6, 8–15 (11.8). Hook root length: 1, 25–50 (37.5); 2, 38–60 (50); 3, 45–68 (53.2); 4, 45–63 (53.2); 5, 30–63 (51.37); 6, 20–60 (42.3). Transitional hook blade length 38– 48 (42.3), 8 thick, hook root 18–43 (26.9) long. Spiniform hook blade length 37–45 (40), hook root processes 20–35 (25) long. Proboscis receptacle 1160–1620 (1300) long with maximum width 250–410 (360). Neck short, 30–50 (40) long. Lemnisci 920–2050 (1660) long. Eggs elongate-oval, without polar prolongation of fertilization membrane, 53–60 (56.1) × 24–30 (28.2). The species was described from birds of prey in Europe. It is recorded from the birds of the genera Athene, Milvus, Buteo, Circus, Aquila, Falco, Tyto, Anthus in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is found in Ukraine in black kate Milvus migrans (Boddaert, 1783) 1, common kestrel Falco tinnunculus 2, lesser kestrel Falco naumanni 2 in Chernihiv Region (Orlikivske forestry), Kherson Region (area of Black Sea Reserve, Velyka Oleksandrivka and peninsula Churyuk), Crimea (Tarhankut) (Smogorzhevskaya, 1954, 1976; Gritsenko, 1969; Khohlova, 1986 2 ; Lisitsyna, 1993, 2008).<br />Published as part of Lisitsyna, O. I. & Greben, O. B., 2015, Acanthocephalans Of The Genus Centrorhynchus (Palaeacanthocephala, Centrorhynchydae) From Birds Of Ukraine With The Description Of A New Species, pp. 195-210 in Vestnik Zoologii 49 (3) on pages 201-202, DOI: 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0022,<br />{"references":["Smogorzhevskaya, L. A. The helminthofauna of the ichthyophagous birds of Dnieper valley: Abstract of Ph. D. thesis. - Kiev, 1954. - 24 p. - Russian: Смogoрzivсkai Л. A. Giльмiнtoфauнa рыboidныk ptit doлiны Dнipрa.","Smogorzhevskaya, L. A. Helminths of the waterfowl and wading birds of Ukrainian fauna. - Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1976. - 416 p. - Russian: Смogoрzivсkai Л. A. Giльмiнtы vodopлavaющik i boлotныk ptit фauны Ukрaiны.","Gritsenko, A. N. Acanthocephalans of \" synanthropic \" and certain other birds in the Southern Ukraine // Problems in Parasitology: Materials of the Scientific Conference of Parasitologists of the Ukrainian SSR. - Kiev: Naukova. dumka, 1969. - Vol. 1. - P. 88 - 81. - Russian: Gрitiнko A. Н. K фauнi сkрibнiй сiнaнtрopныk i нikotoрыk dрugik ptit нa юgi Ukрaiны.","Khohlova, I. G. Acanthocephalans of animals of the USSR fauna. - Мoscow: Nauka. - 1986. - 277 p. - Russian: Kokлova I. G. Akaнtotiфaлы zivotныk фauны СССР.","Lisitsyna, O. I. Acanthocephalans of the terrestrial vertebrate of the fauna of Ukraine: Abstract of Ph. D. thesis. - Kiev, 1993. - 24 p. - Russian: Лiсitынa O. I. Akaнtotiфaлы нaziмныk pozvoнocныk фauны Ukрaiны.","Lisitsyna, O. I. Acanthocephala // Catalogue of helminthes of vertebrates of Ukraine. Acathpcephala. Monogenea. - Kiev, 2008. - P. 7 - 58. - Russian: Лiсitынa O. I. Akaнtotiфaлы."]}


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