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A randomized, open-label, multicentre, phase 2/3 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of lumiliximab in combination with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab versus fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab alone in subjects with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Authors :
Awan, Farrukh T
Hillmen, Peter
Hellmann, Andrzej
Robak, Tadeusz
Hughes, Steven G.
Trone, Denise
Shannon, Megan
Flinn, Ian W.
Byrd, John C.
Riveros, Dardo
Pavlovsky, Santiago
Iastrebner, Claudio M.
Carney, Dennis A.
Deveridge, Sandra
Durrant, Simon
Hahn, Uwe H.
Hertzberg, Mark
Leahy, Michael F.
David, Ma
Marlton, Paula
Mulligan, Stephen
Opat, Stephen S.
Tiley, Campbell
Wickham, Nicholas W.
Cannell, Paul
Gatalano, John
Catalano, John
Cull, Gavin
Luen B., To
Hopfinger, Georg
Jager, Ulrich
Linkesch, Werner
Petzer, Andreas
Schwarzmeier, Josef
Steurer, Michael
Greil, Richard
Bememan, Zwi
Bosly, Andre
Bron, Dominique
Janssens, Ann
Offner, Fritz
Van Den Neste, Eric W.
Ka Lung, Wu
Van Hoof, Achiel
Maiolino, Angelo
Pinczowski, Helio
Zanichelli, Maria A.
Pereira, Juliana
Larratt, Loree
Spaner, David
Howson Jan, Kang
Chen, Christine I.
Cantin, Guy
Fernandez, Louis A.
Fraser, Graeme
Mayer, Jiri
Trneny, Marek
Jebavy, Ladislav
Bordessoule, Dominique
Lamy, Thierry
Milpied, Noel
Truchan Graczyk, Malgorzata
Eghbali, Houchingue
Karsenti, Jean Michel
Celigny, Philippe Solal
Mans, Le
Cazin, Bruno
Gyan, Emmanuel
Lepretre, Stephane
Bergmann, Lothar
Tsionos, Konstantinos
Lokeshwar, Nilesh M.
Agarwal, Mohan B.
Ross, Cecil R.
Deshmukh, Chetan D.
Narayanan, Geetha
Raina, Vinod
Bondarde, Shailesh A.
Shah, Bhavin A.
Bairey, Osnat
Tikva, Petach
Shvidel, Lev
Ambrosetti, Achille
Rossi, Policlinico G. B.
Angelucci, Emanuele
Carella, Angelo M.
Massaia, Massimo
Zinzani, Pier L.
Caligaris Cappio, Federico
Foa, Roberto
Gaidano, Gianluca
della Caritá, A. O. Maggiore
Leone, Giuseppe
Santoro, Armando
Griskevicius, Laimonas
Jurgutis, Romualdas
Baker, Bartrum W.
Hawkins, Timothy
Corbett, Gillian M.
Ganly, Peter
D'Souza, Alvyn B.
Deptala, Andrzej
Holowiecki, Jerzy
Kloczko, Janusz
Skotnicki, Aleksander
Zdziarska, Barbara
Kyrcz Krzemien, Slawomira
Dmoszynska, Anna
Moreira, Anna
Pereira, Ana P.
Colita, Andrei
Moicean, Andreea D.
Vasilica, Mariana
Danaila, Catalin
Gheorghita, Emanuil
Pavlov, Vyacheslav V.
Rossiev, Viktor A.
Konstantinova, Tatiana
Samoilova, Olga S.
Novgorod, Nizhniy
Shelekhova, Tatyana
Zaritsky, Andrey Y.
Abdulkadyrov, Kudrat M.
Zyuzgin, Ilya S.
Pristupa, Alexander S.
Loscertales, Javier
Vidal, Joan Besalduch
de Mallorca, Palma
Gonzalez, Marcos
Ortuno, Francisco
Giraldo, Pilar
Nathwani, Amit
Agrawal, Samir G.
Rule, Simon
Dearden, Claire E.
Bloor, Adrian J.
Haynes, Andrew
Singer, Charles
Boclek, Robert G.
Bosserman, Linda D.
Chan, David
Davidson, Sheldon J.
Dichmann, Robert A.
Farber, Charles
Hart, Lowell
Hermann, Robert
Eddie, Hu
Janakiraman, Nalini
Jonas, William
Liem, Kiem D.
Mcintyre, Rosemary E.
O'Brien, Susan
Patel, Giribala
Rado, Thomas
Schilder, Russell
Smith, Scott E.
Stock, Wendy
Turturro, Francesco
Venugopal, Parameswaran
Anderson, Thomas C.
Berry, William
Boyd, Thomas E.
Byrd, John
Cooper, Maureen
Flinn, Ian
Gersh, Robert
Gordon, David
Guzley, Gregory J.
Wilks, Sharon T.
Klein, Andreas
Krauss, John C.
Lister, John
Mandell, Lance
Molina, Arthur
Cooper, Barry
Pendergrass, Kelly B.
Reeder, Craig
Savin, Michael A.
Spitzer, Gary
Tuscano, Joseph M.
Vandeventer, Hendrik
Eradat, Herbert A.
Masood, Aisha
Mena, Raul
F. T. Awan
P. Hillmen
A. Hellmann
T. Robak
S. G. Hughe
D. Trone
M. Shannon
I. W. Flinn
J. C. Byrd
L. U. C.
Riveros D, Iastrebner CM, Carney DA, Deveridge S, Durrant S, Hahn UH, Hertzberg M, Leahy MF, Ma D, Marlton P, Mulligan S, Opat SS, Tiley C, Wickham NW, Cannell P, Gatalano J, Cull G, B To L, Catalano J, Wickham NW, Hopfinger G, Jager U, Linkesch W, Petzer A, Schwarzmeier J, Steurer M, Greil R, Bememan Z, Bosly A, Bron D, Janssens A, Offner F, Van Den Neste EW, Wu KL, Van Hoof A, Maiolino A, Pinczowski H, Zanichelli MA, Pereira J, Larratt L, Spaner D, Howson-Jan K, Chen CI, Fernandez LA, Fraser G, Mayer J, Trneny M, Jebavy L, Bordessoule D, Lamy T, Milpied N, Eghbali H, Karsenti JM, Celigny PS, Cazin B, Gyan E, Lepretre S, Bergmann L, Tsionos K, Lokeshwar NM, Agarwal MB, Ross CR, Deshmukh CD, Narayanan G, Raina V, Bondarde SA, Shah BA, Bairey O, Ben-Yehuda D, Shvidel L, Ambrosetti A, Angelucci E, Carella AM, Massaia M, Zinzani PL, Caligaris-Cappio F, Foa R, Gaidano G, Leone G, Santoro A, Griskevicius L, Jurgutis R, Baker BW, Hawkins T, Corbett GM, Ganly P, D'Souza AB, Deptala A, Hellmann A, Holowiecki J, Kloczko J, Skotnicki A, Zdziarska B, Robak T, Dmoszynska A, Moreira I, Pereira AP, Colita A, Moicean AD, Gheorghita E, Vasilica M, Pavlov VV, Rossiev VA, Konstantinova T, Samoilova OS, Novgorod N, Shelekhova T, Zaritsky AY, Abdulkadyrov KM, Zyuzgin IS, Pristupa AS, Loscertales J, Casado LF, Gonzalez M, Ortuno F, Giraldo P, Servet M, Nathwani A, Howson-Jan K, Agrawal SG, Hillmen P, Rule S, Dearden CE, Bloor AJ, Haynes A, Singer C, Boclek RG, Bosserman LD, Chan D, Davidson SJ, Dichmann RA, Farber C, Guzley GJ, Hermann R, Hu E, Janakiraman N, Jonas W, Liem KD, Mcintyre RE, O'Brien S, Patel G, Rado T, Schilder R, Smith SE, Stock W, Turturro F, Venugopal P, Berry W, Boyd TE, Byrd J, Cooper M, Flinn I, Gersh R, Gordon D, Wilks ST, Klein A, Krauss JC, Lister J, Mandell L, Molina A, Pendergrass KB, Reeder C, Savin MA, Spitzer G, Tuscano JM, van Deventer H, Eradat HA, Cooper B, Masood A, Mena R.
Source :
British Journal of Haematology, 167, 4, pp. 466-77, British Journal of Haematology, 167, 466-77
Publication Year :


Item does not contain fulltext Lumiliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody that targets CD23 on the surface of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) B-cells. Early phase clinical studies with lumiliximab alone and in combination with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) established its potential efficacy and tolerability. The 152CL201 trial [Lumiliximab with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) versus FCR alone in subjects with relapsed CLL; LUCID] was a phase 2/3, randomized (1:1), open-label, multicentre study of lumiliximab in combination with FCR versus FCR alone in patients with relapsed CLL. Six hundred and twenty-seven patients were randomized to either arm. Overall the combination of lumiliximab with FCR was not significantly better than FCR alone (overall response rate 71% vs. 72%, complete response rate 16% vs. 15%, median progression-free survival 24.6 vs. 23.9 months respectively, for FCR with and without lumiliximab). There was a slightly increased incidence of adverse events with lumiliximab but these increases did not appear to lead to differences in eventual outcomes. An interim analysis failed to show sufficient efficacy of the combination of lumiliximab with FCR. The study was therefore stopped early for lack of efficacy. Despite the eventual outcome, the LUCID trial is one of the largest studies that provides valuable insight into the efficacy and tolerability of FCR as a therapeutic option for patients with relapsed CLL.


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Journal :
British Journal of Haematology, 167, 4, pp. 466-77, British Journal of Haematology, 167, 466-77
Accession number :