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Modified Expression of Moisture Diffusion Factor for Non-Oil-Immersed Insulation Paper

Authors :
Liao Wei
Lujia Wang
Lei Guo
Dongyang Wang
Lijun Zhou
Source :
IEEE Access, Vol 7, Pp 41315-41323 (2019)
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019.


Studying the moisture diffusion in non-oil-immersed insulation paper is helpful to optimize the drying process and improve the drying efficiency of oil-immersed equipment. Moisture diffusion factor (MDF) is the key parameter to describe the moisture diffusion in non-oil-immersed insulation paper. Thermal aging affects the moisture absorption capacity of insulation paper obviously, thus, this paper intends to modify the empirical expression of MDF by considering the effects of thermal aging. The transient moisture contents of non-oil-immersed insulation paper with different thicknesses were measured at 40 °C and 60 °C, respectively. Then, the experimental values of MDF were extracted, and the empirical expression of MDF was modified by considering the effects of thermal aging. Finally, the modified expression of MDF was verified. The following conclusion can be obtained: 1) the equilibrium time constant of non-oil-immersed insulation paper increases with thermal aging; 2) the moisture absorption rate of non-oil-immersed insulation paper decreases with thermal aging, and; 3) the modified expression of MDF is reasonable and effective.


Volume :
Database :
Journal :
IEEE Access
Accession number :