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Phenotypes determined by cluster analysis and their survival in the prospective European Scleroderma Trials and Research cohort of patients with systemic sclerosis

Authors :
Sobanski, Vincent
Giovannelli, Jonathan
Allanore, Yannick
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Airo, Paolo
Vettori, Serena
Cozzi, Franco
Distler, Oliver
Matucci-Cerinic, Marco
Denton, Christopher
Launay, David
Hachulla, Eric
Cerinic, Marco Matucci
Guiducci, Serena
Walker, Ulrich
Kyburz, Diego
Lapadula, Giovanni
Iannone, Florenzo
Maurer, Britta
Jordan, Suzana
Becvar, Radim
Sierakowsky, Stanislaw
Bielecka, Otylia Kowal
Cutolo, Maurizio
Sulli, Alberto
Valentini, Gabriele
Cuomo, Giovanna
Siegert, Elise
Rednic, Simona
Nicoara, Ileana
Kahan, Andre
Vlachoyiannopoulos, Panayiotis
Montecucco, Carlo
Caporali, Roberto
Stork, Jiri
Inanc, Murat
Carreira, Patricia E
Novak, Srdan
Czirjak, Laszlo
Varju, Cecilia
Chizzolini, Carlo
Kucharz, Eugene J
Kotulska, Anna
Kopec-Medrek, Magdalena
Widuchowska, Malgorzata
Rozman, Blaz
Mallia, Carmel
Coleiro, Bernard
Gabrielli, Armando
Farge, Dominique
Wu, Chen
Marjanovic, Zora
Faivre, Helene
Hij, Darin
Dhamadi, Roza
Hesselstrand, Roger
Wollheim, Frank
Wuttge, Dirk M
Andreasson, Kristofer
Martinovic, Duska
Balbir-Gurman, Alexandra
Braun-Moscovici, Yolanda
Trotta, Francesco
Lo Monaco, Andrea
Hunzelmann, Nicolas
Pellerito, Raffaele
Bambara, Lisa Maria
Caramaschi, Paola
Morovic-Vergles, Jadranka
Black, Carol
Damjanov, Nemanja
Henes, Joerg
Ortiz Santamaria, Vera
Heitmann, Stefan
Krasowska, Dorota
Seidel, Matthias
Hasler, Paul
Burkhardt, Harald
Himsel, Andrea
Bajocchi, Gianluigi
Nuova, Arcispedale Santa Maria
Salvador, Maria Joao
Pereira Da Silva, Jose Antonio
Stamenkovic, Bojana
Stankovic, Aleksandra
Selmi, Carlo Francesco
De Santis, Maria
Marasini, Bianca
Tikly, Mohammed
Ananieva, Lidia P
Denisov, Lev N
Mueller-Ladner, Ulf
Frerix, Marc
Tarner, Ingo
Scorza, Raffaella
Puppo, Francesco
Engelhart, Merete
Strauss, Gitte
Nielsen, Henrik
Damgaard, Kirsten
Szucs, Gabriella
Szamosi, Szilvia
Zea Mendoza, Antonio
de la Puente, Carlos
Sifuentes Giraldo, Walter Alberto
Midtvedt, Oyvind
Reiseter, Silje
Garen, Torhild
Valesini, Guido
Riccieri, Valeria
Ionescu, Ruxandra Maria
Opris, Daniela
Groseanu, Laura
Wigley, Fredrick M
Cornateanu, Roxana Sfrent
Ionitescu, Razvan
Gherghe, Ana Maria
Soare, Alina
Gorga, Marilena
Bojinca, Mihai
Mihai, Carina
Milicescu, Mihaela
Sunderkoetter, Cord
Kuhn, Annegret
Sandorfi, Nora
Schett, Georg
Distler, Joerg HW
Beyer, Christian
Meroni, Pierluigi
Ingegnoli, Francesca
Mouthon, Luc
De Keyser, Filip
Smith, Vanessa
Cantatore, Francesco Paolo
Corrado, Ada
Ullman, Susanne
Iversen, Line
von Muehlen, Carlos Alberto
Bohn, Jussara Marilu
Lonzetti, Lilian Scussel
Pozzi, Maria Rosa
Eyerich, Kilian
Hein, Ruediger
Knott, Elisabeth
Wiland, Piotr
Szmyrka-Kaczmarek, Magdalena
Sokolik, Renata
Morgiel, Ewa
Madej, Marta
Houssiau, Frederic A
Jose Alegre-Sancho, Juan
Krummel-Lorenz, Brigitte
Saar, Petra
Aringer, Martin
Guenther, Claudia
Westhovens, Rene
de Langhe, Ellen
Lenaerts, Jan
Anic, Branimir
Baresic, Marko
Mayer, Miroslav
Uprus, Maria
Otsa, Kati
Yavuz, Sule
Granel, Brigitte
Radominski, Sebastiao Cezar
Mueller, Carolina de Souza
Azevedo, Valderilio Feijo
Jimenez, Sergio
Busquets, Joanna
Agachi, Svetlana
Groppa, Liliana
Chiaburu, Lealea
Russu, Eugen
Popa, Sergei
Zenone, Thierry
Pileckyte, Margarita
Stebbings, Simon
Highton, John
Mathieu, Alessandro
Vacca, Alessandra
Sampaio-Barros, Percival D
Yoshinari, Natalino H
Marangoni, Roberta G
Martin, Patricia
Fuocco, Luiza
Stamp, Lisa
Chapman, Peter
O'Donnell, John
Solanki, Kamal
Doube, Alan
Veale, Douglas
O'Rourke, Marie
Loyo, Esthela
Li, Mengtao
Mohamed, Walid Ahmed Abdel Atty
Rosato, Edoardo
Amoroso, Antonio
Gigante, Antonietta
Oksel, Fahrettin
Yargucu, Figen
Tanaseanu, Cristina-Mihaela
Popescu, Monica
Dumitrascu, Alina
Tiglea, Isabela
Foti, Rosario
Chirieac, Rodica
Ancuta, Codrina
Furst, Daniel E
Villiger, Peter
Adler, Sabine
van Laar, Jacob
Kayser, Cristiane
Eduardo, Andrade Luis C
Fathi, Nihal
Hassanien, Manal
de la Pena Lefebvre, Paloma Garcia
Rodriguez Rubio, Silvia
Valero Exposito, Marta
Sibilia, Jean
Chatelus, Emmanuel
Gottenberg, Jacques Eric
Chifflot, Helene
Litinsky, Ira
Emery, Paul
Buch, Maya
Del Galdo, Francesco
Venalis, Algirdas
Butrimiene, Irena
Venalis, Paulius
Rugiene, Rita
Karpec, Diana
Saketkoo, Lesley Ann
Lasky, Joseph A
Kerzberg, Eduardo
Montoya, Fabiana
Cosentino, Vanesa
Limonta, Massimiliano
Brucato, Antonio Luca
Lupi, Elide
Rosner, Itzhak
Rozenbaum, Michael
Slobodin, Gleb
Boulman, Nina
Rimar, Doron
Couto, Maura
Spertini, Francois
Ribi, Camillo
Buss, Guillaume
Kahl, Sarah
Hsu, Vivien M
Chen, Fei
McCloskey, Deborah
Malveaux, Halina
Pasquali, Jean Louis
Martin, Thierry
Gorse, Audrey
Guffroy, Aurelien
Poindron, Vincent
EUSTAR Collaborators
Guiducci, S.
Walker, U.
Kyburz, D.
Lapadula, G.
Iannone, F.
Maurer, B.
Jordan, S.
Becvar, R.
Sierakowsky, S.
Kowal Bielecka, O.
Cutolo, M.
Sulli, A.
Valentini, G.
Cuomo, G.
Siegert, E.
Rednic, S.
Nicoara, I.
Kahan, A.
Vlachoyiannopoulos, P.
Montecucco, C.
Caporali, R.
Stork, J.
Inanc, M.
Carreira, P.E.
Novak, S.
Czirják, L.
Varju, C.
Chizzolini, C.
Kucharz, E.J.
Kotulska, A.
Kopec-Medrek, M.
Widuchowska, M.
Rozman, B.
Mallia, C.
Coleiro, B.
Gabrielli, A.
Farge, D.
Wu, C.
Marjanovic, Z.
Faivre, H.
Hij, D.
Dhamadi, R.
Airò, P.
Hesselstrand, R.
Wollheim, F.
Wuttge, D.M.
Andréasson, K.
Martinovic, D.
Balbir-Gurman, A.
Braun-Moscovici, Y.
Trotta, F.
Lo Monaco, A.
Hunzelmann, N.
Pellerito, R.
Mauriziano, O.
Maria Bambara, L.
Caramaschi, P.
Morovic-Vergles, J.
Black, C.
Damjanov, N.
Henes, J.
Ortiz Santamaria, V.
Heitmann, S.
Krasowska, D.
Seidel, M.
Hasler, P.
Burkhardt, H.
Himsel, A.
Bajocchi, G.
Maria Nuova, A.S.
João Salvador, M.
Pereira Da Silva, J.A.
Stamenkovic, B.
Stankovic, A.
Francesco Selmi, C.
De Santis, M.
Marasini, B.
Tikly, M.
Ananieva, L.P.
Denisov, L.N.
Müller-Ladner, U.
Frerix, M.
Tarner, I.
Scorza, R.
Puppo, F.
Engelhart, M.
Strauss, G.
Nielsen, H.
Damgaard, K.
Szücs, G.
Szamosi, S.
Zea Mendoza, A.
de la Puente, C.
Sifuentes Giraldo, W.A.
Midtvedt, Ø.
Reiseter, S.
Garen, T.
Valesini, G.
Riccieri, V.
Maria Ionescu, R.
Opris, D.
Groseanu, L.
Wigley, F.M.
Sfrent Cornateanu, R.
Ionitescu, R.
Maria Gherghe, A.
Soare, A.
Gorga, M.
Bojinca, M.
Mihai, C.
Milicescu, M.
Sunderkötter, C.
Kuhn, A.
Sandorfi, N.
Schett, G.
Distler, J.H.
Beyer, C.
Meroni, P.
Ingegnoli, F.
Mouthon, L.
De Keyser, F.
Smith, V.
Paolo Cantatore, F.
Corrado, A.
Ullman, S.
Iversen, L.
Alberto von Mühlen, C.
Marilu Bohn, J.
Scussel Lonzetti, L.
Rosa Pozzi, M.
Eyerich, K.
Hein, R.
Knott, E.
Wiland, P.
Szmyrka-Kaczmarek, M.
Sokolik, R.
Morgiel, E.
Madej, M.
Houssiau, F.A.
Jose Alegre-Sancho, J.
Krummel-Lorenz, B.
Saar, P.
Aringer, M.
Günther, C.
Westhovens, R.
de Langhe, E.
Lenaerts, J.
Anic, B.
Baresic, M.
Mayer, M.
Üprus, M.
Otsa, K.
Yavuz, S.
Granel, B.
Cezar Radominski, S.
de Souza Müller, C.
Azevedo, V.F.
Jimenez, S.
Busquets, J.
Agachi, S.
Groppa, L.
Chiaburu, L.
Russu, E.
Popa, S.
Zenone, T.
Pileckyte, M.
Stebbings, S.
Highton, J.
Mathieu, A.
Vacca, A.
Sampaio-Barros, P.D.
Yoshinari, N.H.
Marangoni, R.G.
Martin, P.
Fuocco, L.
Stamp, L.
Chapman, P.
O'Donnell, J.
Solanki, K.
Doube, A.
Veale, D.
O'Rourke, M.
Loyo, E.
Li, M.
Abdel Atty Mohamed, W.A.
Rosato, E.
Amoroso, A.
Gigante, A.
Oksel, F.
Yargucu, F.
Tanaseanu, C.M.
Popescu, M.
Dumitrascu, A.
Tiglea, I.
Foti, R.
Chirieac, R.
Ancuta, C.
Furst, D.E.
Villiger, P.
Adler, S.
van Laar, J.
Kayser, C.
Eduardo C, A.L.
Fathi, N.
Hassanien, M.
de la Peña Lefebvre, P.G.
Rodriguez Rubio, S.
Valero Exposito, M.
Sibilia, J.
Chatelus, E.
Gottenberg, J.E.
Chifflot, H.
Litinsky, I.
Emery, P.
Buch, M.
Del Galdo, F.
Venalis, A.
Butrimiene, I.
Venalis, P.
Rugiene, R.
Karpec, D.
Ann Saketkoo, L.
Lasky, J.A.
Kerzberg, E.
Montoya, F.
Cosentino, V.
Limonta, M.
Luca Brucato, A.
Lupi, E.
Rosner, I.
Rozenbaum, M.
Slobodin, G.
Boulman, N.
Rimar, D.
Couto, M.
Spertini, F.
Ribi, C.
Buss, G.
Kahl, S.
Hsu, V.M.
Chen, F.
McCloskey, D.
Malveaux, H.
Louis Pasquali, J.
Martin, T.
Gorse, A.
Guffroy, A.
Poindron, V.
Chizzolini, Carlo
Source :
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, Arthritis & rheumatology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 1553-1570, Arthritis & rheumatology, Hoboken : Wiley, 2019, vol. 71, iss. 9, p. 1553-1570, Arthritis & Rheumatology, Volume 71, Issue 9, Arthritis and Rheumatology, Vol. 71, No 9 (2019) pp. 1553-1570, r-FISABIO. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica, instname, r-FISABIO: Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica, Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
Publication Year :


OBJECTIVE: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a heterogeneous connective tissue disease that is typically subdivided into limited cutaneous SSc (lcSSc) and diffuse cutaneous SSc (dcSSc) depending on the extent of skin involvement. This subclassification may not capture the entire variability of clinical phenotypes. The European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database includes data on a prospective cohort of SSc patients from 122 European referral centers. This study was undertaken to perform a cluster analysis of EUSTAR data to distinguish and characterize homogeneous phenotypes without any a priori assumptions, and to examine survival among the clusters obtained. METHODS: A total of 11,318 patients were registered in the EUSTAR database, and 6,927 were included in the study. Twenty-four clinical and serologic variables were used for clustering. RESULTS: Clustering analyses provided a first delineation of 2 clusters showing moderate stability. In an exploratory attempt, we further characterized 6 homogeneous groups that differed with regard to their clinical features, autoantibody profile, and mortality. Some groups resembled usual dcSSc or lcSSc prototypes, but others exhibited unique features, such as a majority of lcSSc patients with a high rate of visceral damage and antitopoisomerase antibodies. Prognosis varied among groups and the presence of organ damage markedly impacted survival regardless of cutaneous involvement. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that restricting subsets of SSc patients to only those based on cutaneous involvement may not capture the complete heterogeneity of the disease. Organ damage and antibody profile should be taken into consideration when individuating homogeneous groups of patients with a distinct prognosis. ispartof: ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY vol:71 issue:9 pages:1553-1570 ispartof: location:United States status: published


Language :
15531570, 23265191, and 23265205
Database :
Journal :
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY, Arthritis & rheumatology, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 1553-1570, Arthritis & rheumatology, Hoboken : Wiley, 2019, vol. 71, iss. 9, p. 1553-1570, Arthritis & Rheumatology, Volume 71, Issue 9, Arthritis and Rheumatology, Vol. 71, No 9 (2019) pp. 1553-1570, r-FISABIO. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica, instname, r-FISABIO: Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica, Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
Accession number :